Erotic Writing Workshop, share what you're working on, follow the 3 rules


Apr 11, 2021
Amy jumped in her seat when she heard the crash, she put her hand to her chest and breathed deeply.

She smiled to herself, just a two minute call from his wife was enough to enrage him, tonight would be the night. She quickly scuttled over to the door, hoping her heels would not give away her eagerness on the wooden floor.

She leant forward and peered around the door as she opened it. He was sat at his desk with his head down looking at something in his hands. One half of the desk was completely clear and the contents were scattered across the floor. As she watched him she could feel her heart beating and her pussy moistening.

Seizing the opportunity she marched in, half way to his desk and presented herself proudly. Making herself as tall as possible she thrust her chest out, pulling her shoulders back to stretch her tight blouse across her ample breasts. Although she could not look to check, she was confident that the blouse had pulled tight enough to reveal small cracks of flesh and bra between the buttons.

“May I help Sir?”, she asked softly.

“Oh Amy,” he signed, “I’m sorry my stapler is jammed and I lost my temper, could yo...” he stopped mid sentence as he looked up. Amy had begun her assault on his defences.

“Yes Sir” Amy replied, her pussy tingling in anticipation.

She walked over to the side of his desk and began to slowly pick items up.

“The thingy is jammed in the..” her Boss muttered looking down at the stapler in his hands again, “Amy do you have a spare hair pin I could borrow?”

“Yes Sir” she replied quickly, she stood up and placed the items from the floor on his desk. She then reached around to the back of her head and began removing hair pins, carefully not to let her hair down until the right moment. Once again she overstretched, causing her blouse to push her breasts up forming a cleavage above her top button.

It was only a short wait before her Boss looked up “Would yo...” he began. Amy relinquished her grip and her hair cascaded down over her left shoulder and breast. She watched her Bosses gaze as it followed the hair down. She bit her bottom lip hoping his gaze would continue and it did, his eyes betrayed him as she felt his gaze exploring her chest.

“Sir?” she said, he blinked and looked up, she held out the hair clip smiling helpfully.

“Err yes of course..”, his mind was clearly beginning to wander as his defences crumbled, “I also seem to have lost the staples?”

“I’ll have a look Sir” Amy replied as she knelt down at the side of his desk. With knees and feet neatly together, she leant forward to look under the desk. They were easily within reach but this was another opportunity. She sat up slightly and tossed her hair to one side, she didn’t need to, she just wanted to catch his eye.

It worked, he looked over and she bent forward again reaching under the desk. Amy raised her bottom into the air arched her back, glancing up she could see her Boss staring at her behind. Her mind raced, she could feel her panties were now damp and her pussy was throbbing.

With the staples already in her grasp she gently rocked back and forth as if struggling to reach. She then quickly withdrew to catch her Boss with his gaze fixed firmly on her ass.

He started and moved back slightly, “Sorry Amy...” he began.

“You know I don’t mind Sir” she interrupted, “Here you go”. She placed the staples on his desk and turned away to continue collecting items off the floor.

As she gathered the remaining items her thoughts were in chaos, her pussy desperately in need of cock, her mind in need of the next move, if she didn’t act quickly his defences would be back in place.

Then she saw it, the red book, it didn’t live on his desk with the other items, its place was on the top shelf of the bookcase. She quickly took the remaining items over to his desk and returned to retrieve the red book. With her back to her Boss and holding the red book close to her tummy Amy took a deep breath and began the final attack.

A quick flick of the hair and a quiet cough to hopefully get his attention. She then began to ease her tight skirt up, as she wiggled her bottom to allow the skirt to slide over, she became aware of just how hot and wet her pussy was. Once her black lace stocking tops where fully exposed she stepped up onto the step.

Behind her she heard the all too familiar creak as her Boss left his chair, She reached up with the book and closed her eyes, willing him to approach. Unintentionally she let out a tiny gasp as she felt his fingertip touch the back of her thigh. She wiggled her feet as she slid her legs apart as much as the step would allow.

His hand slowly pushed between her thighs then stopped, she bit her bottom lip and waited as her heart pounded. His hand then began to ascend, slowly across the smooth sheer stocking, then over the lace top finally reaching bare flesh. She arched her back slightly, trying to offer him her pussy. His hand stopped and then withdrew.

