Pretty good so far, the art is fantastic and I can see some half decent start at a corruption system as well. I just think more choices in the harassment based events like where you get groped giving apples you can just stand there and let it happen for a few seconds as a choice (that also helps show how weak she is to pleasure and secretly wants pleasure) and they maybe they get slighty bolder like for the breast grab it could be they pinch nipples and such. Options like these help show corruption and pleasure wanting instincts of the protagonist.
The problems I have are the combat being tedius and way to annoying as well as enemy tracking you even through walls, pretty much most combat related things imo. There are also bugs such as if you sleep at the in on the first day regardless if you rescued the people or not the quest advances and the custcene of them at the bar plays out. Another bug is being able to give apples before you are supposed too.
Overall I would rate this a 4 stars as I believe the combat is the only really bad things so far and the bugs will obviously be patched so I wont count that against the dev. This willy easily be a 5 star game once the combat is fixed and the corruption is more fleshed out with more and more options.
I would definitely recommend everyone trying this.