Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Just finished the update, and damn I loved that my 2 favorite girls Aria & Eris have gotten much love in this update.
Not like the other characters are bad or anything, but those two?

I feel they two are the peaks of all the LIs.

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Well, that's the update done.
Actually going on a holiday after about 3 days time for about 2 weeks; Korea first, then Austria & Czech Republic.
So this was a nice surprise release before I go; really enjoyed it.

Already looking forward to how the story will move forward with the next update, heh.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
Despite ignoring the harem ones because stories being so dumb, yes I'm here for stories, I'm happy I tried this one.

Thank you and best of luck.
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Aug 3, 2019
Just started playing through the game. Also just recently rewatched Kingdom of Heaven. Kind of feels like I'm reading KoH fanfic right now. lol
  • Haha
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Jan 14, 2024
I miss the old Lyria and Elvira, but I guess that's how things are supposed to be now in the story you've constructed.
I really like games with a continuous story like this, it's a bit low on action, but I think that will change in future updates, which is good.

I only have one complaint, GIVE US BACK ARIA'S HAT
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Jan 28, 2024
Despite ignoring the harem ones because stories being so dumb, yes I'm here for stories, I'm happy I tried this one.

Thank you and best of luck.
I believe that Mystic use "Harem" in a whole different sense of the word, which is fortunate in my opinion.

(I cannot type worth a damn. I had to do about 5 or 6 corrections in that one sentence :D)


Feb 21, 2019
I really want to like this game, as the art work is really good, but this game feels like a poor man's Seeds of Chaos. The plot is kind of the same: MC is tasked by a powerful "evil" person to destroy a corrupt system of government. But unlike Seeds of Chaos, the MC's motives feel wrong.

In Seeds of Chaos, Rowan's motives are because he's wife is hostage to the evil force and/or he actually hates the nobles who rule the world because they looked down upon him despite being a literal Hero Who Saved The World. In this game, the MC starts as a guy who has lived for 1000 years after dying in a war for a god who never existed and now is just an adventurer who doesn't age. Until he
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never once talks about the state of the world, those who rule it, or anything. He's just lost, living without purpose but make coin to eat. So his shift later
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to suddenly have an issue with the ruling class and wanting to burn society down makes no sense. And his sudden change of heart on gods also is dumb as he's spent 1000 years not believing in them or actively hating them to suddenly being willing to work with one of the "evil" gods is also a stretch. Then everyone around him is awful and annoying. Everyone's egos default to asshole, including the MC, and I would rather just kill everyone than deal with their Bullshit™, the MC included. And to be honest, once the game goes into "semi-freeroam" mode, I was done. There is no reason for it as really all you can do is do every scene that pops up and sleeps.

A small minor issue I also have is the "virgin lets you have an open relationship" trope here. Lyria tells you that Elves choose one partner for life, then chooses you but the moment your ex comes back into the picture, she's suddenly opened to you screwing around. I hate this trope in Fetish Locator, WVM, and others as it's never truly done right. It's always immediate and only is done to give the harem option without having to work for it. It's a lazy trope and I wish people would stop using it or learn how to build up to it. (Midlife Crisis kinda does this with the Wife route. It's slow, makes sense in the story, and feels more rewarding once it's played out. The MC nudges the wife towards the idea and lets her choose to experiment on this path. It's not perfect, but it's at least better done.)

The last thing that I really dislike is that choices don't feel like they got much weight to them. Maybe this will change later on, but
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It feels like every "choice" is less a choice and instead which mood you want to be in when you say "Yes". If that's what you are going for, I would suggest just making a Kinetic Novel instead of giving the illusion of choice.