“You know we can’t...” he began.

His defences were gone and Amy wasn’t about to fail now, she quickly turned around,

“I wouldn’t tell anybody” she said quietly as she stepped down in front of him, “I would be your little secret”.

She pressed her body against him and raised up onto her tip toes, he raised his chin away and closed his eyes “You could do anything you like to me” she whispered.

He breathed deeply to compose himself but her sweet perfume invaded his mind, he was beaten. Ensuring her large breasts were pressed against his body she began to squat before him with her legs open. Her warm soft breasts followed every contour of his body, finally coming to rest against his thighs.

She move back slightly and began to unfasten his belt. He clasped her hand to stop her, she pulled her hand free and moved his hand behind his back, there was no resistance in his arm and it remained where she left it. She smiled as she continued to undo his belt, it pulled free of his waist with ease. She rolled it up and placed it quietly on the floor, not wanting any unnecessary noise to break the spell.

Amy then pressed the side of her face against his crotch, she could feel the heat from his swollen member. She bit her lip hard, this was the moment, she was about to taste him.

She move back and released the button on his trousers, his zip opened half way under the strain. She hooked her red finger nails into the top of his underwear, the other hand on his hip to help steady her. She pulled down allowing his semi-hard cock drop out in front of her face, she could smell his musky scent.

Amy placed a hand on each hip and collected the end of his cock with her tongue. She could feel his body respond, his muscles tighten, but his arms remained inert. Opening her mouth wide, she moved her head forward allowing the head of his cock to slide along her tongue from the tip to the back. She then pressed her tongue upwards forcing her top teeth to rub along the top of his shaft as she drew her head back. She felt him flinch as her teeth rolled over the head of his cock.

Amy placed a hand on each of his buttocks and once again she opened her mouth and slid his cock along her tongue. By the time his cock had reached the back of her tongue he was fully erect. She continued forward allowing the head of his cock to press against the back of her throat. Her Boss let out a moan as she felt his buttocks tense up. She held him there for a moment and then slowly withdrew, this time closing her bright red lips around his shaft.

His penis bounced upwards as it left her warm wet lips, a single strand of saliva danced between the tip of his penis and her bottom lip.

She had been so engrossed in her work, it took her by surprise when she felt his fingers slide through her hair. She obediently placed her hands on the thighs and looked up. His gaze was fixed firmly on her mouth, she open her lips slightly and allowed her tongue to collect the string of saliva from her bottom lip.

She felt his fist close, pulling at her hair slightly. Using the fist of hair, gently but firmly, he pulled her upwards and towards him, guiding her now open mouth onto his shaft. They maintained eye contact as he pulled her all the way down. Amy closed her lips tightly around him, using her tongue to explore, probe and caress his penis. He began to fuck her mouth in a slow steady rhythm, stopping occasionally to let her regain her breath.

Though the current action had pushed it to the back of her mind, her pussy demanded action now. She couldn’t wait any longer, she closed her eyes and slowly moved a hand between her legs, hooking one finger into the side of her damp panties she pulled the material to one side. Instantly the cool air kissed her wet lips and a tingle raced sown her spine. Using a small circular motion she began to massage her swollen clit, instantly she felt on the edge of orgasm. She stopped and opened her eyes wide, almost in panic, to find her Boss staring back at her.

He stopped mid stroke and withdrew slowly, she kissed the head of his penis with a nimble lick to remove the strings of saliva, which she hungrily swallowed.

“Forgive me,” he said smiling, but she could tell from his tone that this wasn’t going to be anything bad, “From now, you are mine and I will always look after you”.

He released her hair and gently pulled her up with her arm. He then lifted her up and carried her over to his desk. He sat her on the edge and then cleared the rest of the desk. Priding herself on being able to read him like a book, Amy quickly shuffled out of her panties.

Her Boss then gently lay her back, he placed a hand on each knee and then slid them up her thighs sweeping her skirt up and out of his way and exposing her pussy. She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip in anticipation. A one inch wide strip of trimmed pubic hair was all that remained, he had mentioned his preference once and she had overhead him.

