RPGM - Completed - Enishia and the Binding Brand [v1.06 Steam] [Shimobashira Workshop]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Yet another banger made by this group.

    I like the tabletop-esque approach to dungeon crawling and combat. Despite there being a time limit it's extremely easy to manage. Good bit of content and a focus on corruption. Pretty much in the same vein content wise to their other games. They continue to put out quality games and this one ventures out of the mold a tad just to prevent their formula from getting stale. Here's hoping they put out another game in the near future.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    simply put. same dev as celesphonia and ambrosia. but those games were better.

    idk how is it possible when this game should have better graphics, but it just is. the art, scenarios, they are just better.

    it's like the dev realized the "formula" for porn games so now doesn't put any thought in it just copy-pastes the previous games and misses the little details which made those games great.

    i dont mind the time restriction system. you can choose a difficulty in beginning, you can have unlimited time if you want, or hard difficulty with double debt and half days to pay it off.

    but normally you have 30 days.

    but it has day/night cycle, with morning->afternoon->evening->night->late night.

    on latenight you can only sleep. so you have 4instances to skip time per day. those instances are usually lewd events or adventuring. some things don't even skip time and can get you money/scenes. so you have plenty of time to experiment.

    the premise is great. nun, have a huge debt, scummy debtor, puts curses on you by your own choice to decrease debt.

    but for some reason the scenes are just not erotic enough. exact same scenarios as previous games just worse. huge disappointment.

    some grind. hard to rate this. it's between 2-3. i guess the quality and amount of content is there, and i dont remember any gamebreaking bug, english is surprisingly passable, the gibberish english scenes are rare. there are many grope/sex scenes.

    i think 3 is fair due to this compared with the boringness and spiritlessness of the game. this game has no passion, it's just a cash grab. although the quality is not as bad as some typical cash grabs but it's demoralizing to play a game where you know the author wanted to put in as little effort as possible to get the most amount of money. which ofc is standard behaviour but not in art/creativity, it just spoils the product. like here.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good corruption game with good corruption system and progression. Grinding is in a good sweet spot where it's not too easy but not too difficult. A lot of variety of H-scenes, and a lot of them were very well made and executed. The story was simple, but good. I was a little disappointed that nude exhibitionism doesn't really do much, since the exhibitionist event was really well done. I wish the normal mode had less time pressure and the translation was a little better, but it didn't hinder my enjoyment of the game.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    - Great and plentiful H-Scenes,
    - Great corruption
    - Difficulty and grind just about right w/ Decent gameplay
    - Good variety of outfits to pick from
    - When you are corrupted you can walk around the town and act like a slut/prostitute yourself which is nice unlike some games that never recognize it.
    -Quest log is decent enough

    - Holy shit how does this dev manage to make such boring stories with no interesting characters when everything else is so solid. Just pay off her debt and skip the rest of everything trust me.
    -TL is servicable, not poetry, but some confusing points
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Giving it a not so good grade because pregnancy is an actual scam.
    You have to finish the game before you can birth anything, which might take a bit of time considering how the story drags on (around 10-12h to complete the game)
    And even then, it's a matter of impregnation and instant birth. No pregnant H-scene, not even the birthing. Don't see the point of implementing impregnation and an orphanage for such a half-ass pregnancy sytem.

