Elder Scrolls Online


I exist.
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
So I just bought this on Steam cause I sold a CS:GO skin for $12 and it was on sale for $9 (still is till Saturday), I decided I wanted to try something new that I never really did in any other Elder Scrolls game and I went as a Breton mage cause it was the stereotypical mage race. Normally I play a Nord (been this way since Morrowind) two handed weapon fighter. The game being an MMO I figured I'd just end up working on my healer abilities which I have for the few hours I put in, 1 of which was spent wandering around and getting a feel for the game. So far my impression of the game is pretty good though the auto aim is kinda ridiculous (arrow from npc shot me around a corner) and not too many people at least in the starting area using the chat including a few high level people. I have no clue how Alchemy works in any of the Elder Scrolls games cause of the time you have to put into it, the crafting system is requires more resources than it should but I usually pick those up while I am fighting random enemies. I do plan on creating another character and choosing a different class (I like being a tank, tank is easy, I always play as a tank) but their class system gets weird cause there's a setup for the rouge class to be a tank, DPS and healer at the same time which seems a bit OP and probably will get patched out later. If anyone one wants to talk about it I created this thread. I basically got it due too it being the least restricting MMO I know of that doesn't require a monthly subscription.
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I exist.
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
Inventory space is an easy fix. You start with 60 slots in your inventory and 40-60 for your bank and expanding your inv by 10 cost 400gp (earned currency) and the bank by I think 25 cost 1k gold. The bank is shared between all your characters and I wish I had known this cause I would of stored a enchantment I made using my tank with my mage to increase spell dmg. Enchanting requires collecting runes (easy to do and find since they glow red and hum) and combining 3 of each type to get a desired enchantment (effects are locked till you make something with one, first one i made added 1k fire dmg to a weapon, 2nd increased spell dmg by 250 on a ring/necklace and 3rd added 1k spell resistance to a ring)


New Member
Nov 29, 2016
[I have been playing on and off since launch if you have any questions. As for inventory space done worry too much about it till you get to champion points 160 on your first toon. I actually started doing the monthly when I got more serious about endgame because of the crafting mat bag. It saves your bank from being overwhelmed with mats.

If you want to level a little quickly just join a guild trade guild and a more regular guild, you can find both in chat or on reddit. These two will help you immensely. From farming dungeons, to getting a full set of green training gear every 10-15 levels. Make sure you have 5 of your main type of armor (light,medium, heavy) and 1 piece from the other two so that you can level all the skill lines on your toon.

Also right now is the Christmas Event which has 100% more xp., so lvling will be very quick. Try pvp before you get to 50 as well to get the skill line.

Also, make sure you get a toon and start doing your horse training EVERYDAY and researching traits for crafting when you can. This will save you big in the end.

Great game, and it is getting even better recently!

Here are some useful links:


Pick a build that you like and try it out, it is easy to change but its better to follow one early in levels than trying to make your own. Your dps will be better and it will teach you rotations.
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New Member
Nov 29, 2016
Also forgot to put in there, make sure on your weapons that you have two different enchants because they do not stack on an enemy. So if you have two fire enchants when dual wielding then only one fire damage will be put on the enemy and it has a cool down. So use a fire and shock one for example. I play on the North America server if you want to join my trading guild or want to roll some dungeons just message me your @name and i will add you.


I exist.
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
I decided to go for a 3 month eso subscription. I created a tank dragon knight and not a fan of the moves available. I'm a bit curious about if a Paladin tank would be better. The last MMO that I played a tank in was DCUO and I had a Fire tank which had a ok self heal ability. I don't know if the game features taunts to have an enemy focus the tank. I mainly went for the 3 month eso sub cause it was cheaper than buying the crowns for the same price and included the exp boost. I used the crowns to but the Imperial Edition upgrade and the ability to join any faction regardless of race. I haven't played that much due to lots of family stuff and being sick. I did talk with my cousin who's a high level archer on PS4 and he says in the PVP portion of the game the Aldmeri Dominion is just constantly dominating. Don't know if it's the same on PC but I have a lvl 7-8 Breton Mage in the Daggerfall Covent, a Nord Dragon Knight at lvl 9-10 in Ebonhart Pact and a Imperial Paladin in the Aldmeri Dominion. I've heard Imperials have the best base stamina making them the most effective tanks.


New Member
Nov 29, 2016
Honestly, unless you are into min/maxing or planning on doing top endgame stuff for leader boards almost any class with any race can tank. Some are better at it than others and will provide slightly better things like stamina regeneration but just keep that in mind. Also, Is your breton a sorc (just guessing from mage) or a templar? I main a sorc and my second character is a khajiit stamblade, which is a stamina based nightblade. The best class for straight dps on a sorc is definitely dark elf. Breton is good because it increase max mana but it doesn't give you the dps boost dark elf or altamer will. Nord are great for dk tank, nice choice! Also, the templars do make good tanks. I have run with several. I dont know much about the templar, mine is only like lvl 30 or something, but there are some beastly ones running around out there.


I exist.
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
Breton is more of a healer than a sorc. Only issue I have is I tend to ignore Alchemy so potions are a pain and since it's not a single player game, I intend to actually work on alchemy but I hate resource collection.


New Member
Nov 29, 2016
If you do dungeons everyday and pick up everything in the dungeons on tables and stuff you get a ton of potions.