“So you were listening?” he smiled and so did Amy.

He then placed a hand behind each of Amy’s knee and pushed them up and open, she could feel her lips peel apart. She then felt his breath on her pussy, heart pounding she willed him to taste her.
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Apr 11, 2021
Oops missed ending

....him to taste her.

The tip of his wet tongue teased gently as he licked her thigh just at the side of her pussy, then the other side. He then kissed her passionately on the clitoris, his lips and tongue assaulting the swollen bud. She arched her back in pleasure as her orgasm began to build.

He removed his hands from the back of her knees and Amy took up the task, holding herself open for him, it was ecstasy. He inserted two fingers into her swollen wet pussy and began to work them in and out, twisting and exploring her pussy.

He felt her pussy grip his fingers hard as she came, the first wave of pleasure washing over her, causing Amy to shiver and moan. He continued to kiss her clitoris and finger fuck her as she bucked with each wave of pleasure.

Finally her pussy released its grip on his fingers and her body relaxed, she lay there, heart and pussy pounding. She felt him pull her along the desk so her bottom was level with the edge. She then felt the head of his cock rubbing up and down her pussy lips. She reached down and gently began to massage her clit, she knew she would easily come again.

Slowly his penis slid into her pussy, stretching her now super sensitive flesh. She could feel every inch, every vein as it eased in. He then began to fuck her, his body slamming against her bum hard. Amy began to rub quickly in small movements, applying pressure in rhythm with her Boss. In a short time her pussy clamped his penis hard as she came again.

Her Boss instantly driving his cock home, hard and deep. As the waves of orgasm surged through Amy’s body she could feel each jet of come deep inside her. She continued to rub her clit, milking every ounce of pleasure out of her body.

She felt her Boss withdraw, she sat up and shivered slightly as the coolness of the room registered. Her Boss stood before her, adjusting himself and then refastening his trousers. He looked at her and smiled, “We need to schedule more time together” he instructed, “preferably in the evening, okay?”

“Yes Sir” she responded.
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Oct 29, 2020
Inside a darkened cockpit various lights flash and blink, someone garbed in a flight suit and darkened helmet flicks at some switches, their head bobs as though nodding. "Captain Marie, are you ready to commence the test?" a males voice is heard coming over the cockpits intercoms the pilot seemingly oblivious of. "CAPTAIN MARIE!" she voice shouts causing the pilot to jump and taps a button on a display attached to her wrist "What?!" she shouts back "Sheesh you're gonna make me go deaf" she then adds shaking her head and tapping the side of her helmet where her ears were. "Well if you didn't have your music playing so loudly while doing preflight, and systems checks, you would have no problem hearing me" the male voice retorted sounding agitated and could be heard mumbling to someone near them "How is she the only pilot capable of handling this?" she hears him say "HEY! Like it's not my fault your pilots can't keep up with me"
she said with a huff.

She finishes going over the systems and preflight checks, her craft suddenly shudders as it's moved along motorized tracks to a launch bay, the doors opening to a star filled sky, some planetoids visible in the distance. Marie marvels to herself at the view, and how lucky she was to have been chosen to travel to an uncharted area of space, to test the new craft that had been built in secret. "Okay Marie, just remember we're still making payments on that ship, you even scratch the paint and it's your ass" the males voice says to her. Nodding her helmeted head and with a sigh she responds "Yeah yeah dad, don't worry, I won't break your new toy" she retorted the roaring of the engines getting kicked in drowns out the response she clearly figured was something she didn't want to hear, squealing with excitement as she roared out of the launch bay into the darkness of space, pulling up on the stick once her ship cleared to careen upwards, blowing past the launch command viewports, giggling to herself as she imagined someone jumping at the sight. Taking the ship through a few maneuvers
getting used to how the new ship handles. The males voice soon comes over the intercom "Okay Captain, now if you're quite done having fun, it's time we got to business." on her hud within her helmet she is able to see readouts of the ship, speed, fuel, weapons and ammo, as well as a marker flashing to guide her to the test zone. "We've marked where you're to go so we can test the combat capabilities, as well as maneuverability" the voice came back. "Yes I see it, heading to the test zone now" she replied, turning the stick and guiding the craft to the marker. Nearing the marker a tone is heard through her helmet as weapon systems begin to activate "Now remember even though this is a test, We need you to run it as through it were a real scenario, the weapons will only fire light pulses at the targets marking them. Once we know they work as intended.."

