VN - Ren'Py - Elvensang [Ep. 5] [Worlaix]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is of a hostile conflict between the two races Humans and Elves. The main character is an elf living with his mother trying to survive in the middle of this conflict near a human settlement. You will need to make choices that will have lasting consequences in the future.

    The story so far is well written and engaging with a good length of content between the current updates. The art style is good and consistent throughout the current version. Looking forward to future updates and the path this story takes.

    Currently, there is not much sexual content only one viewable sex scene in this version.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the story, the hostile environment about being a elf living in a human society is very well represented, the 2d art is very pretty especially the mc's mother lol, i hope the story continues this way and bring more choices to make more dynamic.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    At the mo looks like a game you should skip if ur just looking to "bash the bishop". If you fancy something with a bit more story line, this is one to keep an eye on. Liked the world building an the art, look forward to seeing it develop
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this. The art is beautiful and a welcome change from the usual Daz or Honey Select models we see. The story is original and engaging and the writing is first rate as well. Understand that this is a true 'Interactive Novel' and unlike many the choices you make really do matter, so choose wisely.

    Can't wait to see where this story goes _ Well done Dev (y) Well done indeed.

    5 Stars;
    Joe Bob sez :love: 'Check It Out!'
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Elvensang is a promising game for several reasons. First of all there is the lovely drawn art. Additionally the story is unique, really interesting so far and well written. It reminds me of the Witcher universe. Furthermore the course of the story varies, depending on your decisions.

    There are no real sex scenes, yet, apart from a very small scene in the tavern by taking the wrong door. The lack of sex scenes isn't a big problem for me for the time being. But of course everyone expects sex scenes in the near future. So I hope the dev will deliver those sooner or later.

    I did enjoy the beautiful writing and art nevertheless and of course there will be more to come. It’s a very promising game/visual novel so far, despite the early development stage! For the time being it's very short and mostly story driven, while the artwork lags very much behind.

    Hence I can only give 3 stars so far for being a promissing vn, but we've got to see how it will turn out in the future and if the dev will manage to create way more art to fill this title with life.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great writing, interesting characters, good visual art. I like the story and the art style. The only thing that sucks is there is not more of it as it is not that long at this point. Definitely a really good start with a ton of potential.
  7. 5.00 star(s)



    What incredible writing! I hope this gem can get some recognition. It would be a shame if it fails to make waves and just flies under the radar. The art is a bit unassuming and the banner didn't draw me in immediately. The overview certainly caught my attention though.

    The dev notes states that the dev is an amateur writer and artist. This is probably a fair assesment for the art. It certainly isn't some polished art that you might find from commissioned works. It's very high quality amateur work though (a style that I happen to like a lot, actually). The writing, however, borders on being damn near professional. You could find different styles of writing in porn games, but it's really quite rare to see something that resembles an actual novel. The narration and descriptive text are elegant and atmospheric. People's speech patterns fit the setting nicely. It honestly reads a lot like a script you would find in a fantasy cRPG.

    The world building is exceptional. As the description says, this is a nuanced world in varying shades of grey. Nothing is laid out in black and white. Everyone has their reasons and justifications for how they act.

    Much of the prologue plays out in flashbacks. We go through key moments in MC's life from childhood to maturity. Through these flashbacks, we can shape the MC's disposition and relationships. I am not quite sure how much of it is cosmetic and how much of it will affect significant events, but the game does track a whole bunch of flags.

    The characters have incredible depth. Even the side characters like shop keepers and townspeople show some depth in the short screen time they have available. Sunny and mother are amazing characters. The MC is flexible and the dev offers a decent amount of choices to start shaping him in your mind, if not in the game as well.

    The sound is implemented quite flawlessly. Environmental sounds play a big role and the unobtrusive music adds to the atmosphere.

    I usually grasp the nature of a game quite early, but this one remains a bit of an enigma on the porn side. Will it remain as a serious dark fantasy story with some adult content? Or will it incorporate sexual themes into the core narrative? Either way, I am hooked and looking forward to more.

    The prologue is rather substantial here. I probably clocked at least 2 hrs. If you like amazing prose and exceptional writing on a technical level, you will not be disappointing by this.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Seems promising! The art looks great and the story is compelling. I gotta say, it has the potential to be one of the best games out there. Let's hope it won't go Seeds of Chaos route and be a fetish cash cow.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    There is some excellent storytelling going on here and it made me interested in going back and trying different choices. As dev stated there isn't a lot of nsfw content (one missable scene, one ecchi) but if you enjoy a good story it may well be worth the wait.

    To dev: If the rest of the game keeps the same standard I think it could be successful in a less deviant crowd. Maybe a bit more polish and an option to remove the R-rating first though.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is a pure formality)
    It's too early to judge, but the prologue is cool.
    I especially liked the plot, the dialogues, and the atmosphere of the narrative.
    Very similar to DAO in the good sense of the word.

