Others - Completed - EraTohoK [2022-06-05] [Wamekukyouzin]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I'll be brutally honest as usual, i did not expect a mere text game to be this good. It was a pleasant surprise. Recommended for fans of the hardcore.

    *Hardcore content:
    Want slaves? Sure. Want to brand them? Sure. Want to tattoo filthy words on their face or anywhere else on their body? By all means. Want to pierce their fun bits? Can do. Etc, etc.
    And you can also do a lot of fun stuff to your own mc if you so wish. ;):coffee:
    This game doesn't mess around, and i love this to pieces.

    *Actual gameplay:
    It is there, and it is good.
    Can play as a leader of a faction vying for supremacy or as their officer. Various scenarios available.

    *Highly customizable:
    You can customize just about anything.

    This game takes place in
    Touhou universe's Gensokyo.

    *TL quality: Mostly good but there are girls with untranslated text that do pop up on occasion, sadly.

    Honestly enjoyed myself quite a bit, mainly due to non-vanilla content.
    Been a while since i played something on non-virgin level so this was a blast. Have fun~ :giggle::coffee:
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best text games I've played. Free and plenty of content. I believe you can conquer, woo, imprison or rape your way through as well as decide the fate of your underlings when specific events come, as f-protag or m-protag. As a more submissive role you can choose to play an officer instead, but I don't think anyone in your faction will ever try to force you unless you're their captive. One specific game mode that dials the content up is #12:without trials virtue is inconspicuous. In that, goblins, demons, lovecraftian cultists, technological wizards, tentacle monsters, and bandits are the main factions to fight against, and they'll commit atrocities against you and others.

    I recommend going into the settings when in game to specify your tastes. Once there, you can also click on the double stars **All sorts of options are available here** to bulk edit or edit individuals one at a time. It takes some time, but for the general settings you only have to do them once and then save them to load them again.

    What you'll get is a daily phase of 3 parts: castle, region, and combat.
    During castle, which is just my own term for it, you can covort with the factions' members and do tasks such as training, socializing, sex, child rearing, work activities, or deal with prisoners. You can also buy items, research, and pets. Mostly sexual in nature. After you end that, random events will pop up, many of them sexual in nature. You can deal with them yourself or send subordinates to deal with them.
    During the region phase you are presented with the world map where you can see which factions own what. There is a limited explore option, which gives a random event. You can also play politics with other factions.
    Then the combat phase which is almost fully automated. If you defeat a unique character you can imprison or execute them, or send them back. If you are defeated you are always taken prisoner.

    Most of it is procedural and repetitive, but there's so much that I've spent hours across many days zoning out to it. Beware though, the update cycle is very slow, but free. Just check the eratoho wiki for any.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Era games while built on an older engine, are an awesome source of entertainment and replayability once you get the hang of the mechanics.

    EratohoTW is my absolute sandbox, comfort game as an avid Touhou fan.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Edit: Correct ton of poor English words

    There is a summary below this review, for anyone who prefers quick reading.

    The game is very different and made for specific type of players, so if those types of players play it, they will really like it. But if not the target audience they would really hate it.

    How game work
    Before we play there are scenarios we can choose, and will bring us to the map of the games such as Gensokyo, EU, and Japan. Then we choose an area with a group of Touhou characters in there as our ally. We can select any specific character we like, that is also an option. And the objective of this game is to control all countries by being friendly or just attacking everyone. We have to do all of this by management protection, Attack, and Relation country development.

    While playing, player can develop relationships with Touhou characters starting with strangers to marriage.

    Good thing

    Touhou relate

    There are a lot of Touhou characters over 150. I am not truly a Touhou fan so not sure if some characters haven't been in the game yet but I am pretty sure 90%-95% had in this game. Some characters had special talent details like Satori who had reading mind ability or Doremy could enter people's dreams, these were like fan service for Touhou fans who know the lore.

    After starting the game and entering mid-game where AI starts more active. Players can send people to attack. Or give away our people to ally country. For me, this is the most fun of the game, the creator did really well.

