Erotic Writing Workshop, share what you're working on, follow the 3 rules


May 20, 2017

Welcome to EWW

RULE 1 - Every Post has to contain some new creative writing.

RULE 2 - It has to be your own.

RULE 3 - It should try to be sexy in some way.

Please critique and make suggestions, don't be shy, but every post needs to also add some new writing. This keeps this thread hot with new content and is a soft push to keep being creative, instead of just a critic (I often fall for this, don't let me)

Can be anything sexy, a new scene for your game, random slutty stories you overheard at a party, whatever. Turn it into a short creative text and share. I miss going to weekly writing workshops and It's a really good habit to get into.​


May 20, 2017
I'll start:


Girl: "I feel like a fucking animal."

She's sitting behind a small Peugeot, tucked away in a sleepy, echoing alleyway. Dominant hand vigorously masturbating to the beat of squeaky sneakers against cobblestone. The smirk she wears is totally human though. Animals don't understand what that is like. Push that fear into the pit of your stomach and get back to me, mammals.

Down. Push it further down.

She sticks her tongue out and thrusts shoulders back. Someones are loading or unloading a truck and it's just incessant sound. She keeps pumping diligently listening to the unpredictable bangs of boxes falling from gloved hands.

She wipes a palm across her scuffed white shirt, pulling the fabric over her chest. Grip the stones and show the camera some bounce.

She's always jonesing for a better way to get her rocks off and this is the new shit.

Birds dart away in unison to a choir of mad chirps, of course it grabs her attention, gulping down air to push that feeling down you little sex maniac. Fuck where did those birds come from?

Girl: "Wh... did he see me guys?"

Skirt flitters down as shaky knees find each other, automatically clutching tight. It was either the pedestrian or those loaders. Stand up and look natural.

That feeling is regurgitating past a speedcore heart, she's threatening to puke it back up past blood red lips. Every pose she awkwardly strikes screams guilty, where do hands go again?

Girl: "Er.. That's enough for today guys"

Shaky digits pull the camera off the monopod, lens retracting to find focus as hot and bothered features fill the frame.

Girl: "Remember to like, comment and subscribe. Ring that bell guys, Adios!"


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Alert, short contains heavy spoilers for first release of upcoming game.

A little background, the characters Alexis and Lex (or Alexander when I fill his name out) are twins. She just got out of the shower in a little motel room the family is sharing during this road trip from their old home to the place in California they're moving to. When she did, she had a choice to tease him a bit or not, this scene follows that, and he is now taking a shower (possibly having a little fantasy of his own.)

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Jun 21, 2017
I feel her heat as she whispers "come dance with me."

My mind spins at the thought, My heart throbs and my stomach churns. She is an erotic fantasy.

I look across the bar at my partner who smiles and nods.

She takes my hand and pulls me to the dance floor, perfect young hips swaying.

We dance, moving closer, touching, teasing. Her intensity intoxicating, perfume thrilling.

She whispers again, "I've been watching you. I want to be next."

"But - We can't." I say. "She pulls me close, grinding. "But I insist."

The set ends and we return to the bar settling beside my partner.

She rubs against my partner like a cat in heat.

"So Cassie," my husband asks, "How are you tonight?"

"Available." she says.

Steve not missing a beat asks. "and your Father?

"Oh," she says. "He's simply oblivious."

"She wants to be next." I say.

"Oh," he says. "Thats complicated."

She is running her fingernails over my thigh causing my inhibitions to evaporate.

"Lets go!" I say, trailing a giggling Cassie.

"Coming daddy? giggles Cassie.


Jun 21, 2017
Just scribbled this one out.


I am at the sink washing some glasses.

Blissfully humming to myself, enjoying a quiet moment of drudgery.

A pop bauble looping in my head.

Movement in the corner of my eye.

"Hi Carmella." I say, as she glides into the kitchen.

I feel her behind me, a little closer than propriety permits.

The hard points of her breasts poke into my back. Mine poke in response.

She moves closer still, I feel her hands on my hips.

Too close.

"Hi Kathy." she purrs into my ear.

Her heat washes over me. A flush of warmth rushes my belly.

She grinds into me asking, "Whats up?"

"Whats up indeed?" I wonder.

I manage to croak out. "Nothing, just dishes."

"Boring." she says, into my ear.

I shiver in response.

I feel her hands snaking from my hips.

