I'm hoping to have something playable by July 6th. This project is very time consuming as I knew it would be going into it.
I will most likely split the project into two to three parts, otherwise you'd be waiting for months. I got quite a bit of writing and coding done this past weekend.
I also encountered a bunch of poorly coded logic in the code that handles sex (go figure). I made a bunch of improvements in this area. Being drunk had little effect other than getting the girl to the bathroom or home to instigate sex.
There will be more advantages to giving females an aphrodisiac or getting them drunk (and both). Sex will be easier in some ways and harder in others. There was a lot of logic that didn't work well and sometimes not at all. I attempted to get the majority of it working correctly. You may see messages that you haven't seen before (usually bad ones, sorry).
I made some minor code improvements with the strip club. If I can find the time, I really want to improve the music of many of the striptease videos. I feel sad that I released it without that being fixed. It all requires time.
I also had to overhaul the code that generates your family. Lots of variables were missing in order for you to interact with them.
The story is a bit darker than I had originally planned but I believe that is a good thing (hopefully the community doesn't lynch me,

). The world of EVIL 2 is like ours in many ways but harsher and more lawless. The police have no choice but to ignore petty crimes unless they witness them personally and even then they are sometimes ignored. This leads to vigilantism and street justice. The police can be paid off to look the other way in some cases (think Mexico and some Central and South American countries).
Slavery and prostitution are legal (with limits and rules).
Conflicts are often resolved physically instead of verbally. This is shown in the game with jealous boyfriends at the nightclub and with Crow at the strip club.
As stated in character creation (beginning of the game), females are viewed as second class citizens. They can't vote so it is similar to how it was in the United States before women got the right to vote (19th and early 20th centuries). It was a social norm for women to be submissive to males, such as husbands, and those with any type of authority.
"In colonial America, men were considered superior to woman –- in all ways, even in terms of morality. In a world of strict patriarchal hierarchy, men controlled not only wealth and political power but also how their children were raised, religious questions, and all matters of right and wrong." -
This background is important for the story to make sense. And no, I don't share these views but that is the setting for the game world.