Unity - Completed - Edgelords [v1.2.1.0] [Sinner's Lotion]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A fun little card game experience. Not exactly a deckbuilder since you're mainly constricted to the four themed decks each character has (I say mainly, as there are minor deckbuilding elements in the Gauntlet gamemode, but in that one too you're mostly going to run with your starter), which eats into the replay value once you've seen all 16 decks. Likewise, you fight against enemy versions of the decks of the characters you did not pick.

    Game has good production values, with some bespoke voicelines, is mostly bug free, and feels good to play. The porn content is well made too, though otherwise not really the selling point. There are a few animated clips you get when you win, a couple collectible CGs if you lose (each character having a victory animation and a loss CG for each other character), but other than that it's mostly the card art and the character dolls getting stripped when they take damage. Approach this more as a porn-flavored card game more than a pure porn game and you'll have a better time.

    The difficulty is on the lower side if you're at all familiar with the genre. Anybody complaining about RNG or about 'being at a disadvantage' simply has no idea how these games work. The clocks the enemy decks put on you are relatively gentle, every player deck has some form of answer against every enemy deck, and you can retain cards in hand at will as you cycle through your own, so as long as you have the faintest clue what you're doing you should not have problems.

    Regardless, five stars for a well made and well realized game with good production values that does what it wants to do quite well and does not overstay its welcome.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I'd say it's pretty good. What impressed me at first is the game has decent budget. Unlike many other solo-duo developed games the game just feels good to play. You got high quality art and fluid animations, voice acting, cool music, responsive interface, next to no bugs and some actual decent chunk of content. The game is at least somewhat polished, even if it's not quite complete yet.

    The biggest problem is the lack of proper tutorial, that would ease you into the gameplay and it's many systems. It's not as RNG as people think (not more so than any other card-based game). Note that it lacks proper deck-building, which is fine by me, but might be a problem for others. And even though the art itself is great, it lacks any real kinks (besides futa, I guess).

    Overall a 3,5/5, definitely give it a try (or at least watch the gallery).
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    It's fine as a card game with some asterisks, but as a deckbuilding game it almost fails to deliver on the promise.

    For the first game mode you have 4 girls (read: classes) available to play, and 4 locations that offer slight alterations to each deck. Therefore, it offers you 16 pre-constructed decks. Problem is, they are not really fun to play. Or at least the ones I tried relied on tedious board control while your one shot move powers up for some 20 turns. TWENTY TURNS, both the wizard and the undead girls work basically like this. It's just boring.

    The gauntlet mode is slightly better, as it offers some ability to alter the deck, and some lewd events. But not that much, some opponents are still a damn chore to beat. A 20 turn battle is not okay if your cards don't offer A LOT more fun synergies.

    The porn is... okay. 2D vector animations are smooth, as expected, but quite short and repetitive. Nicely voiced, though. One thing that pissed me off was that you need to lose 12 times (lose with each girl to each other of the three girls, 12 combinations total) to unlock all the gameover CGs. The CGs themselves are repetitive so it is not worth it at all, but this little mechanic illustrates the attitude this dev has very well.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Who playtested this? It is absolutely cancerous experience to get through the 3 bosses in the first game mode, they have 35 more hp than you and the cards you get are absolutely ass, while they mass spam auto attack cards or auto heal. Horrid experience for mediocre reward, I mean the art is as if I am watching aq.com characters get laid. I wouldn't be surprised if it was from the very same artist but that's besides the point, you get the reference I am getting through, the art, is erh.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    for V1.1.0 beta
    + art isn't ugly
    +card game is always a novel fun

    - balance is pretty bad and you're blatantly at a disadvantage. it's hard to argue something is a skill issue when it's complete RNG and the choices you can input is extremely limited
    -gameplay loop is fairly boring, going back to the first point, there is seemingly little to no actual choice you can make (hence why it's not exactly fair to call it "difficult". Having to manually activate these cost-free-no-choice cards when it should just be played automatically is a waste of the player's time.
    - worse, your pay off isn't really worth the trouble of playing this game. the cg looks.... okay

    it would have ranked to the lowest if I didn't think it just needs to be polished and fixed but in the current state, it's an actual waste of time to get this game even for free on a pirating site since you have to pay for utilities and internet for a game that doesn't feel fun playing.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent. Worth a look for the great card art and the unique gameplay, but not the mediocre h scenes which quickly become repetitive.

