Others - Completed - EraTohoK [2022-06-05] [Wamekukyouzin]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The sandbox in this game is great. There is fun to be had here if you're not here for the sexings.

    It's better if you just play the game yourself than read a review. There's not *too* much depth, but the depth that is there is satisfying and what you'd expect (and then some).
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    "best sex system" in description is indeed true. Despite text-only game and annoying UI this game is so far best "sex management" game I've played so far. You have both 'training' and 'dating' in single game with a lot of girls to choose from. Strategy aspect is just icing on a cake. (incomplete translation is a big boner killer, but still this is solid 5/5 for me)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    So I just spent the better part of the last 48 hours squeezing every second that I could into this game.

    The gameplay is a nice mix of strategy and interaction, with some grinding when it comes to initiating relationships. The amount of sexual options available and items present for unlocking is wonderful, and there are multiple ways to win a match.

    I recommend this game highly.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Like all Era Games, this one is amazing :D. You can make your character,make your own kingdom or join someone else kingdom, and have all the sex that you want :D.

    Include Rape, Strategy, Tentacles Magic, Dating and kidnapping people. So awesome :D

    The sex system is one of the best that i know, allowing you to let you're imagination run wild. If only it was 100% translated.