Others - Ero Dungeons [Beta 1.4.4] [Madodev]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    nanana nanana

    This is one of those games that you get off to because of the situations that your girls find themselves in rather than from visual stimulation. It has the advantage of having decent gameplay to engage with, which already puts it way ahead of the competition, and there is a pretty hefty amount of content.

    However, there are some issues as well. The two biggest issues in my opinion are balance and tedium.

    Let's start with balance: in short, the game gives you many very OP tools, and those tools trivialize the game, reduce it to just pressing the same move over and over again, as well as make any other build pointless. A short list: mantra of aggression/crest of lust, shotgun, automatic rifle, staff of fireball, corset & posture training, goddess's gloves, cow milking machine, straightjacket + SJ hood, etc.

    This needs to change. First off, the right approach shouldn't be to just spam the same move over and over again. There needs to be some strategy involved. Items that force your character to repeat the same move over and over shouldn't be a thing (unless they're intended as a punishment). Secondly, if the game is going to give us tools that are this OP, the end game difficulty needs to be way higher to compensate. Lastly, there are many items in the game that are straight-up worthless and it reduces the build diversity, they need to be buffed to be at least worth considering.

    Ideally, when I attempt an elite+ dungeon of a particular biome, I should have to think about how to make a party that can beat it, rather than just fielding the same 4 characters that also destroy every other biome.

    Now onto tedium. The level up requirements are way too annoying. The most efficient approach for me has been to ignore the mechanic altogether and opt instead for recruiting higher level adventurers via the stagecoach, until I had progressed in the game to where I could switch the goals at will until it landed on a convenient one. I think it's just a matter of the requirements being too high.

    Needing to get 4 of the same item to make it infinite is also too much, and leads to the same items being instead passed around, which is tedious.

    Lastly, simply progressing on the map from one boss to another can be quite tedious when the dungeons in the way don't pose any challenge or don't have anything interesting. If there was an item that could, let's say, show you the entire map of any non-boss dungeon (with a significant downside ofc), that would make the process less tedious.

    Other things I would like to see are potentially different voices for the adventurers, it's a bit jarring when they all share the same one, and also the lack of voice acting & sound effects when a girl is "grappled" I think takes away from it. But those kinds of things are probably further down the line, since they require voice actresses and they aren't free.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It may seem really hard at the beginning, to the point where I personally was about to give up completely, but after giving it some time (and reading the holy fucking Beginner's Guide, conveniently available on the linked Itch page) I found out that the mechanics aren't that insane to understand, and the game actually explains everything you could possibily want to know.

    Now, the game itself is really fun. Unforgiving at times, so I don't advice getting affectionate to your adventurers, as defeat is just one fight away.
    At the beginning, you will die, a lot. But that's the point! Trial and error will give you knowledge that you didn't know before, and make you able to withstand dangerous situations with ease.
    There aren't permanent game overs, and defeated adventurers won't actually die, and can be rescued back (though may come back with some "side effects").
    The game just doesn't ever get boring, since there are all kinds of encounters and possibilities, and updates are very frequent (with many thanks to the (Mado)Dev, who is actually a beast and super available when it comes to suggestions and bug reports).

    tl,dr: this game is hard, play it.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A really good beta with lots of potential, the fight is challenging enough, and there are so many debuff, stats, and many things to do
    my complaint probably not randomize the mission and make it not too grindy or at least makes the grind easier and whatnot
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The random leveling missions made this a grind fest. Suggestion to add 3 choices for leveling missions for each level was ignored. The leveling missions are also made to make things difficult rather than to be logical. Like having mage use physical attacks or having alchemist on the front row. That's not how you train in real life, ok? Also, there is no reason for this to be called Ero dungeon. There is nothing erotic about it. It's more of a bondage dungeon. And I don't know why heat damages you. It isn't fire. If it were ero dungeon, there would be a ero/sensitivity/arousal meter. There isn't any of that.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I played v 1.21