    Dating and Segg system
    As for me, I enjoy it but some wouldn't like it. So the system works by simply clicking the option what to do on the screen like "Kiss", or "Invite go outside" and the same as the segg action. Players can choose many positions and fetishes such as Oral, cowgirl, etc. Also, we can combine many things such as "Touch body" + "Kiss" so these two things can happen at the same time(It sounds good but still needs imagination because there none any video or picture).

    Passion of game creator
    There are so many details for over 100+ characters, many events, and options for action.

    Bad thing

    Incomplete translate

    95% is English other than that is Japanese but this can be fixed by clicking on the "File" at the top left of the program and going to the "Clipboard", this will open Notepad with the current text on the game so you can copy Japanese text to Google Translate. Most of the incomplete are just minor problems and not seen often, so many event choices right now in the game most of the time is English. But still it should be 100% translated but not a big problem.

    Hard to learn game
    This game doesn't have an easy explanation. Don't have a tutorial with some showcase of how the game works and not even a beautiful screen tutorial, everything is just text... There is a help option on the menu, it will explain how the game works but is still hard to understand for new players. So I recommend play the game a bit first and then coming back to read the explanation again. There is a guide for new players in the file game but hard to understand.

    Dating and segg action
    Even though it Hentai game and has the segg system it's only just text. There are 2 types of images, The first is when the character is naked but only the top half of the body to see their expression, and the chest when naked. The second type of image is a gif animation of semen going into the female womb which happens whenever the player has raw segg with the characters. Even dating and segg action seem basic but still have a few problems for new players could be confusing. This is caused by the game not being fully explained so the only way to know is to try out all the action.

    This game is very specific for some players who follow this.
    1.Touhou fan
    2.Like strategy game
    3.Like reading and novels/Don't mind text-based game
    4. Have great imagination for segg scenes, as every action of the game is only explained by text
    5.Okay with coding background and a simple background screen. The whole game is only a black screen like came from CMD or a coding program, with only a picture of the top half-body character.
    6.Have a lot free time to waste(This would took me 2 days to complete, like actually 2 days = 48 hours from know nothing to complete the game)

    If you have all of this I mentioned, I am pretty sure you can enjoy it a lot like me and would maybe replay it again.

    This game has a "Help" option on the menu screen and a notepad in the file game called "new_player_guide.txt" but still needs to be played at least for an hour for more understanding.

    4/5 I cut one score for incomplete translation and no tutorial.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    Kind of hard to distinguish what version I am rating, so I guess this is for the 7/17/2023 build?

    Nifty concept, terrible design and execution.

    I have played many text games and even helped make some text games and as some other reviews have pointed out, there are good, intuitive text games, and then there are games like this.

    Zero explanation on how to play the game in the game, untranslated text, a mess of text walls that don't explain anything, and so much random crap that seemingly has no purpose that when you first take a look around it makes you want to just quit.

    I gave this game a shot for maybe an hour and all I could figure how to do was go to the cafe, talk to people, do scouting events, and have sex in the extremely limited and honestly disappointing sex system, which had a small few options and very quickly got boring and repetitive since you can't read what is going on since all of the dialogue is in Japanese.

    I've played games with steep learning curves, but there is no learning curve here because that implies that there is some way to actually learn the game.
    In this game, you either know how something works, or you don't and there is nothing that will really help with that process.

    If you want to give it a shot for shits and giggles, go ahead, but I personally would recommend avoiding it unless you feel like wasting a large chunk of your life learning a poorly designed text game that has zero intuitiveness.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Practically perfect for a text-based game.

    • ~160 girls, each with their own portraits.
    • Portraits with varying expressions (normal and erotic).
    • Customizable characters.
    • Various events.
    • Various factions with their own strategic actions.
    • Various settings let you play in various ways (including as evil factions).
    • Fun strategic game that can vary in difficulty.
    • Fun punishing/torturing/night-crawling/sex actions.
    • Nice interactive dating simulation.
    • Replayability is high.