    The art on the cards is playful and sexy. I feel like the artist had fun making them, and they definitely keep the tone light. It stands well above the uninspired, repetitive h scenes that come at the end of fights (there isn't even a unique scene for each pair of characters). Aside from a quick epilogue that recycles images, there isn't any story either.

    There were quite a few decent ideas. I feel like it took the basic Slay-the-Spire energy system as a jumping off point and went in a great direction. Each deck feels like a different puzzle - figuring out which cards you need for your strategy and which cards will help you thwart your opponent is fun.

    There are a couple missed opportunities. Half the fun of a deckbuilder is getting to decide which cards go into the deck, but the player has no such control. I also thought the game would do more with the physical location of the cards on the playing field. Only one deck out of the eight I played through had any cards that impacted "adjacent cards" - I wonder if the creator just couldn't make it work, and didn't want to eliminate it entirely.

    If you want to try a couple hours of solid gameplay accompanied by snippets of great art, give this one a try. If you're looking for quality sex scenes, compelling narrative, or really any good writing at all, keep looking.
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Karl Speidel

    Not a bad concept for a game,the art is good and I appreciate that it tried to be something different than the 6000000000th VN or the like,however the game is not solid in gameplay or music and it doesnt have a story,I tried to give it a go but the gameplay is not worth it.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Johanna Jane

    Very interesting concept decently well executed.

    The 4x3 battlegrid seems mostly pointless; VERY rarely does a card's location matter at all.

    Also, the very limited selection of animated scenes don't really do it for me.

    Gameplay is pretty well-designed, and the cardgame itself made me think.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    In a sentence
    A surprisingly deep and enjoyable card game that is a hidden gem for people that enjoy roguelike deckbuilders.

    Choose from one of four characters, each with four unlockable decks, and play through a short gauntlet against the remaining three characters. Unlock scenes and additional decks on victory.

    Balance is overall pretty good, card game experts will find the game fairly easy. This game was patched after it's initial release to lower the difficulty, I think the devs would be well served by offering difficulty options - unfortunately to change the difficulty they basically just buffed many of the player cards, and while this helps with overall balance these types of adjustments don't mesh well with easier difficulty.

    The developer clearly has some game design knowledge and an interest in making a balanced game. Outstanding quality compared to most of what you can find for porn games.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    ..and then Edge said "Finally, I am now the Edgelord!"

    Edge Lords is a deck-fighter where you fight a gauntlet of enemies to eventually become the Lord of the Edges (or Edgelord for short). In terms of total playtime/replayability, I'd say it's about 8-13 hours, assuming you go through every deck type and costyne. This is also your first and last warning, all the CG is futa, so if you're one of those vanilla harem male MC fans, this is a good time to click off.

    What to expect:
    • Deck-based combat
    • No real story
    • Alot of futa.
    Gameplay Overview
    In this game, you pick a deck (themed around either lust, doomsday, magic, or action), and pick a varient/costume, if you have any unlocked. Also, this game doesn't actually include any deck-building, it's more like an arcade fighting game. You stay the same strength and fight the next enemy until you win, with 3 enemies per run. However, enemies are one of four varients, giving you about 16 enemy types each fighting in a different way.

    Enemies in this game also have 40 health compared to your 15, but your deck of cards and abilities allows you to overcome this. The enemy also attacks you directly, and uses more minions than glyphs. Basically, you'll have to put a bit of effort into winning this game.

    As for the game's balancing, there's a couple issues regarding the player decks. Some are just really overpowered like the demon decks, and some deck varients for the fairy suck. But of course, you don't need to really play any of the bad decks.


    Deck Archetypes

    An issue I've seen with the few deck games I played was that starter/deck types didn't seem to matter much, and each run always felt same-y. However, there's a unique experience for all 4 decks in Edge Lords, each having a different focus. On top of that, there's even 4 varients of each main deck type.

    While I'm not the biggest admirer of character designs, the character designs are pretty well-done. So some bonus points for that.

    When you've played enough porn games, you'll have at least found one, or maybe even more, that fumbled the sexual content. Examples include too little content, not enough buildup, or general carelessness. But Edge Lords does better than avoiding a failing grade, it succeeds at distributing the sexual content.

    Poor Tutorial

    There are certainly more complex games with worse tutorials, but that's no excuse. The tutorial you get is found in the rulebook, and doesn't explain the mechanics too well. However, learning the mechanics on your own shouldn't take long. In the wider scope of things, this isn't a huge downside.