Left north, right south.

My mind spins out of control.

Right dips under the band of my shorts.

I moan sympathetically, my body grinds back.

I am lost, wet, spinning out of control.

Her fingers close on my breast as she teases my button.

"Carm!" I groan, "Not Here!

"Yes right here!" she says

I shudder into release as she enters me.

Hands shaking, warm in the sink. Looking out the kitchen window.

I watch my family splashing happily in the pool.

My best friend, our neighbor, whats happening?

"This is so wrong, so good." I think.

As I shudder and quake again.


Jun 21, 2017
A short.


Her breasts jiggle and bounce as she rides.

Nipples poking.

Hips rocking, swaying, front to back,

Circling, thighs clenching.

Blissfully unaware of her effect on me.

Her hair shining in the morning light. Strays evoking a halo.

As her head rocks to and fro on her elegant neck.

Eyes squinting, mouth slightly open, lips crimson with paint.

She looks at me, smiling, a bead of sweat on her cheek, eyes now sparking.

"You first." she says.

"OK." I say.

And nudge my horse into the paddock.

She follows, smiling, aware of my lust.


Jun 21, 2017

A short.


Her breasts sway and bounce as she rides.

Nipples proud, straining.

Hips rocking, swaying, front to back, circling

thighs clenching.

Smile blissful, cheeks flushed, face aglow with sweat.

Her hair shining in the morning light. Strays evoking a halo.

Head rocking to and fro.

Eyes slitted, mouth ajar, lips crimson; succulent.

She looks to me, smirking, a bead of sweat on her cheek, eyes sparkling.

"You first." she says.

"Yes." I say.

And nudge my horse into the paddock.

She follows; smiling, awash with my lust.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Some mother-daughter bdsm:

Abigail never thought this was going to be pleasent. After all she had done, she couldn’t expect her daughter to be all too understanding. But she was the only one left of her family. So she took what courage she had left and, with a packed suitcase in hand, her hair and her dress soaking wet from the rain, with her head hung low she rang the door bell.

Fortunately her daughter Elaine had been pretty successful as the founder of a software company. Her estate was large large and certainly had more than enough space for them both. Certainly Elaine would have the odd room for her to live in, Abigail told herself. Abigail waited a minute and then another, until Elaine choose to open the door. Did she let her mother wait on purpose? Abigail wasn’t sure, but it seemed more than likely to her.

After a few minutes, Elaine slowly opened the door and eyed up her mom carefully. The Abigail’s surprise, Elaine didn’t look shocked or even surprised. Elaine had grown to be about 10 centimeters taller than her mom with a quite athletic physique. She wore black breeches and a black shirt with the logo oft her software company, a red dragon flying out of a computer screen, on it. Her hair was black with a single red streak in it and her dark brown eyes had a stern look on them.

Neither woman said a word. While Abigail tried to avoid her daughter’s gaze, Elaine grabbed her mothers chin and forced her to look into her eyes. As infinitely humiliating as it was, Elaine knew of all the wrongs she did, so didn’t even try to resist. „I’m sorry, I have been such a fool.“, she said weakly, tears running from her eyes. „A fool?“, Elaine asked, „For leaving dad and me behind for this self-proclaimed Baron?“ „He used me and left me behind with nothing.“, whimpered Abigail. Elaine asked again, her voice turning slightly louder: „Just like you left dad and me. So were you really just fool?“ Abigail could say a word but only gulped. „Don’t you think, you were a slut?“

Shocked by her daughter’s harsh words, Abigail did not answer, so Elaine continued: „After all, your so-called master had it even tattooed on your boob!“ Staring down at her mother’s cleavage, Elaine, without a warning pulled down the shoulder strap of Abigail’s red dress, revealing her left boob with the word „slut“ on it. „Your sermones about modesty and decency were not quite honest, were they?“, Elaine mused. „I was weak.“, Abigail admitted. „Or you are just a lying, cheating slut, isn’t that more accurate?“ Abigail slowly nodded. „I didn’t hear you.“, Elaine insisted. „I’m a lying, cheating slut.“, Abigail answered with tears in her eyes.

Elaine grabbed Abigail’s butt and pulled her into a close embrace, rubbing her boobs against her mom‘s. „Finally you admit it.“, Elaine said satisfied, staring deeply into her mother’s eyes. „But although you are a slut, you are still my mother.“, she added in a softer voice. As she pulled her even closer her lips tenderly touched her mother’s. Then, unexpectedly, she bit her mother’s lower lip, who tried to pull away in pain. Elaine was stronger though and held her mother close.