The voice was suddenly cut off by a burst of static. Tapping the speaker as though that would fix it "Hey, Command? Could you repeat last transmission?"
She says trying to fine tune the communications "We..... tracking.....attack" was all that came back when she caught flashes of the systems sun glinting off
something reflective. Turning the ship she gasps in horror seeing the command station swarmed by a dozen small craft, all firing on a singular point of the
large station "Command I have no weapons here, what should I do?!" she shouts throwing caution to the wind as she started to head back "Marie, do not return.
You need to run. That ship cannot be" the voice cut off as she saw a blinding flash, knowing in her gut the stations reactor had been breached, the ships
canopy darkening from the sudden flash of light to protect its pilots vision.

She stared in shock and horror behind the visor of her flight helmet starring out at the space where the large station once floated, now seeing nothing but debris and wreckage. A pinging sound and the flashing light of a button on her control panel snapped her back, she pushed the button and suddenly her became alight as ship systems started to activate, the last being the soft voice of the ships A.I. system coming over internal coms "Captain Marie, all systems are online and accessible. Commander Klein before the station was destroyed remotely activated all systems and was able to send this text file"
the soft female voice said bringing up the document within Marie's visor...

"Captain Marie, I am sorry that testing is being cut short. You must somehow make it back to Command. Let them know that the Bosecaren have located and destroyed our testing facility. You are now in full control of the ONLY ship we were able to complete out here. Tell them someone had to give them intel of our location in such a remote region of space. Good luck, God be with you." She kept scanning the message, shaking her head as the wall of text faded as though trying to wake from slumber. It wasn't until a tone alerting her, as well as the A.I. chiming in to snap her back "Captain, I am picking up six
small craft coming within sensor range. If we do not take immediate action, we will be detected." Nodding her head Marie started to reignite the boosters "Yeah, we need to get out of here. We need to get to Command." she said repeating the final message sent to her from Commander Klein. Bringing the engines online, she throttles up while turning, the ship quickly responding as the tail end suddenly spun around leaving her facing in the opposite direction, picking up speed quickly, pulling away from the other craft.

Guiding the craft towards a small field of asteroids, weaving in between a few of the smaller rocks narrowly avoiding being struck by incoming fire. "Captain, if we continue on this current course of action, we will be overtaken and possibly destroyed" the A.I. chimed in causing a scowl to grace Marie's face behind the dark visor of her helmet "Well, no shit!" she spat back, spotting a larger asteroid slowly rotating, guiding the ship towards it, she kicks the boosters in propelling her a little farther ahead of her pursuers. Slowing her speed, paying attention to the radar hud of her visor, she quickly maneuvered around the asteroid, rotating the ship as she did, to come over the top of the large rock, now facing her adversaries. A grin appears hearing the tones and seeing multiple locks of the ships, firing one of her cluster torpedoes, she veered upwards, rocked as fire riddled her ship, causing alarms to sound, yet, cheering in triumph as she caught glimpses of several small bursts of light and noting that numerous ships were no longer being tracked. She made more maneuvers, quickly dispatching the last two ships before she took the time to notice the readout alerting her of the current damage to her ship, slowing her momentum and rotating, now able to see the debris field of the starbase and the flashes as the larger ships went into slipstream, leaving the wreckage, and her behind.

Marie took a sigh and finally allowed herself to relax a little before a shrill alarm rang out causing her to curse under her breath "Mother fuckers..." she stated seeing that her oxygen supply was slowly depleting "Well.... out of the shit and into the fire" she muttered to herself "Captain, it appears we are leaking atmosphere,
and much needed oxygen" the digitized female voice of her A.I. stated "Really? Really?! How about you tell me something that I don't already know?!" Marie shouted back. "I am detecting increased levels of stress and aggression. This could be an affect of the loss of oxygen." She rolled her eyes and thumbed through the starcharts trying to find an allied planet within range "Yeah... loss of oxygen..." she said then added "Or an annoying A.I." she took a calming breath "Okay we need to patch the ship up, and somehow gather any resources from the starbase that we can. Any recommendations on which of these planets are friendly to humans?" she asked the computer.

