As far as a prototype goes it seems fairly functional, at least in terms of proving that the gameplay system has the potential to be neat. (Even if it was a bit of a struggle to figure things out by nose without a tutorial lol).
1st page and alr broken image link

image path directory written as 'E:/download/Cards'
Oh, no. Thanks for that!
ui is barebone af, for 1st timer on this genre this is a sure turn-off
luckily it's intuitive enough for some1 who used to play decent amount of ccg
What kind of elements would improve the UI?
I want most of the gameplay to be drag, drop and click, with as few buttons as possible, and a tutorial will be included in v0.1, but I don't want it to be difficult for first time ccg players.
i commend the dev for making them from the scratch
Thanks! The goal of this project is for me to learn HTML, JS and CSS.
css need a lot of work
grid scaling on my resolution is a little bit off (since it's image based with absolute positioning instead of pure css grid)
background image need a little tweak also (to not distract what happen above; perhaps brightness, contrast, and or opacity)
CSS is what's being the most difficult for me so far. I'm feeling good with the JS -although I'm sure anyone who knows programming would cringe at my coding-, but with CSS I must admit that half of the time I'm just desperately changing values until it finally looks like it should, without really understanding why it worked.
i dunno what is worse, accessing the browser console or mess up with ai script
but making digital ccg in twine-sugarcube of all available and better engine

One of the goals of this game is for it to be fully moddable, so people will be able to make and load their own AI scripts in the future.
About sugarcube, I was making a whole different game but I soon noticed that I needed to learn the basics before moving forward with it, so I scratched it and created this project to practice, but I have barely used sugarcube at all. I'll probably have to make another game in the future just to learn how it works. lol
The good thing is that sugarcube makes it super easy for players to cheat, so that'll save me from needing to build a cheat menu.
10 of these kind of people everyday to level up gamedev mental fortitude
chin up and best of luck
Haha, luckily, it's not my first time creating something. My brain automatically filters out that noise by now.
Card game is quite good, but art style sucks even for AI IMO. Is it weak because of the fact that it's a prototype, or will the cards already stay in such quality?
It's weak because I don't have a powerful enough computer to generate high quality images, and I don't have the skill to draw good pictures myself, nor the money to pay somebody else to do it.
That said, one of the main goals of this game is for it to be fully moddable. Character card modding should be implemented by v0.2 or 0.3, so people will be able to use whatever art they like the most, as well as create and share card packs with others.