Others - Completed - Dungeons of Submission [Final] [Bomb-A-HEAD]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Dungeons of Submission [Final] [Bomb-A-HEAD]
    Art style that I don't know why but I liked it.
    Horrible gameplay, I like the "defeat" scenes, but the controls are bad. Also once I got the "game over" I didn't find any way to go back other than to press "ESC" and close the game completely.
    Large maps but without a logical sense, also by changing the map you will find the classic goblins, with the same scenes.
    There is no gallery, so if you want to review precise scenes, you have to go all the way and get beaten.
    0 story, 0 character, no full screen, no settings.
    Not recommended!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    graphics: rough but usable
    music: doesn't seem to be any until it randomly comes in on the seconds level
    gameplay: kinda fun, pretty basic, doesn't feel great
    bugs: saves are automatic but they are in weird places, makes it feel buggy but it probably just weird unexplained game rules. No other bugs seen
    story: none. there are just some wizards and goblins in a weird dungeon with strange contraptions
    porn: animated and comes with some very mediocre writing. More content than I expected, maybe a dozen animations, 3 or 4 for green gobline, maybs 3 for red goblin, 1 or 2 for wizard (depending how you count) and 2 for boss