
Active Member
Dec 25, 2018
i liked the public version but disliked there was no character model or nsfw images so its all in your head. feel like I seen everything too in like 20 minutes. Seems like no matter how high debt gets, nothing really changes which is a bit of a bummer. No punishments outside of further transformations. also seems like u can just put off your debt indefinitely.
tried the last patreon version and it was a completely different game! didnt like the old one either. makes me nervous about trying the patreon version since it might be totally different. Also how are the nude scenes incorporated does anyone know? Is there sex cards or do u get R worded when defeated? dont wanna pay and get zero content
The patron v is just + uncensor and char model
The reason you find v5x and v6x different cause it is... dev tends to restart... v6x promised no more restart cause dev find their way... the only question is what it is cause they say all the current design and game play temp... :WaitWhat:... dev said v7x soon... i'm seriously suspicious...:rolleyes::unsure:


Game Developer
Apr 15, 2023
Actually, we already created about the same amount of content as it is already presented in the game. And we keep doing that. Just don't want to upload everything and make chaos... You can see the chaos with the clothes system. At first it seemed a good idea, but after I added more pieces it became what we have atm... And I would add even more before v7 because again, we have some stored materials o_O
So for now I move step by step. Make something, analyze results, and then advance :unsure: (v6.5.0 will be quite big though, even clothing system will be changed a little)


Active Member
Dec 25, 2018
Actually, we already created about the same amount of content as it is already presented in the game. And we keep doing that. Just don't want to upload everything and make chaos... You can see the chaos with the clothes system. At first it seemed a good idea, but after I added more pieces it became what we have atm... And I would add even more before v7 because again, we have some stored materials o_O
So for now I move step by step. Make something, analyze results, and then advance :unsure: (v6.5.0 will be quite big though, even clothing system will be changed a little)
You may consider add body shape limit to clothes... it gives more realism and less work for you.


Active Member
Dec 25, 2018
A fast test v6.40:
the card game slant towards runaway
heat and tiredness jump without reason
the card pack full of trash that prevent game at high dif
yellow error card show up
the game push fem tf strongly but that is it and all
the card management is:poop:
Feel the irony :The game manageable without tf...:rolleyes:

some more errors
Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: State.temporary.playable is undefined<<if _playable[_idx]>> <<playable_action $bat_hand _idx>>

Error: <<run>>: bad evaluation: t is undefined<<run _card.run_pre_play()>>

Error: <<run>>: bad evaluation: State.temporary.card is undefined<<run _card.run_pre_play()>>

Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: c is undefined<<set _playable to => c.is_playable)>>

Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: State.temporary.playable is undefined<<set _hand_count to _playable.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + Number(cur), 0)>>
runaway rapid tg ... bimbo only can forget about the SM . 4h testing...:sleep:
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Game Developer
Apr 15, 2023
I want to do my contribution to this website, here's the patreon version
Why not sigma version? :unsure:
If you want to really contribute consider paying another $6. Also, if you really really wanted to contribute you would subscribe annually, so you can keep contributing by uploading new versions each week or few times a week :ROFLMAO:
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