- Camera needs a 160 degree restriction in combat mode
- An easy mode where when you're at 0 health you simply get knocked down, and a normal mode where when you're at 0 health you get normal punishments
- A broken items inventory and repair potion
- Racial transformation brews that slowly make you > prodominately initial race > hybridized > prodominately transformed race > transformed fully
- Maybe remove the movement penalty from extra item belt perk? Reduced movement seems to get you stunlocked.
- Racial benefits
- Getting fucked while restrained
- Enemies of different races will try to take you to a fuck den by carrying you. If successful you will have a huge hastle of getting out of said racial den (Think the nest mechanic from DiBs), this is more easily achievable on easy mode.
- Penis size customization. Milimiter Penis, Micropenis, Small, Normal, Big, Thicc, Extra Thicc
- Scerla options for eyes
- a submission button that makes you and surrounding enemies horny when the player is bound in any way
- tribes of the same race of the player in dungeons have a %100 (Divided by a factor of what hybrid you are) chance to either act entirely friendly, or put you in your proper place and fuck the daylights outta you, the more hybridized you are and more transformed towards another race entirely, the less likely they'll act friendly upon entering.
- Gender Modifiers on routes: Always male for tribes, always herm, or always female.
- Lust added traits - traits that give you libido, or negatively affect you.
- Maybe have the player recover better from stunlocks and have I frames, once ya get knocked down on your ass, ya better hope you have a movement perk in this current build.
- An coins to gems conversion table in the shop, (infinite uses) and a gems to coins conversion table in the shop (infinite uses), both have equivalent and equal exchange rates. Want to chip in all the gold you've accrued into gems and break for the surface? You can do that. Want to amass perks via coins? Nothings stopping you from converting your gems one at a time.
And finally:
- Optimization. I'm running this on a very high end PC and there's a lot of lag. Did you make every torch it's own light source? That may be why it's so laggy. I recommend turning at least half into baked lights. And giving the player far more advanced graphics options.
EDIT: One last thing, maybe an autosave per dungeon route entrance you do? Tribes, dens, nests, etc.?