    Aside from that, it's a rather good sandboxy corruption game, with the classic trope of debt repayment. I'd say go for it, if you don't care for the pregnancy fetish that is.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved this game. The Dice roll was really cool at first, there were sometimes where it was definitely a little annoying, but never enough to ruin the experience for me. Overall, I still liked the existence of the dice rolling format purely for something new that I haven't experienced. Because let's be honest, in porn games we kind of need even a tiny bit of freshness. And since this was my first experience with it, it was nice. Very, very much loved the corruption/humiliation aspects of the game, I mean, it's why I came here in the first place. Seeing the mark grow bigger and Enicia's words grow lewder was very fun. Though much of the content is doing a scene a second, third, fourth, etc...time, I enjoyed every instance where things were changed to become more depraved or sexual the next time around. Growing more debauched, one groper turning to two, than several. Going around town looking for the next perverted interaction. Loved chasing after achievements and titles. One thing that I took forever to realize was that the two adventurers sitting at the table in the guild were actually hireable. Not that the game seems to spend much time in dungeon-crawling anyways, but as someone who didn't want "custom-made NPC's" I struggled with the fighting because I wanted to have pre-made battlers on my team and ended up fighting solo or with just the shopkeeper a majority of the time. Overall I would say it was a really great corruption game that deserves the stars I gave it. I did find it strange that Enicia seemed strangely pure for someone who by the end actively enjoyed being seen naked, yet still behaved as if she had shame and wasn't a whore even as she's in a literal brothel and being gangbanged. Some like that, though, so don't see it as much of a negative.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The game arts are very good and the gameplay systems are pretty deep, although with the dice mechanics like in DnD, so always be on guard for surprises.
    Also the Machine Translation is not bad unlike Poetry MTL, so its definitely readable and will not cause headache
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Didnt think it was gonna hook me that bad but it did. Really loved the main character, hella cute, and so were the rest of the characters. The main villain is also really intriguing and mysterious. The plot is enjoyable and never boring.

    The scenes and their progression I also thought were good. She doesnt turn dumb, she just get naughty and enjoys teasing and pleasing men. The variety is also up there. Each set of scenes feels like a mini adventure to explore.

    The world is alive, plenty to do, all npcs have something interesting to say, even unlocking locations. The exploring is fun, bit stressful because of the limited turns and the rng, but fun.

    Time really flies with this game
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Great RPGM game, with a good amount of content and an interesting gameplay. There are a lot of H situations, a good corruption system, greats CGs scenes, and an interesting dungeon system.
    However , the game may lack some interesting secondary characters, some quests aren't very intuitive or too similar.
    But in the end, a solide H game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. If you are an ENF and/or Corruption fan, it's definately going to be enjoyable for you. I'm especially fond of the exploration and combat system, and like other games from this developer, it's art is top notch.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Shimobashira Workshop drops into the market once again for a riveting fourth game that matches the extensive quality you can expect out of their RPGs. This time you will play as Enicia, a nun who runs a small chapel and orphanage in a city that is the former capital - losing faith in God and the power it once had. Pay off the debt on the church by any means necessary, but expect a lot more then a dry CG hunt, especially if it's made by Shimo.

    Rather then a typical dungeon crawl, the dungeon exploration game is set on a game board where you roll a die to see how far you move. Squares have various effects such as giving you treasure, stuff to sell, extra spaces, or negative or erotic events. There is a turn limit on any map you enter so it's important that you hustle to the objective of the map.

    Similarly, battles feature dice rolls at the forefront as the rolls determine the power of your attacks - dungeons & dragons style. This is the first Shimo RPG to feature party-based combat, giving you more variety in actions. However, if you enjoyed the erotic events ala battle-fuck from previous games, they are not present here, to my disappointment.

    Game difficulty is variable - you can choose between 3 levels of debt and time limit, from relaxed, normal, or an inferno mode where you must pay off double the amount of debt in normal mode at a fraction of the time. Inferno mode is a fun challenge that will force you to make risky purchases to make more money in future days, completing all the quest lines available for the money, and some grinding. There is also a failsafe to extend the deadline if you manage to fail the initial deadline, so if you want to try the challenge but dont want to lose progress, the game has you covered. If you are adamant on your first playthrough being pure virgin I would not recommend also playing inferno. Battle difficulty ranges from easy to very hard - you can change it at anytime but because I found a very rare item at the start that allowed one of my party memeber to dunk enemies even on very hard, I can't really comment on what you should set yours to. Experiment!

    A lot of fetishes are covered here but the focus is mainly on corruption and prostitution content. Unlike most games where the heroine loses all sense of rationality and becomes an animal, Enicia keeps some tact and shame by the end which may be disappointing to some but refreshing for me - as the endgame content for these kinds of corruption games tend to end up being one-note and boring.

    The story itself is fairly expansive and in Shimo fashion goes beyond what you may expect out of a simple plotline - they go above and beyond to build lore to flesh out the setting and storyline, where reading the books scattered around the city is actually fruitful to unlocking more places.