„Your dress is soaking wet“, Elaine said, „you better get out of it.“ With that she pulled her mother into the house and closed the door behind her. „Where can I change?“, Abigail asked. „Right here“, Elaine answerd with a wicked grin. „But…“, Abigail started to plea. As an answer, Elaine slapped her mother’s butt and said: „Yes, you have a nice butt, and I’m inclined to see it. So you better get out of this dress!“

Elaine reluctantly obeyed and tried to slip out of her dress. „Slower.“, Elaine commanded, „I want you to strip for me.“ Abigail looked in horror, but obeyed and slowly pulled down the other strap and than, after some rhythmic movement of her hips, slowly pulled the dress down. She tried to undress further, but Elaine stopped her. „Leave the stockings and high heels on. I like you to were these. I may some day even buy you further.“

Elaine moved closer to her mother and slid her finger from her mother’s cheek down her neck and breast, finally grabbing her nipple. Her other hand moved down her mother’s side, until she grabbed her hip. Satisfied to find her mother’s nipple erect, Elaine lectured: „You can live here, but you have to earn it. If you are a slut in my house, you better be MY slut.“

„On your knees, slut!“, Elaine commaned. Abigail, knowing resistence was futile, obediently went to her knees. Elaine grinned, running her hand through her mother’s hair. „Good slut.“, she said, „Open your mouth.“ Abigail complied and opened her mouth widely. Elaine, looking down at her mother, spit into Abigails mouth. „You wait here for me. Don’t move, I’ll be back soon“, Elaine commaned.

To be continued…

Sorry in advance for possible errors, English is not my first language.


Jun 21, 2017
While no writer, at all, in any way shape or form for that matter. I am a minimalism fan. I read "Strunk and White" (Google it, hopefully available in your native language,) years ago and find it to be a great guide.

I find you use a lot of extra and redundant words for my taste. Please don't take this as a criticism, more an observation. Try applying the Steven King writing rules (Google) and see where that gets you.

Submit an edit and I will give you whatever feedback I can come up with. I hope that the OP and others will pitch in as well.
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Jun 21, 2017
A few more for Friday afternoon.


Sighting on her head, adjusting for elevation, wind,

"Or maybe a body shot," he thinks.

"No, the angle is wrong." he decides.

"Head it is." he says.

She passed behind a low copse of trees, obscuring his line of sight.

"Damn," he whispers.

"There, take the shot." he says.

Gently squeezing the trigger and breathing out. The gun kicked.

Her head snaps, exploding as the bullet impacts, she tumbles off the bike, blood spraying.

Cum boils out of me as Alice’s tongue probes my ear, hot hand pumping the juice from my cock.

Bliss, I start to zone out. Drifting on an orgasmic high I am dragged back to reality as she moves behind me.

“My turn,” she whispers excitedly in my ear grabbing for the controller.

She shuffles in front of me, Her hard nipples dragging over my arm.

“Use the vibrator this time.” She orders, as I settle behind her reaching for her pussy.



I'm face down, He's pressing down on me, I can feel his hardness.

He growls in my ear, "Quiet, or I'll cut you."

I sigh and shiver in the darkness. He’s blindfolded me.

Heavy on me, tying my arms, ropes chafing wrists, ankles, so tight, pulling. Legs next stretched apart, pulling. I can’t move.

Hands rough, tearing my panties, probing my soaked kitty. I sigh. Nipples hard. Heart pounding, fear and excitement twisting my stomach.

He strips off my blouse and bra, groping my breasts.

He stands and the sounds of him stripping off his clothes roars in my mind.

“Oh no,” I shiver. “Here it comes.”

“Ass first honey,” he says, you do have a fine one.

“No, no I’ve never done that! Please no!” I beg.

“Quiet! I’ll do what I want.” He says

I feel his hardness against my ass. His hands spread my cheeks, cold liquid on my ass, then he forces his cock into me.

I groan.and push back. The sweet pain spikes as he sinks into me. I feel my orgasm rushing in.

“Oh fuck, Steve, harder, fuck me harder.” I beg.

“Shh, baby, you’ll spoil the immersion.”

“Fuck that lover! Just fuck my brains loose you bastard!” I shout.

