Imagine playing a game of paper scissors rock against someone who barely speaks your language.
Now imagine that you have a rough idea what the percentage of paper / scissors / rock he's going to throw on any given turn.
Now imagine that you can only throw paper 85% of the time in your first few matches, but that's ok because your opponent is only going to throw rock 85% of the time.
Now imagine that in this increasingly bizarre hypothetical situation that the only way to increase your ability to throw any of the three, balancing paper and rock out to scissors, you had to wear increasingly sluttier and sluttier "armor" that somehow made you more powerful (IE you could throw what you wanted, not just paper).
Is your head spinning yet?
Ok, that's basically the story of eve.
I say that because the actual story is completely incomprehensible. We aren't even talking machine translation here folks, it's just completely un-readable in english. Here's a synopsis of a plot:
You're a .... i don't know, lets just say adventurer? Your name is Eve. Some monsters are out there. You go fight them. You collect materials to power up your 'spirit armor' which by the way gets sluttier and sluttier the more powerful it becomes. Oh, then there's a demon, or a devil, who may or may not be the subordinate of lucifer I guess? Oh and a faceless friend named andrew who tells you that you have to masturbate to regain hp. Except when you don't.... which is almost all the time as your hp just jumps back up a lot of the time anyways.
/shrug I really have no idea.
But the art is really nice, and thankfully the gameplay is simple enough that you don't really need to understand much.
Solidly 'not bad' in my book and a way to kill 40 minutes or so.