    • Things can get extremely messy and overwhelming at times.
    • No erotic imagery beyond portraits.
    • Some segments are not completely translated.
    • Some texts/info can break immersion sometimes.
    • Long gameplay segments.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR It takes some time to learn the game, but it is an extremely rewarding experience. Highly recommended for Touhou fans

    Honestly, the first time I opened this game, I played it for about 10 min, got bored, and bailed out. But as a massive Touhou fan, I gave it another chance, and now I waste more of my life playing this game than any other text based game I've experienced by a long shot. There is a decently large learning curve to master all the systems (especially if you want to play higher difficulties with strong special factions,) but I am incredibly impressed by the variety and nuance this game offers. If you get bored of hashing things out through brute force, it is totally possible to conquer the world through diplomacy (and my new favorite way to play.) If you want a quicker game that doesn't require constantly managing combat, you can play as an officer instead of the ruler, and your ruler's AI will manage a lot of the combat for you with decent efficiency. A lot of things can be adjusted in the settings, including turning off events you don't like, and additional modding can be done without special software (though the base code is still in Japanese with limited English notes, so that is something I'm still getting the hang of.) All in all, if you are a Touhou fan, willing to put in the time to learn the systems, and want a potential challenging and fun game, then I highly recommend giving this game a shot
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    make sure to stay updated for sure, this game has always had loads of content, but it's always nice to have more, highly customiseable with great looking touhou portraits immediately, and supposedly you can also have custom ones, but i haven't figured that bit out yet myself, could perhaps do with some more attention, all said, it's a very good game with diverse and unique content.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Seeing how highly rated the game was on this site, I simply had to provide some form of counter-balance.

    I'll be frank- this is barely a game. To compare it to Romance of the Three Kingdoms is incredibly unfair to the RotTK games, of which I'm not even really even much of a fan. Even the 1985 version on PC-88 is significantly more playable, with a better map, better and more numerous graphics, and a significantly better idea of what the player is supposed to be doing and how to do it. This game, despite looking like it came out in the same time period, is from decades later- even so, it looks worse and plays worse.

    My problems with this game have very little to do with it being text-based; I've played a great number of text-based ero-games, most recently ones like Corruption of Champions and Monster Girl Dreams, and in general, they do a good job getting across to the player what is going on, where to go, and what to do. In fact, the relative simplicity of text-based games is a big part of what makes them so easy to approach... usually. Every now and then, though, you get games like this. Text-based games where the screen is cluttered with hard-to-navigate windows, eye-straining text and a glut of seemingly random icons and multicolored letters. Games where something as simple as opening the interaction menu makes you want to say, "Fuck it, I'm done", where you can barely tell what's going on, where nothing you do seems to have much of an effect one way or the other. This is a game where you will waste an absurd amount of time doing absolutely nothing, simply because you have very little way of actually interacting with the world. You simply press the same few buttons every turn, churn through every interaction, and repeat each turn forever. There is very little to actually do in this game, even if there are a large number of things that happen which the player has some level of control over.

    I suppose that summarizes the whole game pretty well, actually- a large number of things happen, but the player has very little to do. You simply grind the same few actions you're able to over and over again, slowly taking territories, and then the game is over. The h-scenes are only erotic by technicality, not because they're text-based with no images, but because they're clinical and not particularly well written. Even once you get over the absurdly steep learning "curve", there's very little meat there. An enormous amount of content, yes, but virtually no substance whatsoever. I would not recommend this game under any circumstances, unless you are a major Touhou fan, in which case I suppose you might get a kick out of it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    great game with lots of possibilities and events, sadly not every event is translated to english, but a majority of the game is playable and there's still work being done on the translation. me being new to the touhou universe still really enjoyed this game and sparked my interested in the touhou franchise, wonderful game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The average human being has around 5 liters of blood in them.

