Others - E-Thots: A NTR Game Set in a 100% interactive PC Interface [Ch.2 v2.5] [Archipote]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Never have I encountered a game on here that I want to like so much, yet ended up severely disliking...

    First of, if the dev reads this: please don't take this as a personal attack! You're clearly putting in a lot of effort and it's ultimately your game; you should make it however you want to. This is just the opinion of one random person on the Internet.

    That being said... Never have I played a game with so many obnoxious characters at once. I've played through all available content, up through the convention, and not once have any of the characters seemed remotely likeable. Maybe that's the point, I don't know, but it severely hampers my enjoyment. Why should I give a shit about anything that's happening, when no one in the story does?

    It comes across as what a 50 year old thinks a bunch of 20 year olds talk like nowadays, and it's not flattering. I get that at least some of it is meant as humour, but it's too much. It's nonstop noise, completely masking any vague attempts at characterization. No one is consistent, nobody seems to care, everything is played for laughs to the point of parody, and as such, I find myself unable to get even slightly invested.

    It's such a shame too, because the UI is great, the renders are great, and hell, most of the minigames are pretty decent too, even though there are arguably too many of them (and I found the convention a tad overdone. I think we could have done without the card packs, didn't feel like they added anything.)

    I hate that I have to write something so negative, because I love the concept. I want to love this game so damn much, but it just won't let me. It's a game all about the characters and their interactions, and unfortunately, those interactions are pretty abysmal.

    To end on a positive note, though: Thank you for making this game, dev! Even if it's not for me, I'm still happy it exists. If nothing else, it at least got me so passionate that it made me write my first review.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This has been on my radar for a while and I finally got around to playing- frankly I only have the barest idea of what the hell I'm doing, but this shit is cracking me up. Grade A writing, absolute bastard of an MC and every character earns the title of "God's Favorite Idiot." I'm not that far in so I haven't gotten to much of the sexy stuff, but what I've seen so far has been solid. Legit one of the games I'm playing just as much for the writing as the porn.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Difficult to rate. On the one hand, not being a huge fan of phone NTR games, this is no doubt one of if not the best of them:
    - The abrasive naturalistic writing starts to grow on you after a period of acclimation as the characters really do begin to feel like an existing bunch of vile discord dwellers instead of the usual crowd of lifeless walking stereotypes you get in these games. The balance of CRINGE/IMMERSION should definitely be tweaked though.
    - Honey Select models are uncharacteristically attractive here: I'm not an expert but of all the HS games I've played this one has by far the hottest models.

    On the other hand, the game lacks basic RP functions:
    - Instead of being able to choose your responses to the cast's shenanigans you're forced into the skin of a truly unlikeable, miserable cunt who's written in such a self-indulgent way it's genuinely impossible to imagine yourself as him for even a split-second. This is one of those examples where LESS character development would be a good thing.
    - This being an NTR game, you'd expect to at least be able to choose your outlook on Morgane's cheating but you instead get the main character's bizarre contrived response. It truly is puzzling as to what the dev was even going for with this one. Did he want to self-insert with Avar and a response that makes sense such as caring to any extent about his girlfriend cheating on him would make the character too much of a "cuck"? No clue but the damage is done as a lot of the immersion achieved through the way the love interests are written gets undermined by how oddly dehumanized the MC is.
    Likes: Rain01
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very unique in how it tells the story and the characters behind it aren't your usual run of the mill VN characters that you met a hundred times before. They can be quirky, silly , lovely, blunt and sometimes just weird, but it's actually very entertaining to read since they don't feel like just another set of NPCs. Of course there's also clichees and your usual porn logic (it's a porn game duh), but it feels like a lot of heart behind the writing, which not many games actually achieve.

    When i first played it was actually quite skeptical about the UI and narrative form, and was close to dropping it, but it definately won me over after a bit, and I can just encourage people to give this game a shot even if you don't initially like it. It's an amazing one.

    The weakness of the game is imo just the climax. There's a lot of setting up, teasing, fleshing out characters, silly little entertaining titbits etc. but once you actually come to the most interesting parts, it's just over too quickly. And I'm frankly not sure why. Both art and dialogue/story telling is amazing, but the actual'scenes' could easily be made quite a bit longer and would make it even much much better than it already is.
    But I've seen some improvement in that regard in the last update already, and the game is still quite young and already pretty steamy, so I'm very hyped for more.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I can't bring myself to go as low as one star, but this game came highly recommended and I couldn't find anything to like about it.

    Your world view is the desktop screen of a guy's computer. You read discord messages, then do a card game where you pick left or right for several cards, then you end the day and do it again.