All and all, this game really needs to be put back in the oven and let cook more. Right now, it's a concept of a story but I feel like the writer is making each chapter up as they go instead of building an outline then writing the story. The character's motives and personalities change scene to scene and choices don't feel like choices. The only good thing going for it right now is the art.
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Nov 9, 2020
I found this when looking for any updates on sof and honestly I love it. I started playing this morning and other then a few breaks I spent most of my day off playing this. I am enjoying the story for the most part even at times when it seems to kinda drag a hair. which honestly is more likely due to my adhd than the game itself. I do hope the mc gets a bit of a power and confidence boost soon. that and im hoping for some personal time with yana soon her model scratches a itch I have.
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Elleria - Developer
Game Developer
Nov 24, 2019
It's not really a here problem. The fade to black is just poorly executed in the story and going back later to back fill a little isn't going to prevent it frustrating players. I'd say it makes it worse because if you included that info in the earlier conversations then you could cut out unnecessary dialogue and improve the substance of the remaining dialogue. I wrote a big chunk explaining in detail but have snipped it out for now. Long story short, I would say if you hide info from the player but not the players MC then you will have these complaints because its immersion breaking and inevitably leads to frustration. If the player doesn't understand the MCs motivation then they cant stay invested.
Maybe so. Either way I can't do much about it, except for what I did already and what I'm doing going forward. No time machines here sadly.

OH, I thought the elf was the main squeeze...do to her being with the MC the longest out of all the girls. And the fact that she chose the MC to be her one and only forever life partner. Which is huge for the 190 year old elf, who had never ever chose a partner before she met MC...so she made him the one.

Yet now MC comes across as complete cold douche-bag towards her, treating her special elven relationship choice, or the 5+ years of being by MC's side....and spending everyday with him just didn't matter very much to him after his time away. He seemed to just discard her for the other girl's attention, like the elf became the shitty side girl who just serves his requests. And because of that, she seemed to change for the worse.

And so far we know nothing of what happened to her those past months of her not knowing MC was still alive. Is she doing the Italian death thing...mourning her loss by going dark in look, and personality? It felt like blah...with how limited the reader was informed so far, and how she was treated like crap by the writing.

Also, I found it odd that MC didn't ask or the female elf even mention anything about the blonde noble mage, who is also in love with the MC.

Anyways love this type of story...it's like a Lord of the Rings, Dragon Age fantasy type story. Just not a fan of the vague and moody MC has changed towards the elf. Relationships are about communication, without it there is no relationship.

One thing to understand here, is Lyria's character purpose from the first get-go. And it wasn't meant to be present this far into the story... but I pushed it by force due to her reception. And this is reflected in all of it.

Second thing to understand regarding the MC himself, Eliot isn't some goody-goody man who is just love struck about women. He is a man haunted by his past life, he is very bitter and angry about injustice done to him and on global level. His priorities aren't women and fucking them.

Eliot in comparison, to make this easy, no more or less, is a Templar. And having a whole lifetime as a Templar, suddenly changing that? That ain't easy exactly.

Now here comes the second maybe obvious and maybe not obvious problem, Lyria is stuck in the past. She keeps pushing for the man she is used to, but this cannot be. Her mentality set is meant to be optimistic, hopeful, which in the end she is. But she is stuck on this ideal figure of what she believes he is, and should be. But this isn't the truth, this is the world in her head. And that is the problem, the clashes here happen.

She is simply living in WHAT WAS rather than WHAT IS. And Eliot... at the current moment, has by far different thoughts and motivations and things to do. He isn't going to go pick fucking flowers for her to drop the mood. He considers his tasks more important than anything else, and he simply wouldn't let ANY of the characters get in his way. In one way or another.

As for Lyria's dark look, that's just reflection of her mental change due to his death basically. Which kinda hit her in the face. But not to worry, this is mentioned in a convo so I don't need to and won't blabber about it here and now.

Oh and... he did communicate. Very simply for that matter, it is his way or the highway. And this applies to everyone around him. While he will find time to involve himself with the cast, his main and primary purpose is to shove a stick up the gods ass so far they can't walk anymore.

And that is the priority. Not being a therapist for moody elves, witches or demons.

I really love the game and the writing so far but I'm not a fan of the options for instructions I'm giving my subordinates. For a character that understands ambiguity and flexibility, it seems needlessly obtuse to limit our instructions to absolute timidity or absolute ruthlessness. It seems dumb to decide how they should approach a situation without knowing the risks and benefits that might be involved. How about giving them the choice to assess the situation for themselves, to weigh the pros and cons for themselves, and to trust their judgement in whatever situation?

