Others - Eggomon [vSept 16th] [Invader Incubus]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Mister Wake

    I have to balance out these reviews, this is getting out of hand. People are expecting much for a 0.01 release to showcase the general idea of what the game is, though people are expecting a full-fledged bugless experience already! How can the developer fix bugs if he doesn't know what the bugs are without us playtesting it? :/
    This is a 0.01 release.
    It has sexy pixel animations and a proof of concept gameplay very similar to that of Pokemon with entering long grass to fight Pokemans. The evolved variants of these Poke's want the trainer, Scout, for pleasure and breeding! The developer has made known they want to add Stables where said breeding can take place, and are working on that. My favourite aspect of this game without a doubt is the battlefuck system, where your trainer can "take the brunt" of an evolved enemies desires to help balance the fight. Its really well made and I can't wait to see all the variations of Pokemon that'll fuck our trainer... as well as future trainers planned!

    Please PLEASE stop giving this release a bad review because its a buggy bad game. Its a 0.01. We shouldn't even be reviewing in the first place.

    In future updates, I'll rewrite this to reflect.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    racecar tacocat

    Good bones for a start. Also, for the love of god, download the MEGA version. It's updated with the camera bug patch that people keep complaining about (the dev even made a post saying that, but yall can't read i guess).
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    i know this game is still in develpoment but personally i would not reccommend this as the game is extremely buggy, when booting the game it and move a single step you will be launched to who knows where, i think perhaps the creator should remove the game and fix the bugs before maybe releasing this :/
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Not really a game, more a proof of concept. But, I like what's there. Dev just needs to work on expanding content, and consistent releases, as those tend to be the things western h game devs struggle the most with. Seems to be the dev's first release, so good luck with future works.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Broken game with glitches that make it unplayable. Can't play for over 10 minutes without having to restart due to shaking screen. No healing your pokemon except through items, can't heal pokemon while getting fucked, no gallery, broken damage dealing for certain pokemon, no levels, nothing. I'd wait for at least 20 patches before this is even close to being playable