Others - Ero Dungeons [Beta 1.3] [Madodev]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This is an insanely complex game and literally nothing is explained to you via the tutorial. Definitely would not recommend unless you are already very familiar with darkest dungeon as this is not targeted towards people who aren't.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great music, great voice lines, good gameplay resembling turn-based rogue like similar to Darkest Dungeon.
    There is not much one could complain about since the game has a clear direction and it does what it intends to do well, at this point I am mostly playing it because of the addictive gameplay and less so because of the porn.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game. I think the only downfall is how weak some of the late game items feel, and some of the classes and their skill trees just feel out of place. Otherwise, the content is great and the game has high replay value.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Kinky Darkest dungeon with Madoka style character. S tier music. S tier gameplay. You do not fap to this but you play it as an dungeon crawler RPG. Save edit can be done with notepad if you dont wanna grind.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I have spend more time on this game than any other f95 game, one of the best games on this website for sure. Banger music, banger gameplay, banger artwork. The only negative is, it isnt the best game to fap to. But thats minor when its so much fun. S++ game i hope the Dev keeps working on it / other projects.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Sorry for not having reviewed soon, as last I played was like a month ago, but now that I'm here all I can say is wow! This is one of the more inspired games on the site, lacking the same old RPG maker formula, but instead consisting of dungeon crawler gameplay. There are pros and cons to this of course, with interactions and events outside of combat tending to feel a bit static outside of actual combat, but in my opinion this minor nitpick is paid back twice fold in the form of extensive fetishes, items, and character management. My only real gripe would be with the art , which is sufficient but a bit lacking in detail.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the few adult games that feels like a genuine game.
    It reminds me a lot of Darkest Dungeon,
    The music is excellent, and the narration is charmingly voiced.
    I really appreciate the unique art style, which shows the developers put a lot of heart and effort into this project.
    However, I do wish there were more sexual events or encounters.
    I’m looking forward to seeing these aspects expanded in future updates.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Close, but no cigar.

    This is a competent reimagining of the Darkest Dungeon I with a lewd theme. Where it counts, this game follows its inspiration with a certain degree of diligence—and some elements it openly cribs, like the stagecoat's bark for the Paladin. Anyway, there's a solid array of classes, gear, perks, and other elements that enable a true sandbox experience: you are allowed to explore and experiment with the systems provided, and develop your own favorite style, or an overpowered combo. In some ways, like with some negative quirks, the game even surpasses its mainstream counterparts: you can strategize to make some negative quirks into a benefit.

    Such complexity also comes with some unfavorable builds that hinder a new player really hard, but that's not uncommon for strategy games in general. The start is often the most difficult part, but that's a design problem so common that I can't and I don't hold it against porn roguelite devs. Still, if I could give one advice regarding the gameplay to the dev, it's that the game should put its thumb on the scale for lowest difficulty dungeons, limiting aqcuisition rate of hard-to-uncurse gear and cursed classes that are more dependent upon rare gear to be effective, gear that you can't have early on.

    But for all its competency in gameplay, Ero Dungeons just doesn't take the prize. Why? Well, leaving aside the undisputably, um, unispired art and animations... This is a game with a lewd theme, but this is not really a lewd game.

    There's very few truly lewd curios, and curios don't generate any lewd content for the player, be it images, or just text vignettes. Same for most lust-inducing attacks; most of them lack animations or flashing images to show the player. So even if you do find a build that is powered by high lust, it's not going to stand out visually, and worse it's not going to stand out narratively.

    Some games do manage to combine narrative storytelling—limited, perhaps—and procedural content. Ero Dungeons as it stands is not one of those games, because your pawns do not give a good impression of having a personality. Which I find to be a big downside, when the goal is to make good porn. Again, coupled with unispired art, there's no other way to describe it but lacking.

    Still, as an adult game with some gameplay of reasonable depth, it's a rare beast, and deserves some measure of praise. Four stars for v1.11.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the best Darkest Dungeon parody.

    Overall gameplay cycle is pretty addictive for me. I spent about 8 hours straight on the first run.
    Music is original and dope.
    Meet no bugs, but I had 2 crashes in 10+ hours of play.
    As a game it's well done and polished and has lots of content to explore.
    Some may say the game is grindy as hell and it'll be true. But it is grindy in a good way.

    Not much sexual content.
    I didn't manage to find anything more than 5-6 battlefuck animations and thats it.
    The other lewd content includes character clothing and static photos of building managers.

    There are also developed and wide mechanics for Lust-Marks and Corruption, but I didn't feel any noticable impact on the game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for prawn, stayed for gameplay.
    After a resounding failure (which Darkest Dungeon II is) and a spit at fans (which Black Reliquary release is) from creators of original Darkest Dungeon, Ero Dungeons is a brilliant example of a proper improvement on modern classics AND of an actual caring about fans and backers.

    You plunder dungeons and you manage your characters and settlements, almost like in firstmost Darkest Dungeon.
    However, as the game does not have to keep pretending that it's "Lovecraftian" (DD never was) and since the developer doesn't have to adhere to modern publishers' double standards, the game basically unleashes everything we, the players, wanted but were too afraid to ask.

    Real, actual menaces.
    Sheer degeneracy due to overexposure to corruprion lurking in the dungeons.
    Actual balance.
    And a metric ton of weird situations to solve.