"There is one planetoid that has been inhabited by the Lycheans, that does also have a small population of humans, that we can reach well before oxygen is depleted. However, I would recommend that you ready your personal oxygen tank, just for a measure of safety" the A.I. said then projected the path they needed to take. Nodding her head Marie shifted, glancing at the readout on her wrist priming her suits built in tank and breathing a sigh of relief that she remembered to have it filled before taking off. That tank will give her at least an hour of breathable air once the ships oxygen was depleted, "Okay, done" she said guiding the ship in the direction they needed to take, kicking in the boosters. She turned her head to glance at the debris of the station while they sped passed, and away from it. "I swear the monsters responsible will pay for this" she vowed to herself.

After what seemed an eternity, but was really just over forty five minutes, the rotating planetoid came into view, a voice cutting in through the coms. Male, gravely with an air of someone that was suddenly being disturbed and bothered from what ever they were doing "Unidentified ship, we have you on approach vector towards our planetoid. State your intent or face the might of the Lychean Empire" the male said his last words punctuated by an alarm alerting her that she was being targeted, the A.I. also confirming that fact. Marie flipped a switch and spoke through the mic built into her helmet "Yes, I'm Captain Marie from Galactic Earth Command. I am in need of assistance with repairs. my cockpit has taken damage and I am losing oxygen. I do not know how much longer until it is depleted" she said to the console jockey that currently had her within sights of most likely numerous hidden weapons. "Yes... Marie, Captain in the G.E.C. we show that you are far off course, and are damaged. However, if you alter your course one eighty degrees, you will reach a nearby G.E.C. base" the voice came back. Shaking her head Marie groaned audibly before responding "I am from that starbase... I am the sole survivor of an attack from an unknown assailant... the base.." she shuddered slightly as she fought back tears "The base was destroyed with all hands lost" she finished "I barely survived a wave of attack ships taking damage that I desperately need to repair" she added. A few moments of silence passed before the alert of being targeted went silent, and coordinates flashed over her hud "Marie, head towards given coordinates We will assist as much as we can in your repairs" the voice said before adding "Please do be sure to leave any, and all weapons in your craft and be prepared to be searched upon landing."

Punching in the given coordinates she headed towards the designated hangar, nodding as she responded in affirmative to the mysterious male, slowing her speed seeing the large cannons that accentuated the planetoid, and stuck out on either side of the hangar that opened for her, guiding the ship within and landing gently "Okay here goes nothing" she said to herself
unhooking from the seat while the canopy raised and slid back allowing her to stand. She slowly drew her blaster from it's holster holding it in an nonthreatening manner, shocked at the Lycheans that were waiting, all armed, with weapons
trained on her. Letting the blaster fall to the seat, she unsheathed her plasma blade and set it down as well before removing her helmet, shaking her head and slowly climbed down. "Umm...Hi" she said when she reached the deck plating, turning to face the detail that met her. The Lycheans were a slightly nomadic species, but held numerous planets and systems.
They averaged roughly eight feet in height, were fierce and capable warriors, though valued all life even that of their enemies. They resembled an orca from earth, if evolution had caused it to have its tail move up to become smaller, and attached at the back of their heads, lose their dorsal fins, adapting to breathe through their mouths and in the case of males
having four arms. The males were about two hundred forty three centimeters in height, with the females coming in at 213 centimeters, their head tails more curved.

Marie put her hands up, opened to show she held nothing in them. The armed detail lowered their weapons when two others approached, superior officers judging by their uniforms. The two approached her a smirk crossing ones lipless face. "You may put your arms down, and you will come with us" one of the pair said, his tone letting her know that going with them wasn't
an option. Putting her arms down, the two officers stood on either side of her, walking past the security detail, she was escorted down a corridor, and into a stark white office with what looked like a medical table in the center, a set of cabinets lined one wall with a partition hiding another area. "Strip down and lay on the table" one of the males said to her,
while the other stepped out of view behind the wall, a mechanical whirring sound emanates above her. Looking up while she started to unbuckle and slowly unzipped her flight suit, Marie saw panels within the ceiling slide open, and a strange device slowly lowering down with four mechanical appendages attached to it.

