Enough of the v0.01 Daz/HS VNs! ... {Rant}

dusty stu

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2018
For myself, I'm getting sick of all the VNs that are bare bones as 1-month-old Christmas tree and as arousing as a piece of rotten mango.

Trash tier submission checklist:
* Uses Daz or HS (leading to all of these VNs looking exactly the same).
* Version 0.01 or similar, and never getting finished.
* Bizarre number of views and likes (Being a DIC). I am still baffled by this.
* Limited number of mostly-vanilla Kinks (due to small scope of models / environments in Daz / HS ).
* Reinforces the VN-heavy trend on f95. Less people innovating and making something unique.

Since I'm only mostly an asshole, here are some pros of all these VNs:
* gets more people into making games. The equivalent of posting your first minecraft submission or whatever. No one starts as a pro.
* Porn and Smut is a niche market, divided into even smaller kink-fiefdoms. Games with a broad appeal have a better chance of getting Patreon money. 3d VNs are fairly broad, which can help immature devs get their initial following.
* I would rather play a v0.1 of a Daz VN than a v0.1 RPG.Maker grind-a-thon.
* Popular things are popular for a reason. Give the people what they want, I guess.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 13, 2019
So.. agree/agree? xD

I used to be and administrator of a rpgmaker site 20 years ago, when rpgm come pirated to english.

Inevitable downside:
And same same... When you lower the entry bar (easy engines to work with), you'll get thousands of low effort - not greatly inspired games.
You make easy to work engines with thousands of available tutorials (Unreal, Unity etc) and you get thousands of asset flips on Steam.

It is the price that comes with easy access.

Inevitable good side:
You'll get some good games, and this is the only thing that matter.

One just shouldn't get piss by the games don't like, but cherish the good ones that appear.
One cannot ask amateur devs, whatever they need; "Make your own characters! Learn to make your own clothes! Learn to make your own 3d assets! Mature! Learn to write!"
Some devs will learn, some don't.

A critic player just should support the dev they like (just by recommending them if not wanting to pay)

Thing is, easy entries are never going to be away, and there are going to be more, not less.


Game Developer
Feb 11, 2019
In fact... the one with low effort and commitment will die by itself like natural selection
so you don't need to jump in the car in the first release
If it not any good it will disappear before you realize it exists...

And... as a developer
Why release V0.1?
Well... we not dump our time and effort to make game for charity
We dev want to make money from our game just like you want to play our game free
If the v0.1 get no hope we can stop it or change it what ever
if we start from Ver 1.0 that take years already to work on and it fails
no one of you ever care for our lost...
so we dev could selfishly our self just like that

and for rpgm grindy...
I don't understand
Clearly you all know how they work in their genre
it's kind of traditional
like you complain about FPS game being first player shooting
as long as someone makes it so there are someone like and buy it
you don't like don't buy or play it
it very simple
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
I agree with OP but then I agree with SeventhVixen, we will find a lot of cheap/low effort games, 95% already asking for money with Patreon page that looks like the dev put more effort in the Patreon page than the game. But eventually we will find one game among the others that isn't cheap at all and that one game will be worthy as fuck.

I see this as I see people trying to get into e-sports. You will have hundreds or thousands of new player but 98% of them will suck at the game and they won't try to learn more about the game either, but we will find a coulple of new players that will change the meta as we know it and that will be glorious.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I see this as I see people trying to get into e-sports. You will have hundreds or thousands of new player but 98% of them will suck at the game and they won't try to learn more about the game either, but we will find a coulple of new players that will change the meta as we know it and that will be glorious.
And like for e-sports, some of the bad ones will enhance their abilities with the time and after few badly made games, or sometimes just few badly made updates, with cheap CG, will become good enough to be worthy.
We can't ask for someone that just discovered a new passion to be good at it on his first try, and if we don't give a chance to this said first try, we also don't give him a chance to improve with time.


Jun 12, 2018
I don't see much difference between this and other entertainment industries but that this is more an amateurish one.
Look at all the blockbusters. Even if they spend tens of millions most of them have cheap stories or are bad remakes.
Without Daz and HS you will just see less game, and probably even worse.
Those softwares gave many talented wannabe authors the possibility of shine, and they did.


Active Member
Jun 7, 2018
Ah, there are three things you can watch forever: fire, water, and rprequelmemes leaking everywhere.

It's in your account preferences.