I understand that the dev probably doesn't want to give us obvious choices but I'm not sure blind ones are any better. Maybe they want us to sympathize with the uncertainty that plagues the MC in making decisions. I'm fine having to navigate moral quandaries, but this is more like making a decision without knowing the variables. I'd rather give my subordinates freedom of movement to decide for themselves rather than saddle them with orders that will constrain or restrict them from doing what will benefit us.
Fair enough, a very simple reasoning here however. The problem is the actual bad guys are in one way monsters. And in Eliot's turn... he has no choice but to be a bigger one. And this has to be reflected somehow.

He cannot exactly afford to be soft on things, even if by default a lot of it clashes with how he is and what he stands for. But if they're bad, he has to be worse. There is no positive outcome otherwise.

But I wouldn't either way worry too much about war table, it is just a start. There's going to be different things for something else. Not all will be done in same manner.

For example... you can't deal with political aspects in a "Kill" - "Don't kill." That won't cut it.

I stopped at version 0.4 and really liked the game.
Now I'm on version 0.6 and I'm wondering if it's still the same MC.
What's wrong with this guy? When did he become such an unpleasant idiot?

He felt so much for Lyria back then that he even gave his life to save her.
And I understand a little bit that he didn't want to see her again to protect her from what he was planning,
but now that she's back he's acting like a cold, emotionless asshole towards her?

Even worse, he even suggests that they are enemies or that he would fight her if she doesn't agree with him?
She just didn't really know him from the start?
It almost seems as if Lyria was just a pastime and a disposable item from the start.

Yesterday I was so annoyed by the MC sitting on his chair and giving orders like he was playing chess,
without wanting to explain anything at all to his companions and supposed loved ones.
I had to turn the game off and calm down first.

These are exactly the kind of people we want to fight and are against.
And now the MC himself is one of those who just plays with his people without any compassion?

I really hope that the MC changes his unacceptable behavior very quickly and drastically.
On the one hand, you certainly do NOT want to follow people like that into a fight for life and death
and on the other hand, I have no desire to play an MC like that.

Does power really change people for the worse? The MC, definitely.
He isn't that much affected by power really. And aye, as I've already wrote to others above... it is his way or the highway. And that applies to all, not just Lyria.

As for him giving orders are not explaining, that depends on whom we speak on. Aria would know everything, but that is also due to nature of their pact and rules surrounding it.

For the most part, he isn't supposed or allowed to reference or use Eris's name much if at all. So he can't for example tell much to Yana or Lyria. These are simply the terms of subscription ( to put it that way) he agreed and signed. Its like a NDA.

And oh no, the people he wants to fight and is against are by far worse. Eliot is a saint in comparison. He is pretty much plagued in his head between having to do it, and not wanting to do it.

To put it into simple perspective... Eliot would burn down a village full of children in blink of an eye, if this meant that in the bigger picture it would lead to peace and prosperity and end of conflict.

Now the other guys, they'd genocide an entire planet and ensure there are no kids to begin with ever born or present again. That is a huge difference. Because for them it is the principle of "fuck it", "we do what we want" and he does what he at least believes will


Elleria - Developer
Game Developer
Nov 24, 2019
Just finished the update, and damn I loved that my 2 favorite girls Aria & Eris have gotten much love in this update.
Not like the other characters are bad or anything, but those two?

I feel they two are the peaks of all the LIs.

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Well, that's the update done.
Actually going on a holiday after about 3 days time for about 2 weeks; Korea first, then Austria & Czech Republic.
So this was a nice surprise release before I go; really enjoyed it.

Already looking forward to how the story will move forward with the next update, heh.
No, can't say it has anything to do with it. It would just be an odd coincidence, as for the outfit. Honestly? I was randomly looking for stuff for her and just bumped into it. :LUL:

And well sadly Eris can't exactly have or could have had much screentime for reasons, but I'm trying to expand upon it now. Though she can't exactly pop up "Wassup Eliot!" at any moment of the day.

As for flashback, that is actually meant to be DLC, DLC would cover the events thousand years back. When they two met, and their interactions and the whole false war.

And that'd be correct, Empress from Hamor is supposed to be new addition. Here, I'll give you a snap from characters codex that isn't uncovered on her, nonetheless, it isn't huge in spoiler.

