I can't remember the last version I played, so some changes may not have been from the latest version, that said I have loved the changes overall, especially the unique adventurers with special quirks, some of those have been interesting to play with. The destiny point system looks neat as well, but I wish there was a way use it on an existing save. Presently, it doesn't feel like it adds anywhere near enough to warrant giving up all the unlimited items I've unlocked and characters I've leveled. I do wish I realized new adventurers no longer come as elite (with a leveled stagecoach) before I dismissed most of my old ones in favor of ones with better stats, but oh well.
Handful of other various thoughts and ideas, I haven't read through this entire thread so apologies if any of these have already been covered. Hopefully none of this is unwarranted.
The various mantras add a nice flavor, but I'm still not sure if they're worth the -2 all stats hit. 30% damage sounds great until you realize it also comes with -10% damage, -10% HP, -10% to all saves, -10% healing, and -10% healing received. And that's probably one of the better ones. Right now I feel like they're really only worth it for the out of combat maid/wench bonuses. Specific tradeoffs would also be more interesting that everything just giving a flat -all.
Could we get a fourth trinket slot? Maybe make a legs/feet specific slot? Right now we can't even equip complete sets like prisoner, maid, bunny, or pony. There's also items that add a nice visual customization, but stat wise often aren't worth using, like the mage boots and hat (these two in particular are really bad, as many trinkets increase damage 10% instead of just 5%, and without any drawbacks).
Is it possible to make ribbons to not change hair color? Not only is having all physical users redheads, and magic users have black hair boring, having a contrasting color pop out is generally more visually appealing. Would it also be possible to get a few more hairstyles? Preferably long ones that aren't some kind of ponytail (3/4 of the current long ones are).
What about adding a market/shop that has a few items for sale that refreshes like the stagecoach does? Maybe move slaves to it to increase the quantity or odds of better items appearing? They don't feel like they really fit in on the farmstead now that we have cows. Maybe add items that we can use on missions, that can only be purchased here.
While I love the stat distribution chart on the stagecoach, it's not something I need to view often (or really at all once I've maxed it out). Could this be moved to a pop up/mouse over so that arrivals and stables can be combined in to one tab?
Can there be an option to lock the adventuring party? Scrolling through the list on the side after a mission is still clunky and time consuming, and I often don't reuse the exact same party more than a couple times so saving presets isn't much better.
Is it possible to make items unlimited without having to unequip them? Not only is it a hassle to look through everyone's inventory to see who has what, sometimes I need to equip/unequip an item a dozen times to get it to change to infinite.
The start turn silenced goal doesn't count silenced+, is this intended? Also, thematically, the gags and their debuffs don't really align at all. Like the debuff icon for the ballgag is a penis gag, but the penis gag (which actually is an inflatable gag) gives the silenced debuff, which uses a ballgag icon. The open mount gag applies the same debuff instead of the silenced- debuff, which uses a ring gag icon.
The horse harness uses the outfit and underwear slot, even though most if not all underwear could realistically be used with the harness. The rope harness does not have this issue (minor nitpick, the icon for the rope harness is red, but the rope is naturally colored).
Can the stat increasing curios be changed to allow stats over 20? It feels really bad when I come across one with a party where no one who can actually get the increased stat uses that stat as primary one.
I thought the machines that spray you to cause heat were a bit overtuned, then I came across the fire slimes and holy shit. I can't remember exactly how much it was, but I think a single application was 12-14 damage a turn. Hard, but possible to heal through depending on your party. More than one stack though and there's no point in trying to heal it, you're faltering every turn.
Noble just feels so bad. Changing order is generally bad for the other party members, and so many of the nobles attacks are restrictive in which spots they can be used from. To make it even worse, they're also very restrictive in which spots they can be used against. To keep making it worse, the rare weapon increases damage you take by 50%. Maybe this wouldn't feel so bad if more skills added dodge+, or maybe if some skills added block as well. Or maybe if they actually had the damage output to make up for it as a glass cannon. There's also two at combat start add ___ skills, and they overlap. One is dodge+ x2, the other is riposte and dodge x1.
Is it possible to allow us to train more than one of one stat at a time? Maybe after we have unlocked instant training, or maybe make a tier above that one that grants us this?
Could there be a way to improve the difficulty spread of missions? Right now I have 22 missions, 3 elite, 0 veteran, and everything else is adept or novice. With a roster of about two dozen veterans, this doesn't give me much opportunity to pick a mission worth doing. Luckily we can skip a day for one favor, but I try not to use that.
I don't see why the enema plug makes you 9 months pregnant and takes up the outfit slot (I'd guess the later is only because of the former).
Goals of dealing zero damage on attack focused classes are bad enough, but even more annoying when you get both a deal damage goal and a deal zero damage goal at the same time.
I'd love to see more swift actions. Maybe they could be a little more situational than the paladin's flog yourself every turn. Some skills also just don't feel good enough to warrant a slot and/or action. Like by choosing blink instead of just using move, all I gain is stealth for one turn. That's hardly worth the skill slot, I don't need to move that often anyways. But if it was a swift action it wouldn't feel as bad to dedicate a slot to it.
Lastly, I have no idea what "start combat at rank x" means, and searching this thread didn't give me any useful results.