Others - Completed - Endless Forest Dream [Final] [Seeking-chan]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    There is a bug where encountering any boss while wielding the rocket launcher/grenade launcher/laser gun causes the game to crash!

    This is another one of those "X with hentai" games, and being able to skip the "design the gameplay elements" step was a big advantage.

    Gameplay is bearable and the pixel art is very well done. There are a couple of bad design decisions (right click to dodge roll, ctrl to change weapons, how to use the bomb is never explained), but it's mostly competent. Balancing is a little bad because you have really strong laser weapons followed by unusable garbage like the bow.
    A lot of cool stuff is hidden in this game, like the way that everything seems to have several messages based on playthrough number, and the secret shopkeeper boss.

    Unfortunately, the game is quite short. There are only 3 levels, and the third one has no real ending. The day 3 bad ending is really fucking funny though.
    Replay value is where this takes a big hit. The hard mode is losable, but only if you get bad weapons and/or don't spam the E-bomb/dodge roll. I think it's a bit of a problem that you have to intentionally kneecap yourself even further in order to make it difficult.
    The CGs are long and there's no escaping them. The sandbox mode requires spending coins on randomized bullshit. It's all artificial replay value and you're better off using somebody else's save instead of unlocking things manually.

    I like the idea behind this. I would enjoy it if there was even more stuff. But the way it is now is very hit-or-miss, and you will know whether you like it or not very quickly. As a game this this pretty average, as a hentai game it ends up being pretty good.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    It's essentially hentai Enter the Gungeon with the gameplay loop of Vampire Survivors.

    Whether you like the game will probably come down to whether you liked EtG or not, since the controls, general combat and enemy patterns (maybe even some sfx) are straight up from that game.
    I personally enjoyed EtG, so I do like the gameplay loop.

    The implementation of the hentai elements is alright, having both CGs on defeat and animations when you are knocked down.

    It's definitely worth a shot, although it doesn't really offer that much content, but it can keep you busy for a while.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    [Final] (2024-10-13)

    It's mediocre and lacking polish, ending up annoying enough to not recommend.
    • It's playable, it has varied mechanics, upgrades and weapons.
    • Enemies have separate grab and defeat animations, there's voice acting.
    • Main base with upgrades and gallery.

    • It's generic and doesn't really play smoothly;
    • Upgrades are generic (for all weapons), selection is random (select 1/3 per level, 3 offers in shop)- same upgrades can appear multiple times in the same selection, some upgrades (reload speed) are obviously worse than others (rate of fire, damage).
    • There's no clear scene control- chance to get grabbed on damage, sometimes by proximity, struggle out of grapples or wait an undetermined amount of time until it starts looping by itself. Defeat CGs have a relatively slow fast-forward.
    • Generic sounds are generic, both combat and Eros, but they can get loud repetitive.
    • The game suffers from lacking descriptions- can't check picked item abilities, upgrades in camp are very obscure.
    • Lacking rewards- buy CGs with coins or see them on defeat; camp upgrades are temporary, unless you get lucky, upgrade currency needs a full victory run.
    Also had a crash, doesn't seem to save runs.
    Needs convenience patches to make it smoother.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    redux / stlmtrdx

    The rating is not lower because the bar is in hell for action H-games. The standards are so low even an experience as whatever as this one gets away with okay ratings because it was somewhat entertaining and not HORRIBLY poorly made.
    Forgive my possibly small vocabulary throughout the review, English isn't my first language.
    Skip to the last chunk of text before the summary if you want to see some thoughts that have to do with the porn part of the game, the rest is just my deranged ramblings about gameplay unrelated to the porn.

    Starting this game, seeing some of the mechanics and the bullets, I was thinking "wait a fucking second... Is this fucking H game Enter the Gungeon? Hell yeah."
    I was then promptly disappointed.
    This game is whatever. It's one of the lazier attempts at this type of game that I've seen. It is incredibly basic and there is not much to it. It shares some stuff with Enter the Gungeon and I wouldn't be surprised if that game was a direct inspiration for this one (or Nuclear Throne but I haven't played that one sorry) but it basically stops at the basic mechanics like weapons, items, blanks, bullet based combat, and dodge rolling.

    The game does not have you progress through any sort of space, even though I feel like there was a pretty good story setup for that kind of gameplay. Instead, you're stuck in one arena, progressing through "rounds" of enemies, with a reward after completing each one, and a boss at the end which ends the level. It's just boring I'm sorry, there's nothing that keeps me very engaged in this game. And it's not just this one decision, many games have done it right (you prob know which ones) but it's everything that surrounds it that makes it the main downfall of the game. Nothing feels like it was designed around it. Most enemies feel slow, not super actively aggressive, which shouldn't be the case in a game where you're in one room the whole time and there is literally nothing else to do but fight. Combat should be far more fast paced to keep the player REALLY engaged, it should be amazing, fun enough to carry the game. It isn't here, it was just okay and when it's the one thing that needs to carry the game because there's nothing more to it, that's a failure. Doesn't help that the player character has a ridiculously enormous hitbox for a bullet hell game, which is just annoying to play around especially since literally no attack feels properly designed around it, and I don't see any pros to it. Movement doesn't feel great either, just... fine enough I guess. It also doesn't help that I personally didn't find the game very challenging, health upgrades and recovery are plentiful enough that as long as you're playing okay enough you'll tank through your mistakes and win without ever dying, in my personal experience.