    In one orgy with 8 women, my MC managed to ejaculate 5.421 liters. On the one hand, I'm a little sad that he's more of a man than I'll ever be. On the other hand, 10/10 would do again.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    holy shit is this one a gem. Like a better sengoku rance. ill start with the bad parts because they are few and far between, parts are still untranslated and the only other problem i have is the avatar system, its great it randomly makes a portrait for characters from a template, but the girls are rather child looking anime girls. Its not my taste, But i cant fault it for this since its a taste thing. Another thing is the scorlling system this game uses, i sometimes click on things that were clickable before but arent now. But you get used to it. Now the good:
    honestly almost everything. The ui is hard to adjust to but once you do its actually pretty dope. he gameplay is varied, interesting and dare i say engaging? Theres lots of events that can happen, so far from what ive seen they all are pretty interesting and unique, from a simple you went to a tavern to a weird you watched the moon with a suspicious girl. Its fun af.
    This game is worth it if youre into gameplay heavy fuck games. My gripe with rance series was the main character himself, and this game fixes that. So far its one of my favorites ive seen on this site.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Text based games aren't usually my thing. :unsure: But this is an exception.

    Basically, I've dreamt of a game like this, but didn't know already existed. There is almost total freedom as you conquer a map filled with an assortment of waifus leading opposing nations. You can make babies, with friends or enemies. Use Diplomacy, make alliances. Execute prisoners, go on dates with your offers. Do mischief with dignitaries from bordering nations.

    It's a power fantasy that can be customized to a ridiculous amount. The strategy element is really fun and engaging. Unexpected and interesting things happen often. There are images and animations (clothed and unclothed), but the text and your own imagination do the job. You can set any characters to be related to you at the start, so you might discover your long lost sister amid battle. Or recruit your mom as an officer.

    The UI is not elegant, but the freedom it gives you makes up for it. Numpad shortcuts make input quick and after awhile you get used to it. You have to get used to the fact that this game progresses by scrolling text, so the game runs as a long window. Again, you get used to it. I would change these awkward aspects of the game but almost nothing else.

    Era Games has a Wiki with a bunch of similar games, some based off of this one. Essentially, whatever you could be into seems to be represented here. This is a flawed gem, but well worth high praise.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    [Reveiw of v1.28.13 on 2/20/2022]

    Jesus, I just about lost 24 hours to this thing.

    Maybe I have a compulsive disorder of some sort. Or maybe this game just yoinks you in that hard, like one of these Tohou girls whose damn Submission stat won't go up because she just demands to be on top, even when you're the one choosing every position or action. It's as irritating as it is deeply satisfying when you finally fuck them unconscious and force their submission up through sheer mindshattering, near-constant orgasms.

    That was a bit of a tangent, though, wasn't it? Well, that's what this game is about in a nutshell. It initially comes across as a Rance style country conquering game, and then quickly devolves into a custom slut-training sex simulator, complete with an absolute bevvy of various sexual stats and skills for everyone involved to know and learn, with the ultimate goal being to use the Kama Sutra to recruit overpowered women as officers into your holy war. It's a devil's playground, not least of which because of the level of descriptive depth, options, random events, and mechanical intricacy available within the game.

    Admittedly, this game isn't perfect. It's still being translated by /hgg/ posters on 4chan, and it is currently at version 1.28.13 (if I'm reading the most updated source, that is...). They're busy translating what probably amounts to a Charles Dickens novel worth of unique dialogue for the... errr... how many characters are in this game? Way too many. I'm pretty sure it's the whole Tohou roster, and I don't know a quarter of enough about the roster to tell you anything. All I know is that there's probably more than 50 characters, and that there is still work to be done. There were plenty of unique dialogues that I ran into which were still coming through in moon runes -- it didn't affect my ability to play the game or enjoy most of the sex scenes, but it certainly limited my ability to enjoy the character's individual personalities.