He's buried himself in me and unloads as I crash through my orgasm writhing and thrusting.

Sweet bliss washes over me, wave after wave crash into me.

I mutter, “love you baby, I love you!”

“That was sooo hot!”

“So a little rape fantasy gets you rev’d, does it?”

“You have no idea Steve.”


I listen to the boys boast and puff about their stupid baseball games; middle aged children.

“Fucking boring!” I think to myself.

I jump as I feel a foot slithering slowly up and down my calf. I look across at Carmella wearing a Cheshire grin.

“What is she doing?” I think to myself.

I shudder as her toes creep higher.

“Bitch!” I mouth to her, as the boys blissfully drone on.

She smiles and runs her pink, wet tongue over her lips, inviting; I shiver at the sight. Her foot movers higher, I slip lower in my seat, opening my thighs, inviting. My panties are soaking under my shorts and I feel myself flushing, heat rising, breasts flush and painful.

I jump up, sputtering, “I have to go to the bathroom.” She jumps up, adding, “I’ll come with you.”

The boys don’t miss a beat, I glare at her, she sticks her tongue out and we dash to the restroom, holding hands, giggling like schoolgirls.

Crashing into the bathroom, slamming the door, I spin her and devouring her lips and mouth.

I groan as her hands maul my breasts, nipples hard painful diamonds.

I sink to my knees drawing her shorts down. Slut, not wearing panties.

Her scent is sweet, I dip in and taste her; honey in my mouth. She groans, grabbing my head pulling me to her center.

I suck her clit between my lips and tweak her with my tongue, massaging her g-spot, her hips pump and writhe. She gasps, shuddering and moaning my name as she peaks.

“God Kathy, I needed that!” I stand hugging and kissing her. She licks and sucks her essence from my lips and kisses me. She starts down by body to reciprocate.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Afraid to anger Elaine, Abigail waited obediently for her daughter to return. Elaine finally did. Now wearing polished black boots and a black leather top, she grabbed her mother roughly from behind with one hand and slapped her ass with to other. „Nice ass, slut“, she commented dryly. Then she ran her tongue down her mother’s neck, while her hands stroked down Abigail’s sides.

Even though she never felt attracted to women, let alone her own kin before, Abigail couldn’t help but moan loudly. Elaine pulled her mother closer and started kissing her neck and grabbing her right boob. Carefully she took Abigail’s nipple between her fingers, until it was hard. Meanwhile her left hand rested firmly on Abigails butt.

Meanwhile the kisses on the neck became faster and more passionate and so did Abigail’s moaning. Elaine finally turned her mother around slid her tongue deeply into Abigail’s mouth. She slowly ran her hand down Abigail’s spine while still tongue kissing her mother. Then she slid her hand beween Abigail’s legs.

She slid one finger along Abigail’s pussy lip, gladly noticing her mother was already wet and hot. She did not enter though and instead softly touched her mother’s clitoris with the tip of her finger. Abigail moaned madly until Elaine sat her mother on the table. Abigail instinctively spread her legs and offered her pussy to Elaine. Elaine kept playing with her mother’s pussy, but refused to enter it. Her other hand now played with Abigail’s left nipple.

Elaine ran the finger slowly between Abigail’s pussy lips, dipping it in pussy fluids and then shoved the finger into her mother’s mouth. „Lick it dry, slut.“, she commanded. Abigail did, running wild with lust but still not fully aware of what was happening to her.

Abigail just hoped for her daughter to finally penetrate her pussy, but instead Elaine took a step back and with a wicked grin eyed up her mother, who was sitting there shivering and moaning with her legs spread wide on the table.

No longer able to resist the desire, Abigail touched her own pussy, eager to reach the climax. Suddenly Elainy slapped her mother hard across the face. „Don’t you EVER dare to touch your cunt without my permission, slut! Another slap followed. „You are my slut now. This means, your cunt belongs to me.“ Elaine painfully twisted Abigail’s nipple, than slapped her mother’s boob. „It is for me alone to decide, when you cum. Do you understand that, slut?“

Abigail nodded weakly. „Turn around, slut. I feel like spanking your hot ass.“

To be continued….