Marie with her flight suit now opened, knelt down to untie her boots, tugging them off and standing up, she worked her arms out of the sleeves, and pushed the suit down, exposing her creamy, smooth skin wearing dark blue spandex shorts, and sports bra. She pulled her legs out of the suit and sat on the edge of the table, shifting to lay down before the officer
stopped her. "You need to remove all articles of clothing Marie" the gravely male voice echoed off the walls of the room. Marie groaned slipping to her feet again, muttering softly under her breath while she pulled her sports bra up and over her head "That's Captain Marie." Shivering from the cool temperature that caused goose bumps to form on her upper arms,
bending over and pushing the shorts down, standing as she covered her perky, rounded breasts with her hands while she sat again on the table, biting her lip at how cold it felt on her butt.

The officer moved in closer, hands rough yet gentle, and warm to the touch rested atop her shoulders. "Just lay back" He said to her helping her to lay down on the table. The device dropping lower from the ceiling, its arms extending, one rotates around showing what looked like an imaging scanner, a neon green line running down her naked form from the top of her head,
to her toes before raising up. Another rotates into view, this one she recognized housed a biometrics scanner. Like before it lit up, an orange beam, and scanned her body before it too withdrew and the device raised back into its recess and the panels in the ceiling slid concealing the machine. "She's clean, has some slight bruising from her flight, and soft tissue damage
to her lungs that is already healing from having her oxygen levels slowly depleting" She heard the other Officer say from behind the partitioned wall.

The other officer reappeared this time carrying a dark grey jumpsuit that he held out to Marie "You must wear this while you are here, your uniform will be kept safe until you are ready to leave the station" He said to her while the other started to gather up her boots, flight suit, and her shorts and sports bra. Marie pointed to her shorts and bra "Umm I don't suppose
I can at least have those to wear?" she asked the one officer while taking the jumpsuit from him "Sorry but no, we have a strict policy in keeping foreign contaminants to a minimum. You have no such contaminants, however your clothing might hold something that could wreak havoc upon our controlled atmosphere" he said with a noticeable smirk looking upon her naked body while she pulled the suit up, she grimaced when zipping it up, feeling it snug against her, swearing a wet suit never got so close with her. "I understand" she said with a nod. "Any idea on how long repairs to my ship will take? I kinda need to recover what I can from the wreckage of the starbase, and I need to somehow get a message back to command letting them know.." the officer held up a hand cutting her off. "Your repairs will be handled, though we do have some questions for you. However, after what you have been through, I think some rest, and food might be in order, then we can talk about what happened to you and your people"

Looking at the other officer with him "Make sure that tank is recharged, and put her clothing with her weapons into her craft" He said, with the other nodding and walking out of the room carrying her clothes. "Now about some food, we have a food court that caters to my people as well as yours since our races have an alliance and there are some of your people that live and work here" He said his large hand going to the small of her back as he guided her back into the corridor and towards a set of doors pushing and holding it open for her "About that, I haven't seen many of my people around, though I understand we are basically just visitors here in your sector of space" she said walking through the door he held open for her, and her jaw dropped at the sight she saw.

Inside the large food court area, there was a large eating area, where a few human males sat, though was mostly filled with other Lycheans, most wore hardly nothing, being served drinks by human females that wore the equivalent to a monokini, she felt the officer that escorted her move his hand down to grab, and give her ass a gentle squeeze. His action caused Marie to jump and let out a squeak in surprise, whirling around to look up at the male, seeing him smirk as he looked down on her "You human females are so nice and warm, and feel so good against us" she said causing her to stumble as she stepped back from him, her cheeks turning bright red. "W..wait you mean you..... with..." she stammered out. He merely nodded his head and chuckled "Copulate?" he asked then continued not giving her a chance to respond "Yes, in fact we have found that while your people are smaller than us, you seem to be able to take quite a lot, sometimes even begging for it" he said reaching out
he grasped her upper arm gently, pulling her back towards him, she could feel a bulge in his uniform, pressing against her "Would you like to find out for yourself?" he asked his hand moving back down to cup and rub her ass again.