    All that being said, everything content-wise needed to get about a dozen good wanks is translated and available. For players who enjoy Grand Strategy games, Touho, and humanity's all-powerful imagination, this is a truly fantastic porn game.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    As a strategy game, Eratoho is hobbled by its interface. Trying to parse out the game state just takes significantly longer than other strategy games and is a constant drag even when you have a good idea of what's going on.

    However, the strategy game part is more a backdrop to the real Eratoho experience: a complex Tohou story simulator. A super flexible faction and relationship system creates interesting scenarios that you can take in whatever direction you want. Go ahead and romance and marry you're 2hu waifu then turn around and film an enemy ruler losing their virginity to a pig and spread the footage to their subjects to humiliate them. And you won't be starved for ideas as a huge variety of random and scripted events happen over the course of your playthrough, again running the whole gamut of cute to depraved. As well as a steady drip feed of new bedroom/dating items.

    If you have the patience and know anything about the Tohou franchise, I'd encourage you to give this a shot. I suggest getting Translation Aggregator and enabling the game's "copy to clipboard" to deal with any untranslated sections.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This game excels in the freedom you are given after you climb the learning cliff, which you either have to stumble through or just read the wall of text meant for new players.

    But after all that, you can get to victory in so many different ways, you could invade, annex rulers through love or submission, create permanent alliances, join the winning nation, and more.

    There's also a very good replayability, which I love. Once you win, you can carry over pretty much whatever you want into any scenario, and to avoid the game becoming too easy you can increase difficulty by directly changing it in settings, adding special factions, or renouncing an alliance early on to make all the rulers hate you, building up coalitions against yourself.

    Perhaps my greatest pet peeve is that there aren't any stat checks for a lot of events, and you can somehow get drugged raped by a random hunter despite having the abilities of a demi-god even if you make reasonable decisions
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is not really my first time playing a text-based game, but it certainly it's the first time doing it for long enough to make a review.

    Gameplay wise is really good... for a text-based game, that's it.
    Most of the scenarios you are in the middle of a war, but before making your moves, you can interact with your fellow officers, to train their stats or to have some sexy fun with them.
    You can befriend characters, train various stats, explore to trigger events, manage a military, a very detailed sex system that surpasses even most slave trainer games, impregnate girls to breed new characters, there is option for gay romance (fxf and mxm), lots of very specific stats to level up, some random characters appearing mid-game, officers that can treason you and create their own new nation, gaining new officers on the most random ways, etc, etc.
    The number of interactions, stats, and event is absolutely amazing to see!

    You might not get bored fast if you want to explore all the options and variants the game offers for it's overall gameplay. (Both the main one, and the side one)

    Graphic wise is basically a 404.
    Almost everything is exclusivelly text with different colors.
    The only images are the portraits of non-random characters and kinda the map. (I'm perfectly aware this is text-based, but still.)
    Even the interface is kinda simple, i have seen other text-based games that had better interfaces.

    There is no Music, not even sound effects, so can't qualify Soundtrack.

    Plot varies according to the Scenario you select, most being in a War scenario, full of aliances, treason, and sexual events.
    As the guide indicates, the 1st scenario is you better choice to start.
    Characters is the entire Touhou cast, and all of them are programed very true to the original characters... or the fandom most common headcanons. (if you are a touhou fan, you know what i mean)

    I don't know how to feel about this game in general.
    I play it because is the only Touhou parody h game (with more than just 1 or 2 characters) i found so far.
    I not a big fan of text-based games, and while this game made me like them even more, it isn't something i would like to revisit much.
    The Game only excels on the Gameplay aspect, but it does it very well, like, really well!
    So, based mostly on that aspect, i decide to give the 5/5 score. (Even if the "real score" would be just a 3 or 4.)
    It's just that the game is really good for what it means to be, and even if it could be "even more", it doesn't really need to.

    PD: Shouldn't this Game have the "Parody" tag too?
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    cursed spark

    i have played 20+ hours of this in the last 3 days since i first came upon this...