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
„That’s humiliating.“, Abigail protested weakly. „It’s supposed to be.“, Elaine replied, „You are my slut. So turn around and show me your ass!“ Abigail reluctantly obeyd. „Stick out your ass.“, Elaine commanded, pushing Abigail’s back down and slapping her butt. Elaine firmly grabbed her mother’s buttock and joked: „Really hot ass. It will soon feel even hotter.“

Then she smacked the buttock hard, making Abigail scream. „This was just a taste of things to come.“, she said grinning wickedly and smacked the other buttock as well. „Letting you count to ten is almost a stereotype, but I’ll do it anyway.“ Rhythmically spanking her ass cheeks, she made her mother count to nine, then suddenly stopped. Abigail didn’t get it quick enough and counted on to ten, though.

Elaine firmly grabbed her mother’s wet pussy lips and scolded Abigail: „You filthy whore tried to cheat? Now we have start anew.“ „But…“, Abigail started to protest. „Butt, what?“, Elaine interupted, „Your butt belongs to me now, slut and I will have some interesting uses for it. Today I will only spank it. So just count to fucking ten, you stupid little whore!“

Elaine repeated to process, but this time Abigail was ready and stopped at nine as well. „Well done.“, Elaine praised her mother, stroking her pussy briefly. Then she gave Abigail a final smack, stronger than those before. „Ten.“, Abigail whimpered, tears running down her cheek.

Elaine ran her fingertip down her mother’s spine and stroked her pussy lips with the other. Finally she shoved her finger into Abigail’s asshole. Abigail screamed in shock, as Elaine mused: „Tight asshole. Did dad never fuck you in the ass?“ Abigail shook her head weakly. „And your so-called nobelman?“ Abigail shook her head again. „Then you may have a hard time the coming weeks.“, Abigail added dryly.

„Did you ever lick pussy?“, Elaine then asked. Abigail shook her head again. Elaine sat down at the couch, opend her pants and said: „Then you better be a quick learner, I only keep sluts who are good lickers.“ Abigail just nodded weakly with her eyes widend. „Do I have to say more?“, Elaine scolded, „Get down on your knees and over here.“

To be continued….


Jun 21, 2017
Some suggestions, I am guilty of breaking them all..

  1. Do away with pleasantries. Cutting greetings and other small talk is a great place to start paring down your dialogue.
  2. Keep it short. Try to keep each instance of dialogue to one sentence.
  3. Slow down.
  4. Stick to simple speech tags.
  5. Dress your dialogue in action.
  1. When a new speaker speaks, start a new paragraph.
  2. Keep dialogue brief. ...
Cut dialog and description to the bone; omit needless words.

Read your dialog out loud to yourself. Then critique it.

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Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Abigail slowly got down on her hands and knees. Her butt still aching, she tried to look as as alluring as possible, sticking her butt out, as she crawled over to her daughter. Elaine had taken her pants off, and was sitting on the couch with her legs spread and a wicked grin on her lips. She nodded in satisfaction seeing her mother obediently approaching her. Elaine took another moment eying her mother's beautiful body. Then she pressed Abigail's head forcefully against her thigh.

Instinctively Abigail started kissing her daughter’s thigh, slowly moving upwards. Elaine groaned at the sensation, but didn’t let her mom lick her pussy yet. Holding her head back, she ran one finger over her mother’s lips, then entered the finger into her mouth. „Such a soft mouth, just as I like it.“, Elaine mused. Abigail continued licking the finger until Elaine pulled it out.

As the juices were running down from her own cunt, she reluctantly touched Elaine pussy lips with her mouth, giving them a first soft kiss and tasting vaginal secretions for the first time in her live. Even though, Baron James had invited some of his mistresses for MFF threesomes, Abigail had no idea how to satisfie a woman orally. She went for another tender kiss and them slowly ran her tongue over her daughter’s pussy lips.

„Don’t be shy, fuck-face.“, Elaine groaned, then she pushed her mother’s face onto further to her pussy rubbing her juices all over Abigails face. In equal parts aroused and ashamed, Abigail kissed her daughter’s pussy lips again, but this time more passionate, starting to suck them in the process.

She then started to lick her daughter’s pussy wildly and also sucked her clitoris, while pussy liquids poured down her own thighs and her vagina was already painfully aching from the prolonged arousal. Shaking and quivering she continued to lick, also licking Elaine’s clitoris and then entering her pussy with her tongue.

Elaine moaned as her mother licked her pussy. She tried to say a word but could utter only a savage growl. Abigail took this as an apporval and continued her licking, until Elaine’s body also quivered with arousal.