    Enicia unfortunately is too flat in character and "nice" for her to be the main subject of the game, and there are no outrageous characters for her to be the straight man against. She is the kind of character you expect out of her background and rarely steps out of the mould. And so because of that, and with the end having a weak climax, makes me disappointed overall with the story.

    The music is very great this time, and the voice actor for Enicia is a goddess. In the audio department, the game is not lacking.

    Overall, despite some areas where the game is lacking in, the game is a great play and worth the time to go through it all.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Very solid game with quite a nice dungeon exploration mechanic. The corruption is really nicely done, especially since you can farm points to extend the deadline which means that it's explained in-game. Pregnancy content is basically nonexistent, it's a trap. Dungeon mechanics is interesting but can be also very, very frustrating with the turn limit and the possibility of hitting lowest scores over and over again. Overall decent, I played for about 6 hours without much problems, but could use some polishing of the mechanics
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The game starts pretty alright. Then it felt like a slow burn game which is exactly my type, but unfortunately for this game, not that much. The slow corruption is not well executed. Also the scenes are very grindy. You'll see the same scenes so many times. The gameplay element was interesting but wasn't good enough to make up for the bad sex scene executions.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    If you looked over the tags and thought this was perfect for you, do not let the art and seeming quality fool you. This is despite the obvious polish and nice visuals a painfully average game.

    Neither the characters or story are any good and the translation makes them even worse. It lacks that special something, that can elevate porn games from just pictures + grind to something really good.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Shimobashira as a game developer is a bit hit-or-miss for me. I quite liked Ambrosia due to the corruption, good art and generally decent RPG elements. Celesphonia though was not my cup of tea. I guess its combat and you having to go a bit too much out of your way for the porn in it (for example, by losing) wasn't for me.

    Enicia is a bit more like Ambrosia. As usual the art is good and the leading heroine is pretty hot. There's a debt system and a time limit. The dungeon crawling with a dice system didn't work for me. Felt like a time waster. I much prefer when the porn is integrated into the combat more (good example would be Succubus Academia, bad example would be Kurenkisho Quolta). I enjoyed the corruption aspects, seeing Enicia get the lewd crest developed more and more especially. Wish there was even more you could do with it. I liked how in Ambrosia the character you're trying to save was corrupted. They could have done something similar here and allow several characters to get corrupted. Would have worked great considering the antagonists. Most of the porn scenes in Enicia are fine. A bit too basic for me but not bad.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Shimobashira is a good company that make good game like magical girl celesphonia,ambroisia, and anthesis. when i heard they are going to release another one i was hyped. But after playing it, it's well... mediocre at least. I cant find any side character thats interesting and the main character is well, pretty boring. I was interested at the end when the secret is revealed about the main character, but when i tried not paying the debt we dont get any scene. I think character is weak on this one, i love the character from ambroisia like the friendship with the plant monster, anthesis about the schoolgirl, and magical girl with schoolgirll and the teacher and her friend. Its a good game but just mediocre
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Very solid game.
    Yeah, it's ultimately a corruption H-game (we all know how these always play out), but it's an enjoyable one.