    I expected the game to pull back from the computer after a few days, but it didn't, and the repetition started wearing me down. There is 3D CG of some scenes, but for non-scenes a lot of AI art is used, for example in the discord user profile pictures.

    You have three girls you have to manage right away, so there is a lot of chat to take in every single day, and most of the exposition being done through discord chat quickly ended up feeling more like answering work mail/messages than anything that got me interested.

    I'll give it points for an original idea and there clearly being work put into this, but I couldn't find any enjoyment in this game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A lot of text, but It's excellent and funny to read. Awesome characters and renders, cool gameplay! Hope to see more updates in future, one of the promising projects I'm constantly checking. If you are looking for something you can quickly jerk-off, that's not the right game
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    very good game I love the way it works and the story is amazing. I highly recommend everyone should give it a chance you wont regret it.:love::devilish:please share with friends and lets make this game thrive.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    yea, this might be the best NTR and game out there right now. the cg's are clearly top tier but the characters themselves are actually really fleshed out. yea, there's some cringe moments in the texts and sometimes it takes way too long for any sort of sexual interaction to occur, but it's eventually worth it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the more interesting games to play. Different from a lot of others, an emphasis on dialogue and characters. But the dialogue and characters are really well done!

    The game is on the more light hearted side when it comes to the dialogue, and how seriously it takes itself. The characters are wild, but interesting. The characters/women are very attractive!

    Love the updates that have been made as well, a lot of really interesting scenes and developments.

    This game is still early in development, and every update so far has introduced more goodness.

    The NTR is high quality, and is so far more of a netorase type than netorare. This could change, but for now that is how it seems to be.

    Looking forward to more developments, but so far it has gotten better and better.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I think where this game really nails the premise is the fact that Morgane has zero idea that Avar is aware of her antics, legitimately believing she is getting away with what she's doing. So many NTR games attempt this, but so few actually get it right, or there are zero consequences until the very end. In this game, consequences are unfolding alongside the activity, with Avar and Elaine's deal.

    I can confidently say that getting Morgane's 'phone' call actually made something stir in my chest, which no other AVN has managed to pull off. Is it the very familiar interface we're using pulling us in? Is it the characters having actual personalities, or motivations?

    One thing for certain, I'm actually looking forward to the potential story branching down the road, to have a say in how Avar will react once Morgane goes all the way (it's a porn game, she's going to eventually).

    In short, E-Thots is shaping up to be one of, if not the best NTR game of this style.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Wtf is this game?

    Nothing makes any sense. Feel like I'm having a stroke playing it
    Normal dialog in this game:
    You: "Hey, how are you?"
    Girl: "Hi I'm good!"
    You" SIKE fuck you, stupid bitch"
    Girl: "Aww :("
    You: "HAHAHA you think I care, dumb whore?"
    Girl "Do you wanna eat together :)?"
    You: "I would rather eat glass than be with your fat ass"
    Girl: "You don't love me?"
    You: "Nobody loves you, slut HAHAHA"

    Maybe you're thinking "oh, the girl has done something wrong!" NOPE. This is how the main character talks to everyone, even people he met 5 minutes ago

    This is a NORMAL conversation in this game, and it's 99% dialog. It's this over and over, it makes you feel like you are going crazy because nothing makes any sense

    Then there is going to your job, which is a card "game"? You pick 2 different choices, and its the same shit like you are on drugs:

    Girl: "Boss! Do you think I worked hard today?!"
    Option 1: "You never work hard anyway, dumbass"
    Option 2: "No, you have no talent anyway"

    What sort of insane person made this game? Why do people like it?

    At one time, you can look at your sister's DMs. First thing that happens is they send nudes to each other (what?) and instantly says something like "imagine if you sent this to your brother lol UwU"

    Most confusing game ever, like an insane asylum from opening the game

    Gets +1 star for graphics I guess
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a good update.

    The story line continued fine and I am currently happy with the direction things are going. I am also happy about the construction of the gallery. I was on the edge of my seat with each chat box popping up wondering when it would be the end and all the new content being uploaded.

    Onto less happy news, the gallery or more specifically the work gallery. Every time I did a job it added it the the gallery so I had a minimum of at least two or three repeated scenes in the gallery, for every single character too. Also it seemed one or two scenes did not get carried into the gallery. Morgan and Lucas car scene and the Morgan and Lucas Party kissing scene was not available even after a couple of re clicks.

    I am aware that the reason the work scenes are probably not being further updated right now is because you are waiting for that final push in the story to let them progress onto even more perverse stuff.