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I believe that Mystic use "Harem" in a whole different sense of the word, which is fortunate in my opinion.

(I cannot type worth a damn. I had to do about 5 or 6 corrections in that one sentence :D)
That'd be correct.

I miss the old Lyria and Elvira, but I guess that's how things are supposed to be now in the story you've constructed.
I really like games with a continuous story like this, it's a bit low on action, but I think that will change in future updates, which is good.

I only have one complaint, GIVE US BACK ARIA'S HAT
Let it cook! But yes, there will be plenty of action. As for the hat, I have no idea where she put it. I'll ask!

I found this when looking for any updates on sof and honestly I love it. I started playing this morning and other then a few breaks I spent most of my day off playing this. I am enjoying the story for the most part even at times when it seems to kinda drag a hair. which honestly is more likely due to my adhd than the game itself. I do hope the mc gets a bit of a power and confidence boost soon. that and im hoping for some personal time with yana soon her model scratches a itch I have.
Yana will have her arc soon enough!


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
No, can't say it has anything to do with it. It would just be an odd coincidence, as for the outfit. Honestly? I was randomly looking for stuff for her and just bumped into it. :LUL:

And well sadly Eris can't exactly have or could have had much screentime for reasons, but I'm trying to expand upon it now. Though she can't exactly pop up "Wassup Eliot!" at any moment of the day.

As for flashback, that is actually meant to be DLC, DLC would cover the events thousand years back. When they two met, and their interactions and the whole false war.

And that'd be correct, Empress from Hamor is supposed to be new addition. Here, I'll give you a snap from characters codex that isn't uncovered on her, nonetheless, it isn't huge in spoiler.

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Holy shit, I love Amynth's design!
Her outfit definitely gives that Empress vibe with the elegance while looking hot; distinguishing

Would it be too spoilery for ya to reveal what sort of personality she's gonna have?
My guess (though I could be totally wrong) is that given her famed unparalleled combat prowess, her personality may be more on the.....arrogant side?
Someone who may be full of pride, but honorable? :unsure:
  • I just jizzed my pants
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Elleria - Developer
Game Developer
Nov 24, 2019
Holy shit, I love Amynth's design!
Her outfit definitely gives that Empress vibe with the elegance while looking hot; distinguishing

Would it be too spoilery for ya to reveal what sort of personality she's gonna have?
My guess (though I could be totally wrong) is that given her famed unparalleled combat prowess, her personality may be more on the.....arrogant side?
Someone who may be full of pride, but honorable? :unsure:
Uh.. hmm....

Well Amynth is more... dominant I suppose in comparison to the rest of em. I'd not call her arrogant, because having the actual ability to do something and being arrogant is two different aspects.

Saying I can kill you isn't arrogant if I have a Tank to shoot at you point blank. Pride is certain. This is very important as to why, and why is as follows. This is a spoiler: She IS, after all, a Dragon.

Now the question is how should someone like that be?
  • Yay, new update!
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Active Member
Mar 18, 2019
To put it into simple perspective... Eliot would burn down a village full of children in blink of an eye, if this meant that in the bigger picture it would lead to peace and prosperity and end of conflict.
That kind of thing should be player's choice. I'd rather stop playing than start burning children.
All moral choices should be left to player.


Feb 21, 2019
That kind of thing should be player's choice. I'd rather stop playing than start burning children.
All moral choices should be left to player.
This is why I said it doesn't feel like we have a choice, we just pick what mood our yes choice is.


Elleria - Developer
Game Developer
Nov 24, 2019
That kind of thing should be player's choice. I'd rather stop playing than start burning children.
All moral choices should be left to player.
That was a hypothetical scenario of course. I'll agree and disagree at same time though. There are some specific situations and elements that I like to hold reigns over, and this will not change. This is not a matter of some invisible or made up gaming stocks, I'm not selling control here.

On another side, I never claimed or spoken against it either. That is I never mentioned I won't let the player respond on certain moral dilemmas.

If a village needs to be burned down, but the said village is not plot-essential or I don't deem it story-pushing essential. Then I leave that in your hands. That goes without saying, there are things I let you take the reigns for and there are some that I don't and I can't.