    This game is quite impressive. It seems to have some solid design, good art, and even custom music. However, I think it's just not for me. A strong story hook at the beginning would do a lot to keep my interest. Also, while it has a much better tutorial than other games of this type, I still think it could use some polish. A less cluttered UI, and slower introduction to the mechanics would help a lot. It's an ambitious project, and I'll check back later to see if it might have become a bit more approachable for me.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    El Presidente

    Lewd has come to our family...
    So you have seen all other review and see 5 star o 1 star, is it good or bad?
    Well it's complex:
    The game is hard and made for masochistic slut like myself. Maybe in your first run you will find it frustrating, but then you realize there are some trick to prevent your favorite character to be cursed with all cursed item possible.
    But yeah, there is a lot of grinding at the start of the game and you will find a big tall wall when you are asked to have some favor. Leveling up your girls sometime is complicated but let you change your tactic, like when your mage want to deal physical damage. Quest are linked to the personality of your character, and can be rerolled by spending mana.
    In the porn department is... complicated. I can say this is a erotic theme game more than a porn game. If you get aroused by the idea of bondage, mind control, stutification and other kinks you can find it good, but there is few sex animation and they are basic.

    The music is gorgeous, it will be stuck in your brain, like the lab theme
    Overall It's a good game over being a erotic game, hard as it should be.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game isn't really as fun as i thought ? i expected some interesting gameplay and some challenge but this game? Man it feels like a chore.

    Yes you can say the game is hard, and yes maybe i have a skill issue. But i really dislike the ways you "progress" in this game. You don't get to level up a character normally by killing enemies. nahhhh that would be actually FUN and NORMAL!! Instead you have to do one of the 3 GOALS... which are RANDOM and feels like shit to do! This consist of: clearing a dungeon! and then fucking Kill 2 specific enemies! or put this character into a job! and even more fuckery which i can't list cause of the sheer amount of bs!

    You know the problem with that? FORCED. Like what da fuuuuuuuuck bro some "Goals" in this game makes me wanna cry sometimes, like lemme give you a example alr? i get a cursed ring. from opening a chest. which it forcefully puts on my character that i was developing. Sounds bad right? Guess what? the cursed ring doesn't just give u a minor debuff. no no no it changes your character to a different class! and the worst part? Sometimes the goal to uncurse is just cancer.

    And by cancer i mean giving the curse goal "do 200 magic damage" on a ring. that changed my character into a class which can do 2 magic damage each turn. a class which is MAINLY for fire DOT damage. you see the problem here? i just basically got LOCKED out of a CHARACTER which i was GROWING. And sure you can say its my fault for OPENING A FUCKING CHEST BUT COME ON MAN!

    Also This game is one of those i want my characters to not feel like a NPC but i don't have the skill to do it? Cause lemme tell you how some of these dumb fucks act alr? my characters will legit MURDER a group of 4. SEE a chest and go "oh wow that probably belong to someone! we shouldn't open it!" LIKE WHAT?!!! My guy YOU killed the group that owned it?! And you don't wanna open a CHEST?! WHAT IS THIS NPC RESPONSE?!

    Lastly is just wanna say... take my review with like a grain of salt alr? i also like pain, but i like pain that i need to overcome to gain a reward alright? Not unnecessary pain like this game? which just feels random. painful to play. and it seems to not fucking value my time.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good gameplay that's been getting expanded upon with each update.
    Plenty of gear, classes, traits, effects to be had. Gameplay is solid and still improving. Like Darkest Dungeon but with lewd themes. Great soundtrack.

    Only caveat would be as an H-Game, it fails utterly. There are lewd themes but there's no consequences because of it, they can just be treated as generic buffs/debuffs.