    The missing Thomas character is actually kind of a bummer to. He seemed like a nice support character even if he was overall a gateway into the rest of this stuff and I wish he had a comeback. I feel like this next update will be the one that pushes into the next level and having Thomas make a surprise comeback with a different attitude would be pretty cool. If she doesn't have sex with Lucas in this next update, I fully support her getting it back on with Thomas as a surprise. I also have a few reasons.

    One of my biggest reasons is because of who the other two people are, a well known playboy and a married man who's wife secretly fully supports this. Thomas has neither. Before Damian went alpha and over protective and made Morgan push him away, though she did ask if he was still ignoring her and he ignored that to, I believe it might have went further. Out of the three in total, Thomas was the one who she helped grow as a person and that had a profound impact on his life, having that image shattered of her should be another major turning point for him. While Lucas and Damian had hidden intentions veiled behind false mask, Thomas genuinely wanted her friendship more, he just made it well known he found he attractive and though asked for dates and whatnot, it was to spend actually time and not to just to get into her pants, unlike the other two that are using other means to make her like them, Lucas with offers of well paid jobs and Damian with material items. He did offer though, but only after he learned about it.

    That's really all I have to say on the matter. Overall good update, fix repeated gallery scenes from work, and have Thomas make a killer comeback. Though the last one is optional I feel the return of him might surprise some people since he seems written off now. I mean outside being told to humiliate him and enjoying it Morgan did seem like she liked Thomas as well so, maybe it feels stretched, but Thomas fucking her first would be so fucking awesome.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I never post reviews for games, even if I love them. But this game so bad I had to.
    I do not think this is a porn game, Just clicking and text. Please add the text based tag to this game. Boring slop, no scenes just endless brain dead dialogue. What is this?? Does not deserve the rating it has, other games which have 3 stars are better than this slop. Wasted my time -_-
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Build up is crazy, although memey feels realistic, art is hot. Only game I will ever sub to on Patreon 10/10.

    Dev has experimented with different styles of work system and is getting better each time, really want a gallery tho, and they're looking for an artist but it seems perfect for me so far.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Thoroughly enjoyed what the game offers so far - it's actually quite engaging and funny, look forward with what's to come.

    If you like egirls and have a penchant for NTR then this one is for you. It's quite a build up and introduces little elements of the backstory here and there whilst the corruption sets in.

    Update 2.4 is here and it only gets better from this point - looking forward to further update and will be subbing to patreon on payday :)
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I wanna keep this as short as possible for the dev's consideration.

    Mechanics changed very drastically between what I assume is the cut-off between CH1 and 2 which tells me they're very receptive, which is great! I wanted to preface this so it's clear where I stand when I say that the mechanics are missing a lot of either QoL or supplementary mechanics that'd make the game much more intuitive.

    Before I get into the separate mechanics of the respective chapters, I wanna talk about the agency and the interface.

    Which is that there's very little in the way of actually MANAGING the agency. Maybe you don't want to make it a "management" game, okay that's cool. Respectfully, however, the premise lends itself so much to being about managing the agency and what the girls do given that we're playing the owner and manager of the agency and I really feel like the P.C. interface should play a bigger role other than checking Despot for discussions.

    IMO there's a lot you can do with a P.C. interface and relegating it to a singular phase in the game where you click a button over and over again for new dialogue is tedious. That isn't a knock on the narrative of the game; It's entirely why I have 3 stars! I'm hooked on the story and I'm going to be here for it all the way through! It just doesn't change that how that story is being fed to me is simply not appetizing.

    If you really want different phases in gameplay I really think the separation should be in which P.C. you're interfacing. And this is just an idea here: You can have clearly distinguished P.C. interfaces. The P.C. at home and the office P.C.. And, if you REALLY wanna throw players for a loop, there can be a day where you show a completely different P.C.. Showing a perspective outside of the protagonist. Again, a lot of cool mechanics can be used in a simple interface like this. You can do a FNAF-style camera system, e-mails-- Anything to spice up how the player participates in the narrative because this is a great core mechanic waiting to be used.

    Ch.1: I actually found the card system to be REALLY fun! I was a little disappointed when it was taken away in CH.2. Mainly because it was moreso part of the gameplay loop rather than a 2-day event. And it feels like an, albeit minor way, to actually engage with the characters.