I exist.
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
I don't play everyday. It takes me a few months to really decide if I'm into an MMO or not. I tend to play for a few days after first getting it then try other things then if I really want to continue I'll pick up where I left off. Last game I got into that I at least qualify as an MMO was Destiny. played that damn near nonstop up to the announcement of Rise of Iron not being on PS3 which made me stop since I don't have a PS4 and there was no longer a point for me to build multiple loadouts to get to max light levels for all 3 of my characters to start the new DLC. If Destiny 2 comes out on Switch (getting one asap) or PC then I'm probably gonna say goodbye to ESO cause I loved Destiny despite it's many many faults. Currently on a MMO burnout phase so getting into ESO is gonna take a month or 2, I got Destiny in December of 2014 and didn't actually start playing seriously till about March. I was one of the best PVP players among my friends, I was rated in the top 1% of their SRL event during December of 2015 and I usually carried people through weekly and special events and during the Raids, I could adapt fast and at one point saved my team from having to wipe on Oryx HM challenge causing our first group completion cause our Runner got confused on the last phase and I took the bull by the horns cause I was tired of redoing the same fight over and over (was like our 50+ attempt and our 1st successful one as a group).


F95 Museum Director
Sep 12, 2016
well you could try lotro, if you are a lord of the rings fan.


I exist.
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
I just haven't played much of it yet. Mostly cause it's the Holiday season and I as said before haven't really decided how I feel about this game. I did get Discord so I could voice chat with people who do voice chat. I'll add you and Aldonis when I start playing again.


Engaged Member
Sep 25, 2016
I still play Age of Conan I have ESO but idk I will wait till next year when housing comes out to play hardcore.


F95 Museum Director
Sep 12, 2016
correction they have pawned it off. been online some few times looks like its still the same old staff just new people in charge dont quote me tho since i havent been to much online lately


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
I have not played this for a while but was planning on going back to it tonight and I just saw this topic too,
I live in EU and play on American servers ( mainly because of language and less dumb asses yelling Cyka Bliat [CS:go has that shit enough already do not need it in the other games I play+ primary language...english )
The game is pretty good as for intentory I had my fix for that you can have up to 5 guilds, 1 of mine I just filled and piled up with friends and what not and then some randoms so now I have storage access from that and personal that is a TON of space believe me. somewhere someone mentioned LOTRO, Loved that game until it went f2p, it fucked the game for me..buying quests area's and stuff? no thanks and then also the moment they added skirmish and whatever crap it was I was like yup done.

The game like most mmo's though is always fun with a group or friends or a dedicated gaming group you are part of.


I exist.
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
I stopped playing it cause I found another game. Warframe. It's like Destiny but money hungry.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
I stopped playing it cause I found another game. Warframe. It's like Destiny but money hungry.
How is warframe money hungry ? and like destiny ? warframe is pretty darn good with their f2p model and imo warframe is way better then destiny. If you know how to play it well and invest a bit time in it you can earn plat without spending a single cent on the game :O. I have spend money on it before at one point but now I sit on 5k plat from just doing trades and using warframe.market as the trade hub, it is safe and people contact you in game if they are interested in what you want. I play them both few hours warframe then eso for a bit of a switch then back to warframe if i have to or a crazy alert pop up. Or if i just feel like doing sorties and doing the syndicate missions then head off.

Warframe is not really money hungry and also for those who are new to it and will give it a try it is not p2w either. Just a bit grindy but everything can be gotten if you just work a bit for it, Thatguy if you wish to know how to make plat easy in game ill gladly explain you how and what are worth going for to make some plat and where best to look for certain things, I dont know how far in you are or what rank your account is though.


Engaged Member
Sep 25, 2016
How is warframe money hungry ? and like destiny ? warframe is pretty darn good with their f2p model and imo warframe is way better then destiny. If you know how to play it well and invest a bit time in it you can earn plat without spending a single cent on the game :O. I have spend money on it before at one point but now I sit on 5k plat from just doing trades and using warframe.market as the trade hub, it is safe and people contact you in game if they are interested in what you want. I play them both few hours warframe then eso for a bit of a switch then back to warframe if i have to or a crazy alert pop up. Or if i just feel like doing sorties and doing the syndicate missions then head off.

Warframe is not really money hungry and also for those who are new to it and will give it a try it is not p2w either. Just a bit grindy but everything can be gotten if you just work a bit for it, Thatguy if you wish to know how to make plat easy in game ill gladly explain you how and what are worth going for to make some plat and where best to look for certain things, I dont know how far in you are or what rank your account is though.
Because Forma dude the fact that formas are SO RARE of a drop it pretty much forces you to buy them to make you're mods and all that as bad ass as you can you need... Thats right forma.... To build a dojo most of the rooms require... What is the word OH YEAH FORMA!! I don't agree with Warframe being like destiny at all because unlike Destiny Warframe has a pretty good story.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
Because Forma dude the fact that formas are SO RARE of a drop it pretty much forces you to buy them to make you're mods and all that as bad ass as you can you need... Thats right forma.... To build a dojo most of the rooms require... What is the word OH YEAH FORMA!! I don't agree with Warframe being like destiny at all because unlike Destiny Warframe has a pretty good story.
yea the dojo indeed requires a lot of forma but i would not call it rare as you pretty much can get it from almost any relic, hell I has around 27 at the moment everytime an alert pops up or that I am ducat farming I grab forma if the rewards are not better then the forma, sure it takes 24 hours to make one but I craft em everyday, also dojo's means you have people they should be able to donate some of it.I also have a dojo with just few people an actual group who play bunch of different games.But if you must purchase forma then why not run vaults for blind rage (10-20p) and lucky transient fortitude? (40-65p) and then the decent ones like overextended and such grind for those sell em and BAM plat and then you can buy the 3pack forma for 35p, in the end you have not spend a single $$ you just grinded a bit for the Plat :D

Oh and ducat grind hope Baro Ki'teer has primed mods worth a damn or buzz kill for example in terms of normal mods batch buy those and wait for a week or 2 put up for sale easy 100 - 300p per mod depending on what card it is .