Jumps slightly feeling that large hand caressing her rear once again, as well as the rather large bulge pressed against her back "Umm yeah.... I'll take your word on that" she said her voice trailing, squirming a little before he loosened his grip. She knew that if he really wanted to, he could easily overpower her. They walked past tables and booths to what served as a bar, as well hot bar with a variety of food available, catering to both Lycheans and Humans. The Human male working behind the counter, nodded to the officer that walked with Marie "How's it going P'trel?" he asked pulling a glass out and a bottle that contained a sparkling, hazy purple color. Pouring the liquid into the glass he slid it to P'trel who took it and nodded "Doing great Thomas" he said downing the drink with a gulp, setting the glass down and sliding it back to Thomas "This is Captain Marie from the GEC" he said motioning to her "Maybe you should set her up with the house special, she's had a rough go today" He says giving Thomas a wink. Nodding his head the man quickly set about mixing a drink, the last thing added was an ice cube that was smoky blue in color and slid the glass towards Marie. She looked at the glass and shook her head a little "No really, I don't even have any way to..." she started being cut off by P'trel "Don't worry, it's on me as well as anything you need to eat. Remember, you will be helping us out by sharing information on whatever, whomever it was that attacked you. This." he said sliding the glass to her "This is the least the Lychean Empire can do to learn about a possible threat to our
domain." he said Marie smiled and giggled a little as she nodded her head "Well if you put it like that" she said taking the glass and sips the liquid contained within, noting that the ice cube had already dissolved, feeling a slight tingle that ran along her tongue and down her throat "Wow... that's.... that's really good, tastes like mango juice" she remarked taking another drink, finding that tingle pleasant. She finishes the drink and sets it down with a giggle "That was delicious, thank you Thomas" she said her cheeks flushed, biting her lip suddenly feeling a warmth spread throughout her body. She blinked her eyes a few times, a hand goes up to tug slightly at the zipper of her jumpsuit " did it just like get really warm in here?" she asked them both.

P'trel gave a knowing look to Thomas and smirked "Bring us something to nibble on and another round of drinks, we'll be over at a booth" he said slipping an arm around Marie's waist, guiding her past the tables and booths, his hand would drop to cup and give her ass a squeeze a few times, while he led her to one that was big enough to accommodate his size. He helped her slip in along the curved bench seating, smiling all the while as he saw her ass clearly outlined in the tight suit "This is much better than standing around up there" he said to her Marie being guided to the booth by P'trel, would giggle and let
out little squeaks when his large hand squeezed her round, firm ass. Stumbling a little, her speech slightly slurred already "Wow waht wassh in tath drinf?" she asked bending over and crawling into the booth, she sat upright and blushed brightly looking to the large male as he slid in next to her, one arm slid around her waist, the other resting atop the cushioned backing of the seat and her shoulders, his fingers teasing through her hair "Oh just a little of this, a little of that, the kick you're feeling though. That.... that is something special" he said to her while his hand rubbed her hip and pulled her in closer.

Pulled in against him more, Marie shifts when she is pulled in against his side, made to lean slightly, her hand going to his leg to keep herself upright, blushing as she realized it wasn't his leg her hand rested on, turning a bright shade of red on her cheeks, her fingers softly trace the large bulge, causing soft grunts from P'trel "That's right Human. You interested now?" he asked not waiting for her to answer, simply unzipping the fly to his suit, guiding her hand underneath, carefully fishing his cock out for her to see and feel. Marie's eyes went wide at the large cock she was touching and looking it, seemingly to
never end. She felt soft, upraised bumps along the shaft, trailing her fingertips over them, hearing him moan while she did. The head of his cock was elongated, with little barbs lining the crown of his glans. While she was staring at, and touching his cock, he had moved his arm from her shoulders to place his hand at the back of her head, now gently pushing her closer, giving a smirk to Thomas who had just delivered, more drinks and some food to their table, able to see Marie's lips just mere inches from the long Lychean males cock "Atta girl Captain Marie, how about you say ahh for me" he said to her, while the hand on her hip slid up to tug the zipper of her jumpsuit down more, her perky, ample breasts on display, rosy pink nipples poking outwards. He grasped one of her breasts, giving it a squeeze while a fingertip played over her nipple. She went to make a sound at the new sensation ripping through her heated body, only to have the ensuing squeak muffled by the tip of his cock pushed into her mouth. Her eyes wide, blinking while staring down his cock, found herself suckling gently, her tongue playing over the glans, and the barbs along the base. She blushed again when she heard him moan softly, his hand caressing the back of her head.