    It is however still stellar gameplay though specially with the past few updates that have pretty heavily expanded on the exploration and gameplay.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is what it advertises difficult yea could be harder though so it's accessible to all players and has a modding community so if you don't find what your looking for you can always look for it. H-content lacking but staff and how much gameplay is in the game imo more than make up for it. Love the game and the community it's fostering.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A truly deep game. While the early game can be very harsh as you learn many systems and how to play, you will still build from stumbling, gaining gear, upgrades and a understanding of the game. Finding what works in early game like dots which deal raw damage ignoring low stats, but pivoting to more complex builds as you gather gear and train stats. Progressing through a map unlocking harder zones and bosses. All with there own tricks. And that is the best part, curses, bosses, everything they all have their own niches, that when combined with gear can make terrifying builds, blind yet accurate turrets that auto fire. A living statue of a cow acting as a tank and healing the whole party. The endless builds with the shear amount of gear is staggering. The choices of embracing curses and making trade offs. There is just so much game to be had.
    As you get to mid to late game more mechanics start showing there presence, sensitivities built up from actions taken start building lust unleashing afflictions. Crests start showing their powers.
    Late game you start seeing the power of your stats, shifting the moves you use, and buffs start really showing their devastating power. And then there is the unique characters, their quirks give will change many ways of playing, finding them will and figuring out how to play to their rules.
    Then there is dressing the adventurers up, customizing them to your liking, the grapples leading to sex, and many other manners of lewd. NG+ options gained by completing missions. And not to be forgotten, mods, ranging from simple gear addons, to massive overhauls. A game you can really sink hundreds of hours into.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I stumbled onto this gem by accident and at this point have been playing for over 3 months. It blends I feel the best parts of darkest dungeon 1 and 2, while still having its own unique mechanics. if you hold any love for the genre I strongly suggest trying it out
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Abe Bee

    Edit: v2 review
    I initially gave the game 3\5, generously, because in no reality is this game worth more. But after trying it a "bit" more, actually thinking about what's going on - I am not sure it's even worth 2\5. It's for those lifeless, masochistic people who can't find an actual game.

    To begin with - this isn't really an H-game. The animation is atrocious, there are no scenes, no creativity. Just some random half-thought kinks that have no practical value. Maids, puppies, horses... what the f*ck, dev? Why not nuns and school teachers and news reporters and, oh, foxes and rabbits?
    In other words, if you are looking for a tasteful wank - not here. Oh no-no-no.

    Gameplay-wise - the game evidently takes the wrong inspiration for what it's trying to do. I haven't played those dumbest dungeons or whatnot and I do not intend to. I am not "Stalin" to enjoy sending my heroes\creations to pointlessly die and then write a review or a post about how hopelessly my nameless and pointless character died. Hardcore\onelife has no place in gaming, it's a mental disease.
    But the problem isn't really hardcore. Not because you can actually get your heroes back - you can't. Not until you are at a point where you don't lose them.
    The problem - is how you can't really BUILD anything. Everything is too, TOO dumb and random. Random crests. Random parasites(at least can be disabled in "Content" menu) and debuffs. Random cursed items that pop from random places. Non-set, NON-CURSED items can CHANGE into DIFFERENT, cursed items. You can misclick on a cursed item and it will equip with no confirmation. Around half of the curses you WILL NOT, PHYSICALLY CAN NOT REMOVE in early game.
    And then there are some suggestibilities and hypnosis and whatever. Removing that shit is costly. But it can also ruin your character.
    Finally - the kidnapping\death. It's also random. Your character can "falter" 5+ times and you'd think "this mechanic is easy". Or you can lose your character on the FIRST falter if you have kidnap chance items. Technically you can abandon the run midcombat after a single falter, because it's MUCH better than LOSING a character, but it's another layer of RNG gamble.

    So no, it's not a matter of just rerolling, being careful, having 2 full teams or whatever. The random will screw you up regardless. Bring you back to square 1. And at some point you will ask yourself "why the f*ck am I even trying to enjoy this game?"

    The dungeoneering, itemization, build - it's all enticing. It's all hooking up. But why on the f*cking earth did the dev had to replicate some degenerate game's mechanics to a T? Why couldn't he focus on actual H-stuff. On making the game accessible? On being CREATIVE in general as a designer. Maybe on giving some MEANING to all those kinks. Instead of just having a stupid base simulator with random, unanimated jobs. Seriously, 1$ jap games have more animation. Or maybe making combat more like something to look forward to, rather than dread.

