Just got finished checking out the latest (patreon) build, v1.24.8a.
Overall, I like the new changes to the UI and the implementation of features like the inventory system.
Overall, everything is nice and clean but could still use a tad bit of polishing. Namely, the name colors clash very heavily with the equally light backgrounds. It's REALLY hard to see who you're talking to. Minor, so not a huge issue atm though.
As for the things being added? Mostly aesthetic and bug fix related so not really worth commenting on there.
What IS worth commenting on though, is some movement on the story. It's very minor, but ngl, I got VERY intrigued on just what the last king was working on and the various ways this could shape things going forward. You can see this in how you interact with various characters in relation to that questline, especially Blanche who would obviously have a lot of personal stake in whatever it is the late monarch was working on. It wasn't much, but damn did it do a good job of making me really want to see what was going to happen next.
The other thing to take note of, on the gameplay side, is the nifty little feature of having NPCs follow you around now. Oh, the possibilities! Getting an audience, setting up 3somes, just not feeling alone, maybe implementation into quests... all sorts of stuff.
At the moment, with how bite sized the updates tend to be on top of their frequency, the community engagement for things like polls is CRITICALLY important. At least until the game's features and foundations have been set and polished to the point where the main focus switches to mostly event content. By that point, I figure updates will have wider gaps between releases out of necessity. Until then, and even after, voting counts.
....I want my petite maids dammit! But, alas, I KEEP GETTING OUTVOTED!!!!!! So yeah, this is me shamelessly telling ppl to support the game and vote for content simply bc I wanna see more maids!
Oh, for the dev specifically. Have you thought about adding in game lore to read? Like in the form of books/letters/scrolls? The quality of the letter made me want more of that, along with actually having a library. Not a high priority, but something to consider. That, and kinks to explore more on the taboo side... though I've made that clear as a higher priorty for me personally....
Either way, keep up the good work