can't bring myself to care about playing this anymore.
the fighting part is ok, the H part is almost non existent.
I've grinded through 66 player/mc levels. you have to do this in a dungeon with levels. each level includes RNG for what you face, how you fight, and so on, boosted by equipment upgrades. then there's additional RNG every 20 levels to find the boss on that level, required to advance to the next level, and RNG to find every next level (yes, each one the whole way to level 80 or wherever I stopped).
even with enough upgrades to not worry about fight outcomes, you're still bound to grind the levels, stop for replenishing fight gates (such as hunger and thirst in your fridge on another plane of existence), and so on.
I've run the rebirth thing once. it netted me a single arcane coin. you need coins for upgrades, some of which make fighting easier, some of which unlock sex abilities, and some unlock additional H scenes that won't be purchasable until at least 30 times the amount of grinding I've done so far.
I've only met 3 of the 5 girls (LIs) in the banner. the main LI is your sister, with whom you can grind/ progress through hugging, kissing on the cheek, really kissing, hj, finger, bj, cunn, and 69. to do anything else requires a coins purchase.
the other 2 girls you can get as far as kissing on the cheek or really kissing. that's the whole game right now aside from a little exposition on why you're in the other dimension in the first place and why you're grinding the dungeon... which, while not a horrible dungeon delving experience, is basically 99% of the game.
it was interesting to experience - once - and I'm done. the time sink just isn't worth the tiny reward to date.