Overall, we'll try to avoid kicking children in the faces I suppose. Even if they're annoying bastards. But in case there is any kicking to be done of puppies, cats and children I suppose, I'll leave that to the player. I won't force such things on anyone.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
so I'm not finished with the update yet but tbh i don't like this one as much as i did earlier ones and it mostly comes down to mc's attitude and our lack of agency with how he treats others(mainly Lyria) i saw what you have said above regarding this. And at the same time at least to the point I'm at has had me start to dislike aria quite a bit with how she also treated lyria. I get the mc wants it to be clear that his mission is the most important thing but to me it makes absolutely no sense to question lyria's loyalty which to me is what he was saying to her when he esentially threatened her


Elleria - Developer
Game Developer
Nov 24, 2019
so I'm not finished with the update yet but tbh i don't like this one as much as i did earlier ones and it mostly comes down to mc's attitude and our lack of agency with how he treats others(mainly Lyria) i saw what you have said above regarding this. And at the same time at least to the point I'm at has had me start to dislike aria quite a bit with how she also treated lyria. I get the mc wants it to be clear that his mission is the most important thing but to me it makes absolutely no sense to question lyria's loyalty which to me is what he was saying to her when he esentially threatened her
Why wouldn't he? No, really. Why wouldn't he have justified doubts about her loyalty per se? Moon Elves are worshippers of Inara.

For all intent and purposes that he knows, Inara may as well be using her as a remote radio station to listen in. And as far as Eliot knows, Lyria was always dedicated faithful of Inara.

Her going alongside the whole concept he has, not only contradicts her faith. But it contradicts her as a person, her entire race. I already said this.

If that ain't enough ammo to have some suspicion on someone, I'll be damned mate.

As for Aria, you can dislike her as much as you want. But Aria is a realist in the whole thing... Aria simply told her to shut the fuck up, stop whining about shit and be useful. Aria is mission focused as much as she can be.

Though when it comes to that aspect, I'd not comment much on it because this all boils down to personal preferences. It is a bit unfair to discuss, it is like food taste or fashion.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
Why wouldn't he? No, really. Why wouldn't he have justified doubts about her loyalty per se? Moon Elves are worshippers of Inara.

For all intent and purposes that he knows, Inara may as well be using her as a remote radio station to listen in. And as far as Eliot knows, Lyria was always dedicated faithful of Inara.

Her going alongside the whole concept he has, not only contradicts her faith. But it contradicts her as a person, her entire race. I already said this.

If that ain't enough ammo to have some suspicion on someone, I'll be damned mate.

As for Aria, you can dislike her as much as you want. But Aria is a realist in the whole thing... Aria simply told her to shut the fuck up, stop whining about shit and be useful. Aria is mission focused as much as she can be.

Though when it comes to that aspect, I'd not comment much on it because this all boils down to personal preferences. It is a bit unfair to discuss, it is like food taste or fashion.
well as im sure you can tell my favorite character so far is by far lyria. So im hoping at some point she can proove that she is on the mc's side which might have him act less cold to her. I also hope that there is an oportunity to knock aria down a peg or two.


Elleria - Developer
Game Developer
Nov 24, 2019
well as im sure you can tell my favorite character so far is by far lyria. So im hoping at some point she can proove that she is on the mc's side which might have him act less cold to her. I also hope that there is an oportunity to knock aria down a peg or two.
Aria has no need to be knocked down a peg or two, Aria is the voice of reason and reality. She will bicker with MC perhaps behind the scenes, or speak up on matters.

But she does as she is told in the end. Granted her bickering is part of her role as main advisor, so it isn't bad. I think your viewpoints on her are warped due to your preference of Lyria.

With whole conversation of Aria and Lyria boils down to one point, she told her to stop fucking with his head before it gets him killed. He needs to be on his toes and with a clear head. He can't afford distractions and mental problems, as if he doesn't have enough on his plate already.

Once again, Lyria lives in her own bubble world. Of what was rather than what IS. She sees main character in far better light than he actually is, a perfection. And he's by far from perfect. In a way she is somewhat delusional about the whole thing..

But I suppose in a way that's what concept of love is, it tends to blind people to the bitter truth.
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