Yeah but I only found 1/4 ending. Is there supposed to be other endings? I tried to find them but I couldn't. Could you please tell us what else did they add? Thank guys need to find the 6 switches in level 3, the city of plantains, then go to the tower that has a lock force
inside is the new level, with a puzzle and all the new animations
i only found that ending, and the animations posted on twitter and patreon from rime recently, and that's allYeah but I only found 1/4 ending. Is there supposed to be other endings? I tried to find them but I couldn't. Could you please tell us what else did they add? Thank you.
and this game has a lot of things i still dont understand, like what is this place in act 2? (yiss and plantain) you get here but notting happens and when you go back the level restarts
where is the clock tower?There was sadly no changelog in the desc but i can tell you what has been put in
Act 3 map was updated
New ghost mansion map found in the town at night with a ghost npc (1 scene),
(ONLY WHEN YOU MAKE A NEW GAME FILE EVERY TIME) a chance you'll see one of the three wet dream event when you go to bed two times in a row (if you don't get a scene you have to make a new game file, repeat this til you get one of the three scenes)
One Easter egg with animation in the town (day time)
Yiss trade shop in the town (daytime) (Two items can be traded in for key items)
updated quen map (secret chest with an item can be found here in which you can trade in the yiss shop)
pheronoa map also has a secret chest with an item that can be traded in
Teacher npc that has 2 scenes at night when you go inside the school and open the closed doors to the right
clown looking npc that you can walk up to at night (1 scene)
updated town map
clock tower in act 2
New npc at night that the blob turns into if you get the pill from the yiss shop (sadly you can't interact but she has a scene in one of kaspa's wet dreams// also my fav design)
that's basically it
I cant download the script, anyone has it?sure, to extract:
1. get the extractorYou must be registered to see the links, and the script for slimegamesYou must be registered to see the links(
2. make a new folder (let's call it "unpack") and unzip the extractor inside your folder, along with the script.
3. go in the escape from paradise's folder, copy the "data.sgbpack" into your "unpack" folder.
4. inside the "unpack" folder, run "quickbms.exe" (maybe try as admin if you get issues).
5. first, it asks for the script, give it the "" script you downloaded, then it asks for the input file, which will be "data.sgbpack", and lastly, select an empty folder as your output, your files will be extracted there.
6. uwu enjoy~
you can see all the graphics inside the extracted content no problem, though if you need to check codes and/or maps and whatnot, you'll need the latest slime game maker, older ones cannot open the game, but you can check out a trial, even with its limitation you can still see what the game has codewise, (like, it won't let you have more than 3 maps, so you first make a copy of the unpacked game, open the copy with slime game maker, it'll warn you about limitations of maps and user content just press "ok", when it's open on the bottom left you see 3-4 maps, now open the main unpacked folder and the copied unpacked folder, and the map folder inside both of them, to check all the maps, just delete the 3-4 maps inside the copy folder when you're done, and copy 4 other maps from the main unpacked folder, check the maps, and repeat until you get through all of them).
For animations, they're there but without any images set for them, since in the trial version you can only have 3 user content, you'll need to check the top half left menu, click user assets (some name with asset I forgot, second bottom one), go into battle effects tab, and upload grided images (for example plant blowjob.png), use the numbers on the bottom left to correct the division, and you're set for the animation, just below the division number there is "effects" something button, click that and the first button after that, there you have a list of your animations (without images) but now you can set "plant blowjob.png" on any animation you like, with the preview.
lemme know if I can help with anything else x3, and please give credit to the creator of the unpackerYou must be registered to see the links, and lastly thank the game creator and all others helping here .w.'
heres a folder with everything to unpack the files.I cant download the script, anyone has it?
well, another thing, where can i download slime game maker? google gets me some "slime" themed games, but not an editor or somethingheres a folder with everything to unpack the files.
the clocktower is in act 2, behind an orange three next to the waterfall, but its impossible to get there in the new versiongot an act 2 clocktower key but i cant get to the clock tower in act 2 what do i do?
I think that there are 7Am I crazy cuz I got all 6 switches and the lock is still there, am I supposed to do something else?