    In the modern state of porn games, Edge Lords is a pretty refreshing experience. Even outside of that, the game is still a 8.5/10. For those who don't mind, or like futa, I would heavily reccomend playing this game.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Cool, but slow and I got a gamebreaking bug.

    -Story, Originality
    You are 1 of 4 monstergirls and you have to dominate other 3.

    Good 2D art.

    Okay music, sounds, h-sounds.

    Can finish in an hour if you are daring and lucky... I wasn't.
    While enemy has 6-8 times your HP you have to finish her with a spoon (figuratively speaking).

    Works fine, but...

    Played as demon girl, finished fairy and the second enemy plays a card that breaks and game can't be progressed...

    2D animations.

    -Voice Acting
    No voices.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    Good card game with some h-scenes (1 per pair of characters).
    Not a lot, but fine.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    it's a good card game, you have a personalized strategies for every character, unless, the game tends to be repetitive playing more than once. i would have set trading cards and also more sex scenes or effects related to specific cards, hope to see it in future games.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Thanks to this upload I decided it was worth purchasing on Steam and after seeing updates and the devs interaction with the community I can see it becoming a really fun and polished game down the road. I'm rating based on my experience of the game with patches, etc. and my experience with the devs and such.

    Yes, the animations aren't the most top notch I've seen. However, the art is from the amazing DankoDeadZone, the gameplay is fun and ever being improved, and me personally I actually kinda enjoy that while it is VERY much a lewd game it isn't so much HENTAI! CG! ALL THERE IS IS FUCKING that I can't just enjoy the gameplay when I'm not even horny lol
  14. 3.00 star(s)



    I don't know, I kinda liked this one.
    Sure some of the game play is pretty simplistic, and the lewds are pretty weak. But yet, I found myself actually playing the game for a good several hours. The game play can be sometimes frustrating, but show me a deck builder that isn't at times. In fact I'd say my biggest complaint is that you can't actually customize or build your deck. At least not in the first few hours I played.

    It's not great, but it's not bad either.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A futa-centric game with 3 futa-on-futa scenes and 9 futa-on-female scenes. The loop of the game is simple, choose a character and prebuilt deck then you play a tabletop card game against the other three playable characters, each victory rewarding you with an animated scene. There are four characters total, with each 'run' through the game giving you three new scenes and unlocking new decks for the foes you defeat. There are a total of 16 character/deck combinations, so plenty of replayability even after unlocking all the scenes as you will continue unlocking art via the new cards you discover.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    After about 4 hours and getting many softlocks I finally have enough to make a review for this game.

    First I'll start with the good.
    -Decent premise for a card game it's similar to hearthstone where you summon minions, but it also includes yugioh style field spell cards that they call glyphs in game. It also includes some cards that deal direct damage.
    -The music and sound effects are fairly good. Every card has a unique voice line and when the music decides to play seriously it cuts out so often it makes the game feel slightly more entertaining.
    -The character and card designs are pretty nice and each character has 3 alts that have their own decks all of which has battle damage and plays a cute animation where they react to getting stripped.

    Unfortunately that's where the good ends.
    First of all the player only gets 15 health while your opponent gets 40 this completely destroys the balance of the game making it so you have to play the character Deathgrip because she ignores their health. The dev tries to make it seem like you're gonna be there awhile because it has a countdown however after playing with normal decks it's the same amount of time if not shorter.

    Speaking of decks besides Deathgrip's decks none of the other characters have any synergy with their deck. For example Lilith's entire strategy is to hurt herself for a stamina boost to play more cars, but she either doesn't have any way to heal herself or she barely has enough energy to heal the damage back. This game also does the classic opponent having a completely different deck to what you can play with leading to you having the gimped trash version of the hell you went through to actually obtain said character and deck. The health disparity also comes back to bite the ass of card balance as both of you are only allowed to do 1-3 damage per card unless you use one of two characters that have a scaling card. This makes the games take way too long I'd say at least 15 minutes if you don't get instantly stomped by the AI. In fact some decks are just straight trash (you'll know because you'll actually be able to beat them within 15 minutes) that do nothing but waste time until you finally get put down by Deathgrip because she's completely anti stall while being a stall deck and always has some way to instantly win. One character just plays a card that soft locks the game forcing you to restart the run.

    This last part is more neutral. Personally the sex scenes are decent but they are not worth playing the game for. They're all really generic and all the characters have at least one version that looks the same as each other. Only playing when you win all the girls also become a futa despite clearly only one having a cock in her design. Why not have one where one uses the blunt end of their weapon to fuck her opponent. You have a game where you can literally do anything and you choose to just give them a dick and call it a day?