    Its a strategy text game with next to no visuals, all you get is an UI and some portraits to non-RNG characters.
    you may pick one of several scenarios to play in (played 2 different ones so far)
    and you may pick who you want to play as (this includes a developed character from previous playthough)
    as well as what is your status (wanderer, officer, ruler)
    Ruler: is self explanatory you lead a country (hopefully) to sucess
    Officer: You are a tool of war for the ruler.
    Wanderer: you do not belong to any faction, this means that your means of getting paid are minimal and you will get less events as well...

    You can become any of these as you please, if you are a wanderer then you can get hired by any ruler you want (maybe not if they hate you, but i have not tested that) or you can even make your own country

    as a ruler you can abdicate and set your lover or slave as the new ruler and so on and so forth...

    Whats a big + on this game is that no outcome is necesserarly bad unless YOU personally dont dislike it.... you can start out as a ruler and get decimated by other countries, however still win at the end as a result of joining the winning side...

    What happens after you win: there is no definitive end, once you win then you can start what is called a newgame+, and you can carry over anything you please, from your characters skills to traits and relations that npc characters have developed thought out the previous game.

    For example: you spend the entire game impregnating a single character as well as honing your skills to A
    the character got impregnated so many times that the character gains a trait:. (likes being impregnated) and you end up with many children...

    now you can choose for the character to keep all favor as well as the trait you gave her, and you can choose for all your children to start in the next game as well...

    this game is highly versetile and you can trurly do anything you want with little fear of the consequences.

    definetly try it its a text game it wont destroy your storage or fry your cpu

    sorry for any typos/incoherent review first time trying to review a game on this site.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Alright, I've done my first playthrough of this game, and I can't agree that this is a 5-star game. Sorry, but here's why.

    1) WTF Learning Cliff!

    There is no learning curve to this game - because it's not a curve but a cliff! There are some hints for new players in the zipfile that are woefully inadequate. What character tags do what, and how do I get them on an NPC? How do I tell when it's better to make someone love you, or make them your slave? What SLG skills work best with which characteristics? How do I set up an NPC to be a defender, or an attacker, or a switch-hitter? What do I do with NPCs past the 10-NPC limit for labor? When does family or clothing matter to a character? What activity should I be choosing for each prisoner, and how long should I keep prisoners? WTF are all these options, how does each one work, and when should I be looking at doing that option? How do I parse the walls of text between each turn?

    Seriously, when I downloaded this game, I took one look at it, said "fuck it", and quit on turn 1. I came back a couple of days later, but only because I was bored and didn't find anything better to do instead. That alone drops this game to 4 stars.

    How to fix this? A wiki that laid out all these answers would be good. An in game tutorial, presented as a 1-on-1 skirmish with another nation, would be even better; the tutorial could start out with a very limited selection of options, that expands as the turns progress.

    2) Sexy Became Grindy.

    This game has the most complete sex mechanics I've seen in a strategy game. Other games like Girl Life delve deeper into impregnation mechanics and whatnot, but those aren't strategy games, and are missing some of the options you can play with here.

    Having said that, you can only fuck women so many times before it gets boring, and boring is not sexy. Boring then gives way to grindy. In my game, I was actually skipping the entire base phase because I was bored stiff. The game became something like dwarf fortress to me, and this was a letdown. I knew that skipping that phase meant I wasn't playing optimally; I just didn't care anymore. And since we come to F95 for the sexy, this drops the game to 3 stars.

    How to fix this? In certain situations (like the punishment option), I was doing the same things over and over. Having a "record" / "playback" macro ability to move things along would have reduced the grindy. Then all you need is a summary at the end; so-and-so got pregnant from what you did, while whats-her-face got the <Whatever> tag, etc etc.

    3) Incomplete Translation.

    This actually doesn't hurt the gameplay any. There just aren't that many spots where this is an issue. Still, it'd be nice to know what was being said or done.

    4) No warning for certain events.