    Oh and there's no saving. It's all autosave. A rigorous autosave. No killing the game process, it logs every item you move, every turn you make. You can't even roll back to a dungeon start. If you are screwed - you are screwed. You can't even bribe the game with your time.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    This is an insanely complex game and literally nothing is explained to you via the tutorial. Definitely would not recommend unless you are already very familiar with darkest dungeon as this is not targeted towards people who aren't.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great music, great voice lines, good gameplay resembling turn-based rogue like similar to Darkest Dungeon.
    There is not much one could complain about since the game has a clear direction and it does what it intends to do well, at this point I am mostly playing it because of the addictive gameplay and less so because of the porn.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game. I think the only downfall is how weak some of the late game items feel, and some of the classes and their skill trees just feel out of place. Otherwise, the content is great and the game has high replay value.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Kinky Darkest dungeon with Madoka style character. S tier music. S tier gameplay. You do not fap to this but you play it as an dungeon crawler RPG. Save edit can be done with notepad if you dont wanna grind.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I have spend more time on this game than any other f95 game, one of the best games on this website for sure. Banger music, banger gameplay, banger artwork. The only negative is, it isnt the best game to fap to. But thats minor when its so much fun. S++ game i hope the Dev keeps working on it / other projects.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Sorry for not having reviewed soon, as last I played was like a month ago, but now that I'm here all I can say is wow! This is one of the more inspired games on the site, lacking the same old RPG maker formula, but instead consisting of dungeon crawler gameplay. There are pros and cons to this of course, with interactions and events outside of combat tending to feel a bit static outside of actual combat, but in my opinion this minor nitpick is paid back twice fold in the form of extensive fetishes, items, and character management. My only real gripe would be with the art , which is sufficient but a bit lacking in detail.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the few adult games that feels like a genuine game.
    It reminds me a lot of Darkest Dungeon,
    The music is excellent, and the narration is charmingly voiced.
    I really appreciate the unique art style, which shows the developers put a lot of heart and effort into this project.
    However, I do wish there were more sexual events or encounters.
    I’m looking forward to seeing these aspects expanded in future updates.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Close, but no cigar.

    This is a competent reimagining of the Darkest Dungeon I with a lewd theme. Where it counts, this game follows its inspiration with a certain degree of diligence—and some elements it openly cribs, like the stagecoat's bark for the Paladin. Anyway, there's a solid array of classes, gear, perks, and other elements that enable a true sandbox experience: you are allowed to explore and experiment with the systems provided, and develop your own favorite style, or an overpowered combo. In some ways, like with some negative quirks, the game even surpasses its mainstream counterparts: you can strategize to make some negative quirks into a benefit.

    Such complexity also comes with some unfavorable builds that hinder a new player really hard, but that's not uncommon for strategy games in general. The start is often the most difficult part, but that's a design problem so common that I can't and I don't hold it against porn roguelite devs. Still, if I could give one advice regarding the gameplay to the dev, it's that the game should put its thumb on the scale for lowest difficulty dungeons, limiting aqcuisition rate of hard-to-uncurse gear and cursed classes that are more dependent upon rare gear to be effective, gear that you can't have early on.

    But for all its competency in gameplay, Ero Dungeons just doesn't take the prize. Why? Well, leaving aside the undisputably, um, unispired art and animations... This is a game with a lewd theme, but this is not really a lewd game.

    There's very few truly lewd curios, and curios don't generate any lewd content for the player, be it images, or just text vignettes. Same for most lust-inducing attacks; most of them lack animations or flashing images to show the player. So even if you do find a build that is powered by high lust, it's not going to stand out visually, and worse it's not going to stand out narratively.

    Some games do manage to combine narrative storytelling—limited, perhaps—and procedural content. Ero Dungeons as it stands is not one of those games, because your pawns do not give a good impression of having a personality. Which I find to be a big downside, when the goal is to make good porn. Again, coupled with unispired art, there's no other way to describe it but lacking.

    Still, as an adult game with some gameplay of reasonable depth, it's a rare beast, and deserves some measure of praise. Four stars for v1.11.