    First things first,
    • Very, very, VERY solid combat and "Sudoku" dice-exploration.
      • Basically, if you're a sucker for DnD, aka tabletop games in which campaign movement, as well as actions are controlled by the roll of a dice, then you will find the game's combat and exploration extremely good. I honestly find this quite refreshing when compared to the standard RPGM.
        • Exploring the dungeons was actually very fun and absolutely my favorite part of the game.
    • The difficulty is just right.
      • I played at the max difficulty in both story and combat, and man, that was mad entertaining. I'm so bored of games in which you get to one shot everything. It feels great playing an H-game in which you can actually get your ass beaten.
        • I managed to pay the full debt with barely any leftover time. Even then, I was NEVER really sure that I was actually going to accomplish it in the given time. Paying it off actually felt like an accomplishment. The game difficulty is just right as it forces the player into actually paying attention and play it smart.
          • Money management is very important in the game. Now I can be broke both in-game and irl. How innovative!
    • The sound (music and voices) were alright.
    • The world is quite big, there's many things to do. So many actually that you may end up intentionally skipping content.
    • The story is very good as well. It's not like, extremely good, but the whole blackmailing plot and seeing how our protagonist handles it is very interesting, to say the least.
    • The protagonist is hot. Yeah, moving on.
    • The free roam after the game clear is a very nice addition.
      • I only wish that they gave you a cheat menu or something. I am NOT grinding to see some extra stuff.
    There were some things that have to be clear before playing;
    • This game consists of grind, grinding, and then more grind.
      • You're paying off a debt so you better believe you'll have to work Enicia's ass off (and quite literally)
        • There's fishing in the game. Yay!...
    • The corruption is... ehh.
      • The game has "lust levels", which make a RADICAL change in the character's behavior. In other words, one day she was acting normally, she masturbated, and now she's partaking in orgies (lust level went up by 1).
    • The translation is... bad.
      • There were many instances in which the dialogue goes something like this;
        • "She is a man wearing a hat. She went up to that shady street with [1], but she didn't look like she was being forced."
          • This scenario describes a kidnapping. What the fuck, is the kidnapper a man or a girl? And who the fuck is "[1]"???
            • The translation confuses the description of MANY characters (and some items) and flips them around. In other words, sometimes male characters are referred to as "she" and female as "he". Some were even referred to as "they" for whatever reason. And no, it's not because of identities or whatever, but rather because of translation errors (MTL).
              • This makes some scenarios and situations REALLY confusing. For example, the witch lady, which kept being referred to as a male to the point that I myself thought it was a futa or something until the translation actually worked and made sense.
                • There were also some missions that had unclear objectives due to the translation.
    • The game lacks branching paths, and the ending conditions are simply idiotic.
      • The game only has one path with slight differences in dialogue and endings. But at the core it is still the same branching path. If Enicia becomes a slut, she fucks a lot and gets a horny ending. That's it. No new characters, (unique) events, or anything like that.
        • The ending requirements are stupid. The only real difference between the requirements is how horny you let your Enicia be.
    • There's only like 3 animated H-scenes, rest are CG.
      • The CGs are okay, hot enough, but the animations are ehhhh.

    All in all, I think that the Little Saint of Horseshoe Street (lol, what a stupid name) is a very solid H-game. With good combat and a fun story, it managed to go above and beyond compared to your standard H-game. It's roughly 10-12 hours long if you don't skip much dialogue.

    Have fun!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    When taking this game into a vacuum this is easily a 5 star game, but when compared to Shimobashira's previous games i do share the feeling that this is a little disappointing. Shimobashira still has the crown for when it comes to high quality RPGM games but it's not the jump we where hoping for.

    If you've played any of the previous titles this should all feel very familiar however the Dice mechanic in dugeons are the thing that divides most people. It's an okay mechanic that feels fresh but it's not as much of an upgrade as i imagine people expected, since dice dungeons are probably easier to make i do feel like there's slightly more dungeons content in this game but they're not as good as previous ones. It's more of a side-grade than an upgrade. Although there are some very good boards in this game there's also a few sub par ones.
    One thing i do however enjoy is the party system, and how you are too weak to really fight anything, it's fun to import your own custom charachters into the game.

    Shimobashira still made an excellent game and there's few games on the quality of this studio in my mind but this title doesn't surpass Celesphonia and for me sits around the same level of quality as Ambrosia.
    I'm hoping that like previous titles there will be some fan made content or maybe even a DLC or something for this game.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is much better than average RPGM games. Graphics are pretty, music sounds good, not too much recycled from other games. I really like the adventuring. This would be a decent game even without the lewd, which is good too. Story is nothing special. Girl in debt, has to perform increasingly lewd actions to get money, until she starts liking them.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    it's a decent game, gameplay wise the only thing i don't like that much is the dice mechanic but it didn't matter much after sometime in my pure run of the game. And a pure run is not that much harder than whoring the mc (actually my pure run felt easier for me)

    the H content is good too, i like the voice, character designs and scenarios. Also has a good variety of men, we hab old men, shota, normal asshole guy, random molesters and monsters. There's also a yuri scene but only one i think.

    There's preggo content but it's barebones, requires a game clear(clearing main quest, not just paying the debt) and it's so rng to get her preggo, she can have a belly but it's just a short scene, it does look nice that each kid has info on who their father is.