Without a warning, Elaine came squirting right into her mother’s mouth. Abigail tried to catch it all, but the liquid was too much and spread all over her body and the floor. „Lick it dry, slut.“, Elaine ordered, „Each and every drop of it.“

Abigail obediently licked the fluids from her daughter’s pussy and thighs. When she was done, Elaine took a collar from her pocket and slowly, almost solemnly put it around her mother’s neck. Abigail whimpered over the humiliation, both tears running down from her cheeks as well was pussy juice running down her thighs.

„Get up, whore.“, Elaine commanded. Abigail stood up slowly, as her knees hurt from the prolonged kneeling. Elaine grinned in satisfaction, as her mother stood weekly before her, wearing only high heels and stockings, soaking wet from both women’s vaginal secretions. Elaine stood up as well and used the leash to pull her mother closer for another kiss. Her left hand grabbed her mother’s leg and rubbed it against her side.

„Now lets get to bed, slut..“, she said, „I’m just getting used to feeling these sexy legs of your’s around my body.“ Then she slowly walked her mother to the bedroom.

To be continued…


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
I'll continue the MD story later on.

(Right now I have scene how I would introduce the female protagonist of a more sinister game set in a dystopian war-torn future. There is a lot action but no sexual content yet, but there is certainly a taste of things to come.)

With the last drops of gas in her motor cycle Vala arrived at what once had been a peaceful suburb. Many people struggled to survive, since cyber attacks had crippled the country’s energy supply. Gangs of Marauders roamed cities and took whatever they could get, be it food, fuel or the bodies of their victims. One such gang just had the bad luck of crossing Vala’s path.

Seven men, each wearing a set of armor made up of randomly mixed leather and metal parts encircled Vala, as she slowly stepped down from her bike. The apparent leader of the gang, a hulking brute of at least 2 meters, eyed up the beautiful dark haired woman in her tight fitting biker‘s leather gear. Spitting from the holes in his teeth he yelled: „That’s what a lucky day looks like, boys.“ The Marauders approached Vala laughing and growling with lust.

There was no fear in Vala’s deep blue eyes, not even the slightest hint of insecurity. Obviously the Marauders were to stupid to notice that. As the first of them reached out for her, she grabbed his arm first, twisted it around and in one quick motion ripped it from his body, as the man screamed in agony. Blood shot at his irritated cronies as she tossed him back several meters to grab the next marauder.

This one she grabbed at the throat to quickly crush his larynx. Her fist hit the thrid Marauder hard to scatter his brains all over the rest of the gang. Suddenly Vala felt a slight tickle on the back of her head. One Marauder had smashed a baseball racket over her head. Ignoring the other Marauders for a moment, she slowed turned round to face the attacker. She slowly shook her head, than deeply looked into the man’s fearful eyes.

Suddenly a bolt of lightning burst from her eyes, reducing the assaulter and the two Marauders next to him to mass of molten flesh and bones in a matter of moments. She concentrated on the leader than. With a swift motion she grabbed him at the neck and tossed him to the ground. Holding him down she said: „Where do keep your fuel, your food, your prisoners? Tell me and I let you warn your remaining friends.“

„The mansion on the hill. Two women, three barrels of gas and food for a few weeks. That’s all.“, the Marauder stuttered. „I’ll check on that“, Vala replied and broke the man’s arms and legs. He screamed in pain as she started to inspect the house. A few minutes later, Vala returned with a satisfied look on her face. Then she ripped the man’s genitals off and started to skin him alive.

The prisoners and supplies were indeed in the mansion. Vala had kept her word after all. A flayed, castrated corpse hung from a lantern pole was an unequivocal warning after all. Vala found the two women in the cellar under the mansion. „I’m Linda Brown, this is my daughter Karen.“, the elder woman introduced herself, „my husband and my son serve at the army, I hope, they will be back in time.“ „I’m a skilled hacker“, the younger woman added, „now that we are free again, I can look for new information about them again.“

„We’ll see.“, Vala replied, „The government hasn’t spread their propaganda for several weeks and the Theocrat is mustering troops of the worst thugs with the best cyber implants. The major corporations are ready for war as well. Right now, you need my protection and I could use your services, especially if you are really a skilled hacker.“


