Unity - Edgeville [v0.3.02] [CCG Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    [Edgeville v0.3.02]

    • Decent NSFW content. There are some decent sex animations which are easy to access. You don't have to grind for NSFW content like in most games.

    • Simple easy to use controls. The controls are fairly Simple, standard FPS/RPG controls.

    • Okay-ish graphics. Not the best looking game, although for a WIP of a cartoon parody porn game, I'd say it looks okay.

    • Many, Many hardlocks. If you do any task or quest before that quest updates. You either have to load a save or start a new game.
      Save often. And don't touch anything unless it has a quest.

    • No settings. That's all I'm going to say. Dev didn't bother putting any effort here, neither will I.

    • No real save system. You would think that a WIP game would need a very good and easy save system. You know... just in case players encounter a Bug, or the game crashes, or a quest doesn't update.
      But for some reason the dev decided not to include a save system in his WIP game, so if your game bugs out... Good Luck.

    • Tedious Saves. There is a save game option in Dexter's house, but you have to unlock it by finishing the quest. But it doesn't offer Multiple save files and you have to Walk to it to save your game.

    • Confusing Menu interaction. I mentioned simple controls, but the Menu interaction is lackluster.
      Tab opens your Phone Menu, ESC opens the game menu and Neither button exits the menus, you have to mouse click.
      Wouldn't it be simpler to have ESC be the global "exit/enter menu" button? Or maybe add shortcuts like J for Journal?

    • No Map / Guide or clear instructions.
      I'm gonna use Dexter's quest here since it's literally the FIRST quest in the game which introduced New players to the questing system.
      The 3rd part of this quest asks you to patch a hole in the fence, which needs planks, nails and a hammer.
      Doesn't tell you where these items are. Apparently you need to steal them from some of the neighboring houses.
      So you're sent on a wild goose chase in the unfinished [Placeholder] neighborhood for these 3 items.
      As a new player, you will get lost, frustrated and likely look for help online. Unless you were lucky/thorough enough in your search.

    • Quests are Chain Linked. Some quests are Linked to other quests.
      Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but it is. Because this is a WIP game, linking quests, especially NEW quests to other quests, means there will be no backwards save compatibility.
      Loading old saves to play New content will not work. As the New quests require you to progress old quests. If you've already completed those quests the game will Lock you out of progression, forcing you to start a New Game.

    • Nitpick. This is a slight nitpicking from me, but... The game pauses when you Alt Tab. This is a Unity feature you can Turn Off in the dev settings. It's a problem because the characters in the game move very very slowly. I had to use Cheat Engine to speed up the game 20x while waiting for Helen to move behind her house.

    This game needs a lot of polish, even for a beta. It lacks a spine, a foundation. It lacks critical features and functionality. Like Settings and a Multi-Save system, which especially for a WIP build is very important considering your game will likely glitch out a lot.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is definitely work in progress, but the models are made by someone really into milfs, which is obviously a plus in a game about milfs!

    I enjoy it and want to see where it goes, hope the dev keeps at it.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This has to be one of the worst games on this site. Nothing about this game is good. Bad quests, bad dialogue, bad environment design, bad sex scenes. I sure do enjoy bunny hopping through the same town a hundred times to find some random item. Who made this and was like "I want to share this with others."
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Simp Simulator [v0.3.02]

    Nothing more can be said about this game. In no way can I see it deserving any more in its present state more than 2 stars and even 2 stars is overly generous.

    -Overly Big Map
    -No Sense of Direction(AKA no map tracking)
    -Errand Heavy(AKA Simping doing multiple jobs.)
    -Bad Reward Systems. (Here you go, do all these tedious tasks and I might later suck your dick.)
    -Few Characters with scenes.
    -Speaking of Sex Scenes/Rewards, very few for each existing character -Lois.
    -Save System in Dexter's House. (Dunno big brain play there. You have to do taskes to get in the house just to be able to save and not only that, you have to track your way all back to your own house to rest to progress to do other events.)

    +Character Art is nice.

    Unsure Of
    -/+ Scene Viewing (Replaying seen scenes anywhere/gallery. Not like there is much to replay, but still)

    So you know. I am going to give this the benefit of the doubt and assume it is still very early Alpha/Beta. Otherwise, I would rated it a 1 star as I can't find anything else I like besides female art.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Third Leg

    The concept is probably the daydream of most 90s perv, this could be the Monolith bay of our childhood favourite milfs.
    Right now it's really underdeveloped unfortunately, but promising.
    Best luck and good work to the team.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The idea behind the game is good. I hope it succeeds and gets better but right now it is bare bones. The journal with the quests offers very little help i have spent the last 30 minutes looking for the stupid boards to fix dexters moms fence. Also the fact that you cant save until you get access to dexters room. If the game gets polished and these issues resolved i will upgrade my rating. I would give this game 1.5 stars if i could.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is too buggy. You can't turn down the volume of the sounds, only the music. You can't save, so inevitably you'll have to start over, and over, and over. You get stuck in walls. I ran out of trash to pick up for Helen Parr, so I had to run all the way to the other end of the map to pick up trash in the park to finish Helen's quest. If you like wasting time trying to troubleshoot poor coding, this is the game for you.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    My only critique is that it feels like the characters walk a bit too slow. I also would love to see Judy from Jimmy Neutron added. Also can't wait to see what else gets added to Dex's lab. Can't wait for an update
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    every good game
    and finally a open world game in first Person.

    The waiting time between the Walk from Helens house to the park should be optimized.

    a quick Info that the quest Path Ended should be included.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    a huge bee

    its okay for a demo i guess, still a ways to go. also, focus on Helen, Dexter's mom disappears after you do everting that's asked but im sure after a few updates and a few more characters this'll be a good one for sure