    Overall this game is only good as an example of what not to do when making a game as well as hiring, or just releasing a beta build to balance test because most of mine as well as other people's complaint could have been prevented if someone just told the dev "dam this shit sucks change this".
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    Need for Sneed

    The Good
    -It's not an RPGmaker collect-a-thon
    -The artstyle is somewhat solid

    The Bad
    -It's straight up unbalanced
    -The animations are stiff
    -The premise is about casting sex spells and summoning creatures, yet the sex scenes are just generic

    -Balance the gameplay
    -Add more varied sex scenes, maybe a special animation if you defeat X caster with Y spell/creature, hell maybe have some sex scenes mid gameplay if you use specific cards,
    -Maybe add some animation to the cards
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    So like any good review should I will begin to tell how the time I spent for my opinion, which in this case would be 4 completed runs over what I guess is 5 hours but it felt like 20. I stopped playing once I found an opponent playing a card which soft locks my game so I can't keep that run going.

    Let's start with the good and unique about it shall we
    Game features 4 different characters with their own deck. During a run they sometimes mismatch their combat arena and spawn as a multiclass variant in a different outfit, beat them and you unlock that multiclass for the character. While it's heavily RNG to find them I actually found this to be pretty neat and liked their new outfits.
    The art and music are both pretty solid

    Now lets move on to the Bad, the Petpeeves and the Incompetent
    A lot of it comes down to implementation which is unfun, flat out innacurate and seems untested
    Game features pretty much 0 deckbuilding. It only occurs mid battle from cards that add or remove cards from your deck until end of combat. This also means that many of the decks that dont have any inherent removal are pretty much trash because the deck contains a lot of terrible cards that interrupt trying to scale
    All but one of my encounters have been an absolute slog because combat is all about control and trying to get that minor card advantage. Since battles are completely selfcontained the only form of rampup is in removing your low trash cards or the cards which gain +1 to their effect each time you use them, at most theres 1 of these per decks(sometimes none). As an example how long a game took. My ramp card rose from +1 to +8, and given a deck is about 20 cards big you see how much a deck is recycled.
    This is further exacerbated by the enemies healthpool which is about 3times your own so you cant even zergrush them
    A lot of the cards descriptions are just flat out wrong. Several which say "Gain to hand" actually add them to discard which then makes those cards have a really slow tempo.
    The 3x4 board of playable zones is basically just card zones, theres very few cards that actually interact based on position. There are also very few decks which YOU can play that let you flood the board to block opponent from summoning, the reverse isn't nearly equal so prepare to run out of options.

    I can enjoy the core game ideas here but it feels like noone has playtested it given both the bugs and the general feel. How can you consider this a finished release when the music is silent 90% of the time? I don't feel the respectful try to polish it as a finished product. Could have been a solid BETA but really subpar for a 1.0 release

    TL;DR, I like the ideas but I'm having pretty much 0 fun playing it given the absolute slog gameplay style necessitated by every battle.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is appealing, but the overall mechanics with the different decks are unbalanced and not really moderated. Which makes the game flop as a card game. The devs do a good job with costumes and aesthetic stuff, but fall short when actually designing card sets and balances.

    The only character that helps you get anything done efficiently is Deathgrip because all the cards in her deck flow well together. The other characters have cards within their deck that dont feel like they should be in them and overall just waste your space and turns. You'll do more discarding cards than actually using them, once you learn how to play and it can get frustrating.

    For example you'll have a card set with no minions in it, but youll have a card in your deck that allows promotions of minions. So its a waste of resources and space for your kit. It's like having a deck based around having Blue Eyes White Dragon but not having a single Blue Eyes White Dragon. The game has potential to be good if the devs didnt just throw random cards in decks with no correlation to the set.

    Another problem here is that youll unlock new card sets with the unlock of different costumes for the characters. That in its own right is fine, although you cant view, edit or even look at the cards you'll receive before entering a match. So for the first part of the game you're stuck having to wing it and hope that the new outfit you have isnt absolute dog.

    The hope for getting a new genre here overshadowed my disappointment for the game. I'd say just look for a full save in the thread if you just wanna see the cgs and not have to play through the game.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I just downloaded to try it before buy on Steam. Artwork is good, but definetly the cardplay could use a tutorial, some cards that destroy gylphs do not work and the gameplay is unbalanced and unfair when losing one battle. Could use some rebalance and be more forgiving when losing, specially when matches can take up to 30 minutes for some characters.