    To tell the truth I feel like this game doesn't get the appeal of roguelites. I'm unsure if I can fully count it as one considering the levels system, but at the very least I can tell it's really trying to be one, or at least be like one. But the fun gameplay loop of a roguelite just doesn't work here. The combat is not fun enough to keep anyone coming back for more runs, it just kept me decently engaged for a single playthrough and I came out of it thinking it was whatever. The weapons, stat boosts and items are not interesting enough to keep anyone coming back either. And that's literally all there is to the game, it's THAT basic. It's not particularly good as a one-time experience and it sure as hell isn't good enough to keep anyone coming back for more runs once they win, since there isn't anything interesting to experience by coming back for more runs.

    Finally, as an H-gaming experience it's also whatever, especially if you're good at the game, trying not to die, and want to experience the game's porn elements without failing on purpose.
    The grab system is overly easy to escape and has no effect on gameplay- even if it wasn't piss easy to escape, getting grabbed by an enemy literally does nothing to you as far as I can tell. No damage, no nothing, just an endlessly looping animation until you escape. And it's like... Oh no, you "got caught"... but no worries, just escape when you feel like you're done alright? No urgency or sense of defeat at all. At least end it after the enemy cums, jeez.
    Getting actually defeated by losing all health makes an enemy do the same animation and then sends you into a full game over scene with full drawings and stuff, and all the porn itself is actually quite good. This part would be all well and good if I found the combat engaging and challenging enough to actually die at any point, but I suppose that's more subjective (I think others do find this game hard, plus I think some other people don't mind dying on purpose to just see the porn) so I can see people enjoying this part of the game, but this is my review and in my experience this part of the game was also whatever. Even if the game was just harder so I just died more, I'd still wish the combat was also much better and more engaging to make my defeat and subsequent sexual humiliation that much more satisfying.

    In summary, this game is too basic with little content. Its few basic elements are not great enough to carry the game through that basic-ness, and the gameplay is not, for me personally, engaging or hard enough to make for a good fucked-on-defeat experience.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Good rogue-lite with great sprite work and well-drawn CG. Lacks a bit of H-Content/Mechanics, but gameplay is polished and enjoyable enough for those who aren't hyper focused on that aspect. Well worth your time if you find pixel art charming.

    Expanded Review:

    1. Similar Games: Brotato, HoloCure, Vampire Survivors, etc

    - Game is "Rogue-lite" but there's only 1 item that stays unlock via currency, the rest are temporary boosters for future runs that aren't too impactful. The real upgrades you get are from the run itself. There isn't any snowball upgrades in the reward loop, and just mostly steady stat upgrades and weapon drops that are relatively balanced (Sometimes I even prefer the base weapon, but there are weapons that are clearly somewhat better than others). The game doesn't throw many mobs at you per wave (max maybe 6~) at one time and the difficulty just comes from memorizing their attack patterns

    2. Difficulty (Eh)

    - The game itself isn't too hard if you have some experience in these types of games. There is a "hard" Mode which may require two hands to play. Bosses and elite mobs are the main threat of the runs, but they all have limited patterns and can be memorized in a run or two. Your great equalizer against bosses with bullet storms (or any enemy) is a spammable dodge, which has I-frames. Easy for "Veterans", Newbies might lose a run or two throughout the game.

    3. H-System (Mash System)

    - The H-Mechanics are rather simple, but most people might dislike it. The player needs to lose / get knocked down to get into a Pixel art scene, it's a simple mash left and right to escape system. The player does not get damaged if grabbed or if the player lets the animation run. Each enemy (+ 1 Boss) has a pixel art animation and a CG game over. I do not believe the H-system is implemented too well, but the pixel art is pretty polished.

    4. Gallery | Recollection Room (Tags: Yuri, Tentacles, Slimes, Dog)

    - There's two "Galleries". They separated the pixel art animation and the CG into two different areas. There's free battle, which you can freely see the pixel art animations. The player does need to purchase them from the shop through out the runs, and you will need to "grind" a bit to unlock all of them, there is no other way to unlock them. then there's the actual CG gallery. The CG gallery isn't obvious to spot as there isn't giant arrows/text pointing at it. It's a small book next to the MC in the night selection screen.

    5. Length (Short)

    -There's 3 total nights, each lasting around 15 minutes depending on how fast you can clear them. There's not much incentive to replay the game once you finish all of the nights besides maybe trying out new weapons or finishing up the Free battle Gallery due to lack of post-battle upgrades/ lack of difficulty options. Which is surprising as these types of games are usually built to be replayable.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    A run-n-gun 2D bullet-hell shooter with random equipment drops on every run. The gameplay is nicely done although a bit absurdly hard, you need to use the dodge at the right times to get damage immune and dodge some nasty attacks.

    The H-scenes are kinda meh, you get low-rez lazily made short 2D animations and 2D CG- images as game over scenes.

    If there was more depth into the combat and/or better H-scenes I would rate higher, but this is definitely a 4/5 at least.
    Likes: Arabi1
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay Time: 3 hours (Depend how skill issue are you, can be as fast as 1 hour)
    (This is initial version review, I think developer might update the game)

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