RPGM - Completed - Escape Rapist School [Final] [muramuramura]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    It's pretty okay. If you appreciate the "run & rape" fetish you'll get a bit of enjoyment out of this, but it'll get tiresome quickly, and it's nothing inspirational. This is a good game to skip.

    The gameplay loop's lacking. The player runs around a school exploring to find keys to open new paths and find the exit. Each day new exits & paths are blocked off or opened up, allowing the player to explore places they couldn't before. It is a bit tedious for a player to try to figure out which corner of the map is now opened up, and re-treading the same ground isn't more interesting the second (or third, or fourth) time it happens. That said, there are little surprise bonus scenes sprinkled around that add a bit of spice to the first exploration, which is a nice touch.

    The scenes are fair, though repetetive. There are around four or five different capture scenes with slight variations based on how damaged the player is, and they unfortunately get boring pretty fast. There's no dialogue, or any major variations to spice things up. The surprise bonus scenes I mentioned are a bit more fresh, but also lack the depth to remain interesting.

    "Randomly run around and avoid capture until you find the thing" isn't my favorite mechanic. It's the only part of the piece that feels like it doesn't respect the players' time, but since it's the main gameplay loop there's no avoiding it. I think there are better experiences, and better porn delivery devices, so you can safely skip this one.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Compared to the other games by this circle, this one is definitely my favorite. I think the reviewers are being too harsh.

    You actually have a stamina bar and slowdowns from being creampied, so there is a legitimate challenge by the 3rd day, and you can't just outrun everyone.

    You don't have to get caught on purpose like pool job 1&2, you gotta maneuver your way around obstacles and narrow paths to find keys to unlock new doors/exits.

    I'm only on day 4, not sure how many there are but I'm already having a fun time. Scenes are hot and the girl is cute too.

    Really is like an early Resident Evil with porn instead of zombies.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Maybe I'm in the wrong here, but I've never understood the point of making a lewd game where you need to lose the game in order to see the lewd content.
    And if you take away the lewd content, the game is rather boring, so no points there either.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The point of the game is not to be raped, but if you don't get raped you don't see the porn, so yes i think that is bad game design.

    Just use the cheat after a few days, you run around with a limited stamina bar finding keys and making your way to the gate, it's okay for fifteen minutes or so, scenes are pretty hot though.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This game somehow manages to make HQ images looks Low quality.

    -Girl image has some wierd lightning that makes her look like a bulb.
    -Scenes get repeated a lot.

    -Animated tho image quality so so

    TLDR: Could be worse.