"There ya go" He moaned looking down at her, feeling her lips on his cock, making it twitch at her tongue and how she sucked on it "You like that taste yeah?" he added before talking more, gently pushing her down, feeling her lips slip over more of his shaft "We found out that our... well what you humans call pre-cum, is like a strong aphrodisiac to your people, and to females it even makes them susceptible to suggestion" he said letting out a gasped moan, shuddering when he heard and felt her gag "That is what that cube was that was put into your drink" he finished, pushing her down, enjoying the feeling and sounds
of her gagging and choking before finding himself pushing into her throat. Stopping there he let her get used to him, pulling her jumpsuit open, she helped pulling her arms from the sleeves, feeling the garment slide down to pool against the seat and the small of her back. He slipped his hand to cup and squeeze her ass guiding her onto her knees and pushes the suit down to her legs exposing her soft skin and round ass. He groaned while guiding her in sucking his dick, a hand gropes and squeezes a breast, another rubs and squeezes her ass "There's a good girl. We'll get you out of that hot suit so you can be nice and naked, then have you taking this big cock. In fact you'll probably love it so much you won't wanna leave" he said chuckling and moans feeling her throat squeezing around his cock while she choked, sucking him off.

Her eyes half closed, cheeks a bright red. She emitted soft gurgling sounds, suckling on, slurping the massive cock. Her lips stretched thin, were snug on his shaft, her tongue held to the bottom of her mouth, gagging and choking slightly, while he guides her in bobbing her head. "You like sucking a big lythean dick don't you sweetie?" he asks pulling her off his cock seeing her cheeks flushed while she panted and licked her lips. Marie could only nod her head, her tongue flicks out to lick the tip of his cock "Get up" he said to her "Remove that hot suit and lets get a good look at ya" he then said, a slight tone of command to his voice. Chewing her bottom lip, she nods her head again blushing brightly while slowly getting to her feet "Yes Sir, the suit is rather warm" she cooed while getting to her feet and finished pushing the suit down, slipping it off her feet and standing proudly, naked before him. He smirked and nodded approval then brought one of his hands up and gestured for her to turn which she promptly complied with, glancing back to him over her shoulder. Chewing her bottom lip she looked back at him and moaned softly when she felt his hands caress and rub her ass, then move to her hips pulling her back slightly "How about we get you acquainted with and situated on this dick" he said to her, making her gasp as he guided her towards him, gasping when the head of his cock was pressed at the bald, puffy lips of her moist pussy.

She let out a squeak her eyes going wide and bites her lip, grimacing when he started to pull her down onto his cock, causing her to shriek and tightly shut her eyes "Hnngh..w..wait...y... you're mu...much to" she groaned, her words cut off when he suddenly, and roughly pulled her down his length, her round, plump cheeks resting atop his thighs, quivering while she clenched tightly around his shaft. Other patrons now looked hearing her scream out, knowing the new human was now getting broken in, seeing the large bulge outlining the dick she was impaled on. She groaned, her body twitching, trying to push back to raise herself up only to have his grip on her hips tighten, pulling her back down, causing a grunt to escape her, before he started to guide and bounce her on his dick "God, you are a tight fit!" he groaned out making soft grunts himself while
his hips bucked upwards, standing he bent her over the table, one hand gripping her silky hair, pulling her head back so others could see the look on her face, while two held her hips, the other periodically smacks her ass while he drives his massive dick into her quivering and now dripping, wet pussy.

(something that started out as an exercise to put down the jumbled thoughts and ideas for a story in my head that kinda turned.... erotic)