    Huge hopes for the project.
    Maybe I’ll say something stupid, especially on a porn site and in the topic of a porn game, but this is exactly the case where the main thing for me is the plot. Sex scenes will only be a pleasant addition)
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I didn't have high hopes when i started but it exceeded my expectations.

    - Story
    While its nothing groundbreaking or wholly original it is effective and it draws you in. All the dialogue and narration pushes the story forward and its not just useless filler that you feel the need to skip.
    I like the way the story deals with racism. It's more than just " racism is bad mkay" where the bad guy are racists and the good guys fight against them. I can see a path in this were the MC goes full genocide mode and it feels logical considering his upbringing and his interactions with humans.

    Are well done. The mother is not just a one dimensional symbol of affection. She is also overprotective, distrustful, sometimes even cruel or uncaring towards outsiders. The way the MC interacts with her seams natural.
    Sunny is super cute and pushes all my protective buttons. She is slowly getting more confident but she is still unsure of her place.

    The visuals are inconsistent in both quality and style. It serves its purpose but the story relies mostly on narration instead of visuals to tell the story. Hopefully the art style gets more uniform over time.

    its mostly background noise but the music that is there is used at appropriate times. I really appreciate some sound in my VN.

    -bugs and grammar
    I haven't seen any bugs or other issues. No engrish or blatant grammatical issues but then again i'm barely literate so it would have to be really bad for me to notice.

    Hopefully the dev continues it because the ending of the prologue left me wanting more.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Story Synopsis

    Elvensang is a Ren'Py visual novel about a young elf's struggles as he lives in a human world. Though, as of this review, there's only the prologue, it already offers a lot to work with and is enough to hook you into the story. We first begin with our protagonist in a life-and-death situation, followed by a rewind of his life. Through this rewind, we get to see his relationship with his overprotective mother and with another elf of a similar age to him that he rescued off of the streets. However, we also get to see how elven prejudice runs deep in human society, as they are shunned and harrassed when they make their monthly visits to the village. This is relevant because our protagonist is then blamed for a sudden murder, afterwich he sets forth in search of the real killer. After these events, we are brought back to the present, where our protagonist's predicament will be solved.

    The Game

    Being a visual novel, Elvensang has the basics. The story progresses forward while giving you options to choose regarding situations. Such options may seem cosmetic, such as how to react to a situation. Calm or aggressive, etc. However, there are some options that do influence what happens in the "endings" you can choose from at the end of the prologue. There are no outstanding features that make the game stand our from other Ren'Py games. As of now it's just a straight visual novel with an intriguing story and good visuals. The pacing is well managed through these flashbacks, the lore is interesting, which complements well to the story which captivates you, and of course, the girls shown are beautiful. Though I do wonder if the author might seek to add incest, considering Patreon's rules regarding such a genre.

    The art style of the game is good. Rough around the edges on some images? Yes. But it's a 'good' followed by period. Characters are anatomically correct, detailed, and beautiful, especially Sunny. This is followed by well illustrated backgrounds that really set the mood of where you find yourself in. However, there's one gripe. ONE GRIPE, with the art style. And it has to do with the character designs. Boob sleeves. It triggers me, even though I'm a boob man. Clothes shouldn't be contourning that way around breasts, though I understand if it's just to make the characters sexier.
    Sex Scenes
    There was only one sex scene in the prologue, and it was only between two background characters. So I will make an attempt to evaluate it even though it has nothing to do with our actual cast of characters. And that's because I had a minor gripe with it, which was the lack of sound effects for it. It doesn't really take points away from the score, but I just felt that something could have been added in the sounds such as a slapping sound. But that's just my opinion.

    Score 5/5

    The game and its story show a lot of promise and I will definitely keep an eye out in releases for it. Even though I absolutely detest filthy knife ears with me being a respectable human supremacist, the story endeared me to the characters and successfully makes you sympathize to their plight
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Mount Parnassus

    Excellent work. A well-developed background and a vast number of choices - which, curiously but thankfully, matter. Besides, it's impossible to ignore the outstanding design of the characters. I, myself, was amazed by Sunny's renders. Furthermore, it's quite well-written - something I have been expecting for some time - and the name-dropping in the end was mind-blowing. Ultimately, the game shows a lot of promise. My congratulations to the developer.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Elves mark it a straight elf/10
    Charming art style
    Choices direct the story even as soon as the prologue
    I'm looking forward to seeing how dark, and how pleasant, the story can evolve depending on your choices.
    Each part could use a save file to transfer over to the next block, though, so it remembers your choices from a previous version.