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
I think mind control is a particularly difficult genre to write for, whether it's in a game or just in writing. A subject of MC acting in a robotic fashion doesn't seem particularly sexy to me. I think, the more subtle the control is, the more erotic it becomes. A person becoming gradually overwhelmed by sexual thoughts and feelings and impulses towards the controller, but appearing to progress relatively "naturally" towards a position of loving lustful subservience, is likely more of a turn on. mind control often goes hand in hand with a few other genres and fetishes--BDSM, obviously; incest and other "forbidden fruit"; magical, fantasy or science fiction settings; humiliation; corruption; etc. But, as I said, it's difficult to get it just right.
Consensual incest would be another genre that's difficult to write in a manner that's both erotic and remotely credible, simply because a more realistic portrayal would involve an emotional seesaw of forbidden desire and secret shame, likely to end catastrophically.
The harem genre is particularly popular in Japanese anime and manga and light novels, but I'm not aware of erotic harem fiction per se. Obviously a zillion young adult novels involve romantic triangles or even quadrangles, but many harems portrayed in manga are quite cooperative, with rivalry and jealously largely played up for drama but not generally leading to the breakup of the harem. Pretty sure a "realistic" portrayal of a harem would be as some sort of polyamorous variant where for some reason everyone involved is strongly committed to the Main Character and isn't particularly interested in partners outside the bounds of the harem.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
I think there is huge difference between mind control and manipulation. A simple [Dominate Person] spell like you have it in D&D is fairly boring, as it essentially turns a person into a mindless bot, so sex with the controlled character is no more exciting than fucking a rubber doll. On the other hand seduction is essentially a form of manipulation, so there are also plenty of ways to manipulate characters into sexual servitude. The "controlled" character could feel either gratitude for saving her or regret for a wrong she inflicted to the MC a long time ago and the MC could build on that feelings. The MC could also find out about the manipulated characters secret desires. The MC could also appear as a mysterious figure that makes the manipulated character more and more curious. My personal fetish as far as manipulation scenarios go is turning an up to that point straight woman, ideally of the MILF type, into a submissive lesbian.

Consensual incest is most plausible if the characters involed don't know that they are related. They could however find out and then decide to continue their relationship anyway. Another way of making consensual incest more plausible is a post-apocalyptic setting where the characters are the last humans and the survival of the species depends on them. Otherwise some sort of "moment of weakness" scenario may be somewhat plausible. Some ideas for that would be:

- Mother was kidnapped by bandits/orcs/aliens. Son comes to her rescue in shining armor/power armor/biker gear, kills all the bad guys and finds her bound in a diaphanous gown with some sexy lingerie beneath in the bad guys lair. He unties her, they are happy to see each other again, so they embrace tightly and as our brave warrior has not had sex or even time to jerk off for several months, things just go their way...
- Guy calls an escort agency and is quite surprised when his mother rings at the door. This could turn out consensual or not depending on the characters personality.
- Relatives meet at a BDSM club and find out they have a common fetish.
- Relatives participate in an orgy.
- Drugs.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
I think there is huge difference between mind control and manipulation. A simple [Dominate Person] spell like you have it in D&D is fairly boring, as it essentially turns a person into a mindless bot, so sex with the controlled character is no more exciting than fucking a rubber doll. On the other hand seduction is essentially a form of manipulation, so there are also plenty of ways to manipulate characters into sexual servitude. The "controlled" character could feel either gratitude for saving her or regret for a wrong she inflicted to the MC a long time ago and the MC could build on that feelings. The MC could also find out about the manipulated characters secret desires. The MC could also appear as a mysterious figure that makes the manipulated character more and more curious. My personal fetish as far as manipulation scenarios go is turning an up to that point straight woman, ideally of the MILF type, into a submissive lesbian.

Consensual incest is most plausible if the characters involed don't know that they are related. They could however find out and then decide to continue their relationship anyway. Another way of making consensual incest more plausible is a post-apocalyptic setting where the characters are the last humans and the survival of the species depends on them. Otherwise some sort of "moment of weakness" scenario may be somewhat plausible. Some ideas for that would be:

