Very well-made Persona-like game that pushes the visual limits of RPGMaker, with pleasant, fully custom-made artwork for every part of the game.
Core fetishes of defeat, exhibitionism, corruption, and battlefuck have a LOT of CGs and scenes, and even outside of H-content, there is a high level of attention to detail and great polish after many updates that added necessary Quality of Life features like Mini-Map, City Map, new questlines that grant good rewards, etc..
There are only a few visual bugs and none which are game-breaking or frustrating to progress against.
Story isn't wholly original and may feel slightly rushed at times, but characters are consistently fun when interacting with each other. Past the first week, the plot picks up and becomes interesting enough to entertain on its own merits. I stopped bothering with sexual content near the late-game just so I could see the somewhat predictable mystery unfold and find out what happens to the characters.
First run's pacing and difficulty is challenging but fair, but quickly becomes easier as the MC levels up and obtains equipment. Combat is of fair quality, and currently the implemented mechanics do work together somewhat well to create fun and unpredictable fights. Lots of potential to expand the combat system with its TP meter, boost mechanic, and wide variety of skills and equipment. However, outside of boss fights, combat can seem wide-but-shallow and tedious like many JRPGs. On a positive note, the game never made me grind a lot to properly scale the MC's strength to new enemies. Grinding 1 or 2 extra levels goes a long way, especially if players save up money and purchase higher level weapons early on rather than buying and trading in each weapon.
New Game Plus opens a lot more opportunities and CGs for players to engage in, and the Innocence mechanic sets proper limits so that players must commit to a High or Low innocence run, incentivizing multiple playthroughs and adding a large amount of replayability.
Soundtrack is great and varied in battle themes, location music, and properly mixed to a pleasant and convenient volume.
Overall, a worthwhile, highly polished and content complete game worth purchasing for the 8+ hours for a first playthrough and 20-25+ hours of content for completionists. A memorable experience that never felt like it overstayed its welcome; any further updates will be sure to enhance this game to an incredible content density.