Those are some cute animations in there
There is very little in terms of games like populous, syndicate or dk; guess it would be silly to expect an actual dk-alike, but it was fun exploring what this little skeleton of a game has to offer. Yes, in all conscience i can't call it a 'game', there is nothing to do in this alpha, so i call it skeleton, and it riddled with holes (can't complain though).
The idea is (at least from look of it) that you buy cells around another cell and servants are little dots who randomly travel between those cells.
Mines are basically a farms made in the most straightforward way one can come up with - have mine, periodically click on it to get resources, upgrade to get more resources, that's all.
Characters can get levels, so you might expect some sort of leveling system, but there is none really - i still have no clue what difference levels make, but levelups can give random one time bonus of some resources or a trait that otherwise can be easily obtained by purchasing books and using on characters or gifting them items (like dolls); sometimes you get lucky and get some unique traits.
Traits like, for example, having scary face? Is it good thing?
Apparently, inside ideal dungeon everyone has faces like they survived the apocalypse and they talk to inanimate objects.
Four times i managed to impregnate some characters, three times futa had interaction with female which resulted in futa character getting pregnant.
One time of those was when i got starter zombie servant, she got fertile trait, so i decided to experiment and bought some poor futa from market, they both got pregnant and made offsprings - both were scary as heck...
Sure you can capture characters in combat - use shackles when hp is zero or so, but why would you do that? I figured that it is possible to just retrieve corpse and sell it - new living copy of that character will be spawned on the market.
Alternatively, after you caught someone, you can try and recruit them. They will say "pay up, bitch" and charge you a sum that would be enough to purchase entire character roster on the market. Just sell em and then buy them back.
Also if you want to get servants, but don't like what is on the market, there is additional roster of characters you can lure in with ritual for some gems (telling this because it took me some time to find out).
After you populated your dungeon, characters inside will spend their time going back and forth between cells and getting stuck because they got hungry or dirty.
The more cells you have, especially if placed like appendages, the more chances they will get stuck. The more servants you got, the more chances someone will get stuck. And they remain stuck until you manually feed and clean them. This is everything you end up doing and it's insufferable.
So, turns out all i needed is a throne, gold mine and the rest of the rooms filled with spike traps so invades be barely alive by the time they reach throne room. In fact screw the mine.
You know, if you were any kind of real keeper, you would have won by now, and as everyone knows the only winning move is choosing not to play.
Ofc i'm joking around here, i know things are made the way they are because they actually require a lot of effort, so i would expect some (or many) corners to be cut.