- Mother was kidnapped by bandits/orcs/aliens. Son comes to her rescue in shining armor/power armor/biker gear, kills all the bad guys and finds her bound in a diaphanous gown with some sexy lingerie beneath in the bad guys lair. He unties her, they are happy to see each other again, so they embrace tightly and as our brave warrior has not had sex or even time to jerk off for several months, things just go their way...
- Guy calls an escort agency and is quite surprised when his mother rings at the door. This could turn out consensual or not depending on the characters personality.
- Relatives meet at a BDSM club and find out they have a common fetish.
- Relatives participate in an orgy.
- Drugs.
Genetic Sexual Attraction is a real phenomenon where relatives who have been separated from each other for years(often from birth) experience real attraction when they meet again. So one more plausible approach is the "I lived with Dad for the last 5-10 years and haven't seen my mom and sisters at all, and now Dad is dead and I'm moving in with them" plotline. A science-fiction "lite" scenario might involve an accident or mutation changing the pheromones and internal wiring of the MC so that they are attracted to blood relations.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
However, I think, attraction alone is not enough to make two people break this huge taboo. Attraction is only a first step and rather small one at that. A young man jerking off thinking of his mother is not so uncommon and still far from a young man actually fucking his mother. So I think the biggest challenge for a writer here is to create a plausible a reason for the characters involved to break this taboo.

First of all, they have to admit there attraction to each other. Under normal circumstances, nobody would say "Mom, I just jerked off, thinking of you" wether he does just that on a daily basis or not. Of course the mother could catch the son masturbating and ask him what he had been thinking of and he could admit it than. However, this would make him seem quite naive in an almost child-like way and thus a terrible protagonist for a porn game or story.

The easiest way to write a consensual incest scenario would be creating a setting, where incest is not a taboo. Such as sibling marriage to keep a royal bloodline clean or a society where parents are expected to teach their offspring in the art of love. By taking out the taboo aspect, you also take out the appeal the scenario has for many players. Personally I'm not a fan of this approach but I'd still favor it over naive characters.

Being seperated for some years might be a starting point. You could combine it with a damsel in distress scenario. Such as a mother being married to an abusive man or forced into prostitution by cruel pimp and son or daughter coming to her rescue. Starting the game with an act of heroism would also make the protagonist more likeable, which is not so easy when it comes to incest games.

A big difference between games and written stories is that in a game, the taboo is mostly one-sided, because the player and therefore his character is not usually in conflict, wether he wants to engage in incest or not. He just wants it. In a written story there is usually in inner conflict for both.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
However, I think, attraction alone is not enough to make two people break this huge taboo. Attraction is only a first step and rather small one at that. A young man jerking off thinking of his mother is not so uncommon and still far from a young man actually fucking his mother. So I think the biggest challenge for a writer here is to create a plausible a reason for the characters involved to break this taboo.

First of all, they have to admit there attraction to each other. Under normal circumstances, nobody would say "Mom, I just jerked off, thinking of you" wether he does just that on a daily basis or not. Of course the mother could catch the son masturbating and ask him what he had been thinking of and he could admit it than. However, this would make him seem quite naive in an almost child-like way and thus a terrible protagonist for a porn game or story.

The easiest way to write a consensual incest scenario would be creating a setting, where incest is not a taboo. Such as sibling marriage to keep a royal bloodline clean or a society where parents are expected to teach their offspring in the art of love. By taking out the taboo aspect, you also take out the appeal the scenario has for many players. Personally I'm not a fan of this approach but I'd still favor it over naive characters.

Being seperated for some years might be a starting point. You could combine it with a damsel in distress scenario. Such as a mother being married to an abusive man or forced into prostitution by cruel pimp and son or daughter coming to her rescue. Starting the game with an act of heroism would also make the protagonist more likeable, which is not so easy when it comes to incest games.

A big difference between games and written stories is that in a game, the taboo is mostly one-sided, because the player and therefore his character is not usually in conflict, wether he wants to engage in incest or not. He just wants it. In a written story there is usually in inner conflict for both.
In a normative household, the parent is the competent, protective, emotionally stable authority figure, and the child is immature, innocent and wholly dependent upon the parent. If you start to subvert some of that--the son, e.g., has become the breadwinner after the mother lost her job and had a bit of a breakdown after the father left--then add in a scenario where the son has been away for years, the mother has been alone for years, and a mutual attraction develops, then it's more plausible to posit a situation where due to the subversion of what is normative, and the unusual vulnerability of the mother, the unusually strong sexual tension in the household...and things happen. In real life consensual incest does occur, though I have no idea whether there are studies analyzing under what circumstances it happens.
The film "Spanking the Monkey" has a reasonably plausible mother-son incest story in it.