    Like, in which other game you can have a tough choice between
    - sending your freshly-hired Paladin with truly titanic milkers to the barn (for obvious gains),
    - to the next expedition's frontline (big teddies are excellent for tanking),
    - to the mandatory (and easy to perform) Cow class training (to use her innate DD cup potential to the fullest)
    - or to actual teddy shrinking surgery, to let her actually do ye olde paladine Smite properly?

    And, unlike your-average-prawn-game-ripoff, in Ero Dungeons all these choices REALLY matter!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Party management both in and out of Turn Based Strategy combat scenarios is executed fairly well. The diversity of randomized factors, including generation of dungeons permits decent replay-ability. Restrictions, including in and of scaling difficulty, are not too drastic, which permits fluid or otherwise free gameplay while still offering the option to advance into higher-risk and therefore higher reward difficulties.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most well thought out game play wise ero games ive played. The game reflects DD in many ways with a lewd spin of things. Classes based on some BDSM fetishes requires in depth knowledge of them, the thematic items that tie to each class and then the personalities of each girl give each play through a unique spin.
    Some quality of life updates i would suggest are:
    1 - An easier way to reset character skill points so you can customise aspects like class easier as doing dungeons missions takes a lot of time
    2 - Some sort of auto sort that puts the girls idle in camp into the helping role (cow, wench etc) that most suits thier characteristics
    3 - the ability to purposefully engage with enemy attacks. Want a partasite? grab it and stick it in. Want the maid outfit? request off the correct enemies. That giant orc cock looking good? maybe girls with a submissive or extra horney perk and choose to engage willfully?
    4 - more lewd pictures to show happenings?
    5 - idle girls in camp just having fun

    game is 80% gameplay and management 20% lewd. id love if the lewd was increased.
    Great game and great developer.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an INSANELY good spiritual successor (porn game) to Darkest Dungeon, very good job from Madodev. I just beat the 2nd boss (which is the current final content as of this review), and I look forward to seeing the final product.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Haven't played Darkest Dungeon in my life, but Ero Dungeons has to be one of my favorite games to go back to and drop a couple runs in. The art may not be the best, and it may lack variation in body types, but the rest is there, so many fetishes and dungeons and races. Another thing is that sex is pretty rare but I never feel like it's "missing". Cherry on top is the banger OST it has, made by "Horbror" I believe.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I make it breif the visuals are decent but the gameplay loop. I love darkest dungen for its baseline gameplay and this game got that down. The lewd spin and the setting are awsome. It leaves a lot of space for creativty. I want to see this game finished and even backed it now. i am LOCKED IN!
    Likes: PrGo
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Never in my life have I needed something so much and never known until I recieved it.

    Having tried and failed several times to get into Darkest Dungeon despite it's many lewd mods, it left a hole in me that needed filling. That game was just too hardcore and annoyingly difficult for my tastes, and no amount of awesome gameplay or kinky mods could fix that.
    This gem, on the other hand, is perfect.
    It hooked me in so hard I pulled a few all nighters. Even though it's still in development, it already has so much content, and I'm just so excited to see more. And it's moddable as well, which gives it even more value and replayability in my eyes.
    Sure, it has a few issues, like the clunky UI, but that's nothing that can't be polished in further development. It's already good enough, and it'll just keep getting better.

    If you liked Darkest Dungeon but wanted a version of it focused on lewd stuff, give this one a shot.

    Also the soundtrack is a banger.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Game isn't a bad time, and it certainly has a lot of potential. The current issues amount to a lack of adult content that is substantial enough in nature to be worth interacting with, and very poor encounter balancing that leads to the gameplay being more frustrating than fun.

    You barely have a chance to keep a consistent build on any character due to the constant cursed equipment, enemies equipping you with cursed equipment, and enemies like the parasites that equip to you as cursed equipment.

    The current UI implementation is also a massive clusterfuck of stats and nonsense bars that make it feel like you need a PhD to understand how all of the currently shallow systems actually interact. It just isn't in a development state that rewards you for the time you'd invest in learning all of the systems.

    Game has fantastic modding capabilities added by the developer, though. This aspect of the game needs to be taken advantage of asap, as the community could really make a difference in improving the kinds of content available in a more immediate manner than a solo dev is going to be capable of.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The best kind of Ero game: an actual video game. Its darkest dungeon with a twist, and the dev is putting effort into making that twist integral to the game and interesting. Having characters who can be visibly and statistically permanently affected by every level in a way that isnt just an instant-loss, but actually possibly beneficial, is a great way to balance corruption mechanics. Its executed in a way that has a lot of thought put into it and doesnt feel discouraging, or like youre making a big mistake by not avoiding it all costs. Its definitely worth watching, and if they put more H mechanics in to combat i think its gonna be really good.

    The game has a really good looking roadmap and the devs patreon looks to be worth supporting. Feels nice to see a dev for a H game put serious effort into developing their game, instead of adding one CG image a month then collecting 12K USD like other devs do.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I spent way too much time playing it. Here's a few things you might like about it
    • A bunch of contect with more still to come
    • The content comes on very regular basis
    • There is actual gameplay in a porn game (wowie)
    • All the mechanics have a kinky side to them
    • Soundtrack actually slaps
    • The bugs are (mostly) gone
    Overall a great game, would recommend
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The rare case where an NSFW game is actually a GAME that is reasonably interesting to play, as opposed to the other 99.9% of cases where the 'gameplay' is just meaningless and funless padding between predefined sex scenes. With all its flaws, it deserves 6 out of 5 stars just for that - for being an actual game.