    Your character becomes heavily pregnant, but you hit the End Turn function, and the game doesn't check for you to make sure all your people that can work are working, so if that drops your laborers from 10 to 9, it's up to you to remember to add a different laborer before you move on.

    5) WTF Walls of Text!

    When you end your turn, you're given alot of crap to filter through, and only a little bit of it requires input. I found myself not bothering to read any of it, unless the game stopped me by requiring me to make a decision. It would be better to provide a summary for what's actually important to you, that didn't require input.

    6) NPC lovers have no agency.

    I found a function in the sex minigame that let the npcs do something, but it appeared that only one npc would do something at a time, and there was no option to have them continually do things to me or each other. Sometimes an npc would feel so neglected he/she would leave, just because I wanted to do things too. There needs to be an option to let your lovers continually do what they want (with you or another NPC), as long as it doesn't interfere with something you are doing.

    Or maybe I missed something? See issue #1.

    7) Moody NPCs. NPC moods are given, but not why they're in that mood. Initial moods probably don't need a reason, but when a mood changes it would be nice to know why. Then, bad moods can be more easily corrected.

    Or maybe I missed something? See issue #1.

    * For issues 3-7, I said they individually weren't worth pulling another star off. Collectively, however... The final reasoning I'm pulling a third star off is that I don't think I'll be playing this game again. What replay appeal it does have for me is lost in these details. I don't want to disrespect the obvious work that's gone into this game, but if I'm only going to ever play it once, is it really worth 3 stars instead of 2? My take is that it isn't.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Yes, at first it looks more like a set of eloborate spreadsheets than an actual game.
    Yes, it kinda chucks you right in there to figure out what to do for yourself.
    Yes, parts of it are still untranslated.
    And yes, this is the best porn game ever created.

    To start with we'll look at the actual game part. It's split into 2 phases; the base phase and the war phase. In the base phase you interact with the Touhous, woo your comrades and train alongside them, torture prisoners or persuade them into joining you and a bunch of other options. You can learn skills and unlock new items, there really is loads to do.

    After that comes the war phase. If you're a subordinate in one of the factions there's not a huge amount of options in this phase. However if you choose to start as a faction leader, or work your way up, you can muster armies and invade enemy territory, organise defences and invest in your economy or engage in diplomacy with your rivals. It's not the most indepth strategy game out there, not by a long shot, but it's more than engaging enough to tie the whole game together with the more important bits.

    Inbetween these phases a set of random events can happen. These range from wholesome to lewd, with a fair few miscellaneous thrown in for good measure. Be sure to check your settings on this as some events will see you cucked, fucked and quite possibly bamboozled. Beware millionaires.

    But events aren't where the meat of the lewdness reside, that would be when you manage to seduce (or break) a touhou in the base phase. And what can you do? Well honestly, completely seriously, it would be far faster to ask what you can't do.
    Can you have loving sex with your favourite Touhou in the missionary position? Yes
    Can you you fuck like animals while making her orgasm like crazy from every orifice? Also yes
    Can you bring along 2 Touhous and have one ride you while the other sits on your face? I hope you brought a snorkle
    Can you dose a group of your favourite Touhous with fertility drugs, line them up and impregnate them in turn? I hope you're ready for kids
    Can you brutalise a restrained and mindbroken Touhou? Don't, but yes you can
    Can you buy a bunch of horses, go to the middle of a town square and get them to gangbang a Touhou while everyone watches? Jesus christ what's wrong with you? But yeah totally
    The only tags I can think of that you can't do in the game are scat and snuff, which is more than alright by me.

    There are no CGs, and only basic character potraits, but because of that you can create pretty much any sexual situation conceivable. Even with the most basic imagination the possibilities are endless, and I've not even started to list the potential fetishes. Raise (and eventually fuck) your daughters, turn a Tohou into a futa, open a Tohou up for public use, there really is far too much to just list.

    TL;DR For all the reasons above, I always find myself coming back to this game no matter what others I try. Whatever kind of porn you're into, you can find it here. Just presented through text. Though I do hope you like Touhous