Seriously? Why must the 1 star vote of a "MUST!HAVE!ALL!THE!IMAGES!" gamer be the first reviewer on these things...
While everything the first reviewer said was their opinion, and probably true for that person and I respect their right to an opinion, it was still also a very biased opinion based entirely on wanting image-heavy games.
News flash people... while it is true that a picture can set scenes that otherwise words might not adequately stage, the text format of gaming and storytelling has its place too. Someone who wants tons of visual media displays rarely will ever find RenPy games to their liking as it is a medium that lends itself more toward story-building generally.
Is EWMTBAG a 5 star game? Honestly, no, at least not in my opinion. But neither is it a 1 star game as the first reviewer stated.
It is a very typical storytelling game of the medium and following a common learning-to-be-a-better-person trope of TF games. "Male messes up at life, is somehow changed to be a female, now has to become a better person and get people to aid her... or suffer the consequences."
The game's developer has written a well written story. If you hate to read or click through text dialogues then obviously this game is not for you. But, for those who do enjoy a more novel intensive approach, the game may be far more compelling.
Are there flaws? Yes. Is it to everyone's taste? No. Is it the best TF story game ever created? Not to my opinion. But is it worth trying if you like the genre and don't mind a lot of dialogue? Yes.