    CH.2: While there are clear improvements in terms of what we're getting out of this chapter; the 'phase 2' mechanic is not very intuitive. Having pretty much just 2 days where we actually do anything just made me want to spread the 2 days apart during the week so it doesn't feel like I'm clicking the same buttons over and over again throughout the rest of the week. There's, like, 2 or 3 events that take place outside of the P.C. interface... While they have a cool gameboy aesthetic; they kind of just take me out of the experience more than anything. There's all sorts of things happening that even our character is participating in outside of the P.C. interface and I can't understand why specifically only these events are being shown to us. It's a bit of a thematic clash.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, i love everything that this dev is doing, specially on the second part, that its very clear he realized the stuff that was a little bit tedious and simplified things for the better. Art is beautiful, writing is great and fun and plays smoth.I imagine later with more content inside the game, the "week" will feel a little bit more interactive, to point maybe something not bad, but to later improve.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game.

    It's one of those few NTR games that actually tries to be not just mediocre, but genuinely competent at times. The execution is great:
    • Despite having Illusion graphics, they don't look as washed out as some other games on this site. Would appreciate more bodytype variety, though.
    • The whole game as is is pretty well done. It's not just an HTML/Ren'Py slideshow, but rather an environment that mimics an actual PC. Not the first to do it, but certainly one of the best
    • The Crowns-esque minigame is actually a pretty fun way to set the progression. The Despot chats are a lot slower and sometimes annoying, but otherwise fine
    The main thing that defines this game is the writing. It's the particular sort of 'haha, am funni cus i swear' humor that you find in a lot of these games: lots of sarcastic back and forth, surreal topics and exaggerated characterization. Nothing new or particularly great, but if you're into that sort of thing, it's fine. I tolerate it to an extent and, admittedly, it is pretty funny at times. I guess whether you find it funny or not depends on if you're used to the same kind of interactions with other people IRL.

    All in all, a solid experience, although a slow-moving one. I feel like it's a comedy VN first, porn game second, so keep your horny expectations in check (although when it comes to lewdness, it's pretty darn good).
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoy the NTR aspect of this game, especially the conversations Morgane has with Thomas. Morgane asking Thomas to call her while he masturbates was pretty hot. The fact that she doesn't reveal anything to you (The protagonist) keeps you on edge as to what she might do next. I also like that Morgane wasn't completely open to doing anything with Thomas but opened up slowly.

    I find myself eagerly awaiting for messages to pop up on her despot account more than my own despot account as that's where most of the NTR plot is at. I also feel like a full-blown snooper :LOL: but I like that about this game. The full despot interface helps you to immerse yourself in the gameplay.

    Having said that, is this game free of flaws?
    Not exactly, I found the work aspect of the game a tad bit tedious - to unlock a scene, you need to get a girl to perform the task twice minimum and the switching of the camera takes some time to pan to that location so that's quite annoying.

    There was also one bug which I found (mentioned below), though it's not game-breaking so it does not affect me all too much.

    What would I like to see more?
    This is purely my own preference but as an NTR fan, maybe more content on Despot and Hot Hoot would be nice where messages/photos tell a story driving the NTR plot and keeping you on the edge of your seat. So far, Hot Hoot hasn't really painted any story so perhaps more content there would be nice. I would also like to see links between Morgane Despot messages and my own messages (e.g. only one side of the story shown in my messages but you get to see the full story/picture on Morgane's Despot account, either from sending or receiving messages/pictures).

    There is also a lot of fluff on Despot as well (Messages that do not contribute to the story or plot) but some can argue it helps to add character and personality so I won't fault the game for that as long as the story and fluff are well-balanced.

    Who is the intended audience for this game?
    This game targets a niche group of people
    • Firstly, people who enjoy NTR and
    • Secondly, people who love to get a story via the discord-like messaging platform, Despot.
    Instead of your typical visual novel, most of the story and plot are driven via Despot. The occasional visuals are a nice way to link your imagination with the Despot texts but most of the contents in this game are texts. The usage of emojis adds to the immersion and personality of the character as well. If this ticks your checkboxes, then you'll most likely enjoy this game.

    - A very well-polished game, I've only ever seen one bug as of Ch2 v2.2
    1. When Thomas sends a screenshot of Damien's message to Morgane, the image does not resize properly, causing text to overlap with the picture (Updated by the dev that it has been fixed in Ch2 v2.3!)
    - Unique concept where the NTR story/plot is driven via texts and occasional photos on Despot (Discord-like interface)

    Overall, I love the game, kudos to the dev, Archipote and keep up the great work! I hope that my feedback is helpful and constructive. I look forward to future updates and would love to see some of my requests implemented.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is so boring that my dick shriveled up and my balls shrank. It is basically dialogue and not very good dialogue either with an occasional image thrown in here and there, very occasionally.

    It is basically a card game where you can't see anyone while you are playing and everyone is nasty to everyone else.