VN - Ren'Py - Eternum [v0.7.5 Public] [Caribdis]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Start to a brand new game. Kudos to the creator for being able to maintain the sort of humor that made the previous game stand out and also on the plot setting which seems to be much better and detailed than the last game. Keep up the good work.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Don’t think I’ve ever seen a better first release than this one. OIALT was already a Gem and this one looks to be even better. Graphics are improved and the writing is still great as it was in the previous game. I enjoy the premise of the game since it’s fresh and new and something different. Looking forays to the next update. Caribdis is a GOD
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    What a start

    Tons of content, good humor, Great girls, Well-written dialogues.
    This is a huge leap in terms of graphics and animations, the previous game was good but this one is even better.

    In a nutshell this is another fantastic game from Caribdis.
    Can't wait for the next update. Keep up the good work.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Fuck, man.

    Caribdis is a god, I swear. Keep up the good work.
    Love you, boo boo

    Oh, btw. When I see the name "Chang" I picture an overweight, super sweet, but also crazy old Korean lady that I know.
    So that's cool.

    Edit: Holy shit some of the music in this game is like, good . And not the same generic thing in every other game! Caribdis. Babe. How do you do it?
    :cry: you've come so far
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    (Note: Review is for version 0.1. Will update accordingly on full release)

    Strong start. Very strong start. Certainly a tremendous improvement from OiaL, which I thought started meh but ended up fantastic in the end.

    I mean, everything is pretty amazing. Story hook sounds interesting, humor is still on point, the music (oh god the music)...probably the biggest improvement from OiaL, the background renders are just gorgeous, and the ladies...*chefs kiss*

    (Only nitpick I can think of is "why doesn't Eternum have a HUD or menus? 'Bad game design, 5/10 - IGN, probably' LOL." I mean, the characters keep mentioning their levels and equipment and such, but how do you keep track of that? I dunno, maybe the MC finds out about it later since he's still a noob, but I thought not having it explained at the start seemed weird since Eternum is a VMMORPG after all...)

    Again, pretty strong start. Can't wait for the next update.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played a lot of games from this website and while a lot of them were really good I never had the need to actually rate/praise one because a lot of people were already doing that. However after playing both Once In a Lifetime and now this first chapter I'd like to say both of them have been really entertaining and they both have some real great humor, great characters and an interesting story. This & Once in a Lifetime are also the only two games where I never skip dialogue simply because I'm actually interested enough to read it and not just skipping through for the action. Definitely, definitely good shiz Caribdis!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Another hit by Caribdis, I can already tell.

    The humour hits every time. Great jokes and timing but not to the point where its overwhelming. The overall story is shaping up to be good too. The backstory seems like it will have interesting drama and darkness but will be lighthearted enough to make you laugh and still feel good while working through the mystery.

    So far every girl is appealing and diverse so you’re likely to see at least a few characters you want to spend time with. The overall transitions, UI, menus, etc are all polished too, feels good to play through.

    Highly recommend following this one.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Exclaimer; this is about version 0.1

    Having played Caribdis' other game Oialt before, this style and the writing obviously already synced with me, still for those that haven't and in general:

    +The models look amazing again, even better since he used HS2, and clearly has more experience
    +The women clearly have a well-rounded personality and style, and are likable in their own way
    +The backgrounds are beautiful and varied, it simply looks amazing
    +Clever and funny usage of movie/game-inspired montages
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    +The MC looks good
    +Consistent story-telling
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    +Great usage of sound effects and music
    +Interesting and unique (for adult games) premise and plotlines
    +Enjoyable humor again (if you didn't like it in Oialt, you probably won't like it here of course)

    There is one sex scene, but not yet with the 'main girls', so can't really judge that yet, except that the non-main girl scene was good.

    It's safe to say that I'm really looking forward to more of this game and developer.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, it's a game from carib and wow he truly is unable to make bad games, narrative, story, writing, art, humor, literally everything is on point.

    The game perfectly nails the balance between making jokes and not taking itself seriously and taking itself seriously, it was one of the reasons I loved once in a lifetime in the first place, its funny to read through, makes you laugh yet doesn't fail to make you engaged with the story and leaving you wanting more.

    The characters are unique and feel like they have their own personalities, there is already groundwork set up for who will be your rivals and who will be by your side, there are still the typical "mc has big dick" "mom who hasn't had sex in a long time" tropes but I actually really like that they still exist, you know what they say, if something ain't broke, don't fix it.

    The entire story has a unique and complex futuristic structure while still not feeling straight up sci-fi, knowing that technology like this may exist in the future, it's something I found personally really intriguing.

    It doesn't fail to keep up the humorous tones that the first game was known for, which is something I was personally slightly worrying about, the dev knows what type of game this is and doesn't keep the game fully serious all the time, although just enough to have you actually caring about the characters and story.

    All in all, easy (and I mean easy) 5/5 from me, might support the developer myself.

    You really outdid yourself man, I mean it
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best VN on this website. Having played and very much enjoyed Caribdis last game, my expectations were sky high with this one but that ceiling was blown up the instant i started playing 0.1. Every update has upped its predecessor and the game is well on its way to become the new king of F95. Eternum's quality is like none other with renders, writing, characters and amount of content. In 0.4, there is a section with some pretty fucking great voice acting and if we get some more of that in the future, nothing else will come close. Definitely a must play.

    P.S If you only want to support 1 dev on patreon, this is who.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A really strong start to a new game. The story is a perfect blend of funny and serious and the conspiracies got me hooked right away. All the characters are unique and ladies hot which is making it difficult for me to choose the best girl just yet. The renders are true eye candy and the animations really bring the scenes and characters alive. Music and sound effects are spot on too.

    If you liked Caribdis previous game "Once in a lifetime" I guarantee you will love this one too. If you haven't tried that yet I recommend checking it out too.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    i started playing Oialt around the 0.8 update and loved it instantly, became a supporter shortly after, was looking forward to eternum for a while now and it definately delivered for a 0.1 build

    graphics are amazing
    music choice is pitch perfect
    the humour is 15/10 i had plenty of moments where i couldnt stop laughing
    the girls look amazing
    and the story also draws you in so far, it creates enough setting for wanting more

    and im really curious and looking forward to the further updates
    10/10 would play and support agian
    (written for the 0.1 release)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Good start to a promising game.
    - Great humor
    - Excellent use of sound and music (play with headphones)
    - A variety of characters, LIs and other NPCs
    - Main character has some personality
    - Lots of content for a 0.1
    - Plenty of story to the game already
    - Renders are fantastic

    I highly recommend Eternum, even at this early stage, the dev is really hitting his stride. The lessons learned in OiaLT are really paying off in the renders, use of music and sound, story telling, and coding. I personally can't wait to see where this goes, too. BTW, Con and Xet are morons.