RPGM - Echoes of the town [v2.9.4] [Taizei]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm sorry, but this game wastes way too much time and the scenes are too short and dry.

    As a game with a story I would rate it 6/10 and as a porn game it's even worse.
    - The scenes are literally 2-3 screens and finish, often reused without even changing the text.
    -The amount of grind to progress jobs is stupid.
    -Distances between places is good to make maps look nice, but the character would need to move 2-3 times faster for it to not be tedious.
    - Absolute lack of any sidequest hints makes checking the maps for new events a chore.

    I could add a few more, but I will stop here.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well-made Persona-like game that pushes the visual limits of RPGMaker, with pleasant, fully custom-made artwork for every part of the game.

    Core fetishes of defeat, exhibitionism, corruption, and battlefuck have a LOT of CGs and scenes, and even outside of H-content, there is a high level of attention to detail and great polish after many updates that added necessary Quality of Life features like Mini-Map, City Map, new questlines that grant good rewards, etc..

    There are only a few visual bugs and none which are game-breaking or frustrating to progress against.

    Story isn't wholly original and may feel slightly rushed at times, but characters are consistently fun when interacting with each other. Past the first week, the plot picks up and becomes interesting enough to entertain on its own merits. I stopped bothering with sexual content near the late-game just so I could see the somewhat predictable mystery unfold and find out what happens to the characters.

    First run's pacing and difficulty is challenging but fair, but quickly becomes easier as the MC levels up and obtains equipment. Combat is of fair quality, and currently the implemented mechanics do work together somewhat well to create fun and unpredictable fights. Lots of potential to expand the combat system with its TP meter, boost mechanic, and wide variety of skills and equipment. However, outside of boss fights, combat can seem wide-but-shallow and tedious like many JRPGs. On a positive note, the game never made me grind a lot to properly scale the MC's strength to new enemies. Grinding 1 or 2 extra levels goes a long way, especially if players save up money and purchase higher level weapons early on rather than buying and trading in each weapon.

    New Game Plus opens a lot more opportunities and CGs for players to engage in, and the Innocence mechanic sets proper limits so that players must commit to a High or Low innocence run, incentivizing multiple playthroughs and adding a large amount of replayability.

    Soundtrack is great and varied in battle themes, location music, and properly mixed to a pleasant and convenient volume.

    Overall, a worthwhile, highly polished and content complete game worth purchasing for the 8+ hours for a first playthrough and 20-25+ hours of content for completionists. A memorable experience that never felt like it overstayed its welcome; any further updates will be sure to enhance this game to an incredible content density.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has changed a lot, I played 1.8 back in around april or so, the game has gone from around 28 Scenes to 51 (In the newest version)

    One of the best improvements was the minimap, it helped the game a lot since the map is a bit big, and you could easily get lost.

    The developer is really active and will reply anything you ask him, And seems like he will work on this for a while longer, but idk If he will keep updating pass Steam release.

    The animations are really good, specially the newest ones, it really shows how the artists has been getting progressively better.

    The Story is decent/good, probably a drag sometimes, but overall decent.

    Combat... You probably will hate it if you are not into JRPGs tbh, but knowing where to find stuff, goes a long way in this game.

    The grid/walking might be a problem sometimes but if you get used to it you will not mind it.

    This one is definitely one of the best RPG maker games out there, everything (Except for enemies) are worked from the ground up.

    And the game was developed fairly quickly, from what I know the game is about a bit over a year since development
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Review is for v2.1.9
    Really hard to get into.
    I have a hard time giving this a bad rating because there's a lot good here when it comes to being a game, but the game is so open and there is very little to do right now, so going back and forth between areas takes way too long. For a game that's about exploring and finding events, it takes too long to move about the map. As a personal opinion, I don't like the angled map, it makes finding entrances and exits for areas a lot harder.
    Over all it's a good rpgmaker game, but a poor hentai game right now. There may be content farther along that I just haven't seen, but I don't want to run around a map for an hour, that has random encounters, just to start the corruption.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A great amount of effort was put into this game. You'll recognise it in the first 30 seconds. The quality is exceptional from the design to the art style. Each environment has a crazy amount of detail. The MC's design in particular is great. The sex scenes are great too. If you enjoy good games, then give this one a try. The reason this has a low rating as of right now is the same reason that Summertime Saga has a high rating.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Firs issue the Gameplay WTH is this, its just work and wait to get an event that will only occur in a expecific day in that side its just anoying and tedius to play. But i will hope it gets a mor update to ficx these problems. the desing are meh the animations are good tought. Butsitill it fell uncomplete so i will wait , but for now it gets an 4/10 meh game meh wank (Sorry for my bad english)
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is really good, but i find the scenes to be kinda meh. The gameplay is really annoying since new events only occur when a certain day is reached rather than events being completed. This makes it so that exploring the town is a waste of your time and you just go to work twice then end the day and do the same again until a day threshold is met. The story is a little out there but its okay.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    still in progress. but the art is amazing, the the sex scene show up fairly early on compared to some other games i played. my only grip is that interacting it hard to get into the sweet spot to properly interact with some objects and people.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    version 1.5.3
    I had expected much more from the post release version

    art is good
    story is meh
    writing overall is good
    gameloop is kinda boring
    quests are buggy

    The developer is trying to implement 2 paths of walkthrough: “pure” and “devilish”. Currently it seems that the devil path is not complete because at some point you will be softlocked.
    Its currently not possible to switch from one path to another and over time you will notice that some quests and other content are not available for you.

    Got pleasure from reading quest dialogues and town NPC dialogues, but the quality of the writing overall ranges from good to terrible.

    Each game day is divided into 4 parts: morning, afternoon, evening and night.
    At the beginning of the day you go from point “A” to point “B” (or “C”, “D”, etc.), and at the end of the day you return to point “A”.
    There's no random events, there's no point in exploring the city except for times then you have a quest, so the game quickly becomes boring.
    The quests is damn buggy, I think only half of them work fine,
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    I really love the way Echoes of the Town looks, but that's just about the only thing worth liking. Other than the appearance, the game is basically typical RPGM fare. Get money to pay a debt, fight stuff in stylish looking but boring combat, there's something like a story in the background that's barely worth reading, you get it. Art that looks this good really deserves a better game to go with it.

    Oh, like half the scenes are rape by the way. Game kinda needs that tag.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    As 14/11/23 game is just grindy as hell and confusing.

    We have a girl that progresses from 100 innosence to like 0 in a week, there is no feeling of corruption at all. Im pretty sure you can get to 0 (not like it means much anyway) in 4 days if you go out for it.

    Scenes are good if we compare them to standart quality on this site, but execution is beyond boring. It mostly goes "wanna suck" "yes" and thats it. Also lets add the fact that there is no guide or anything of sort. You just pass days by working and fighting enemies that could as well not be in the game.

    There are some side quests that are mostly pointless? Feels unfinished. Could be 4 stars if corruption had more sence and game being less confusing and grindy.

    Also message of "I cant hold any longer" when she hits her lust is just why? To find you can have sex with randos on the street you need to press down arrow and Z. Also it appears quite suddenly I guess unlocked with innosence.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly well done so far. Some game design pointers: on night 3 or 4 there is an unavoidable boss fight without any warning or chance to save. I died at that point and lost a little bit of process, but it was because I just happened to save beforehand. It would be good to warn the player. Additionally there could be more pointers at what the player is supposed to be doing, and even a choice to disable random encounters. I don't want to explore the city in case there's a new NPC or something when that means i'd have to go through 5 random encounters, you know? Overall however these are small things that annoy me in an otherwise amazing game, so I recommend people to give it a shot