
Sep 21, 2017
Just completed every level only to find out every single on has a second, harder ice puzzle you have to complete. White tiles over a blue and white icy background. You can't zoom out to see the whole map. The enemy moves like 5 spaces at a time. When you undo a move, sometimes the game bugs out and takes all your health away. To say the game is poorly made is putting it mildly.

TLDR: Art good, game ass, save please
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Dec 16, 2017
Full save.
Thank GOD!!! this game is unreasonably hard and has unfun features that just gets in your way. Resetting the level ALSO RESETS THE DIALOUGES LIKE WHAT ARE THE DEVS SMOKING THINKING THIS IS FUN GAMEPLAY. I wouldn't have mind if resetting the level resets the level ONLY since this game requires trial and error and I wouldn't have mind that BUT it is so annoying to the point that I'm having an aneurysm.
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