The most common cause of this is an improper installation. If the QSP file is in the wrong folder, images and videos won't show up at all.
The QSP file has to be located in 'Evil 2/Evil/'. If it is being read from anywhere else it won't work. If you have more than one 'pic' folder, it can cause issues with the pictures and videos also.
I would also install this
QSP update last.
that fixed the issue! thanks!
Also as i was handling my 25 factories and checking that i had all my warehouses filed ...
couldn´t we build like an upgrade for those and once we hit 50.000 units in storage flush it into international markets even if its at a discount!
or perhaps make a central warehouse for each product type and ship them off!
seriously after all the updates i still got 170 millions! new factories will not improve my flushed situation!
if anything in the long run it will make it worse! not to mention that the capital city is growing too big but not big enough to staff my industrial facilities!
By the way i am so evil that i employ over 120k people and my minimum wage is 15 (at a small 700 workers facility because they are the least productive of the bunch) the average is 18 but a few make far more!
every successful deal completed i raise my wages by 1 as a reward for the workers!
also... bribes!
i wanna bribe the entire police department!
i want to bribe the public prosecutor!
i want to bribe all the mayors office!
i want to bribe the city council with all its alderman!
i want to bribe the court and as many judges as might want my money!
buy them super cars, pay off their kids student loans,
build them new mansions, get them yachts,
unleash their whore depravity or gambling addictions!
whatever it takes to get them under our thumbs!
Also can we recruit other outfits to become part of our upcoming cartel?
perhaps get all the non blacks gangs in the prostitution ring to come over?
recruit the Armenians to be part of our board and get the eastern independent outfits to join us?
me and crow are best buddies now so the bikers ad the gang business should be easy to persuade!
and ofc you should create a 3rd cartel that would make 4 with us!
the dominatrix lady should get all the slave traders under her... yes i know what i just said and all puns are intended!
or... create a 3rd cartel and we have to seduce bribe and cajoule the shit out of the dominatrix lady and take over her cartel!
probably with the help of crow your new best buddy and with the police chief help take her out!
Also Casinos... where are they? gambling is a profitable hability, so perhaps we can fund 1 of the 2 new casinos that will be opening!
Also real estate, i want to buy hotels man!
and can we like invest into housing?
the real estate agency should enable you to buy those cheap apartment in which you originally lived and payed 3 a day!
like a block of 20 to 500 of them for 100.000 and you get to collect (3*amount of apartments*0.95) bucks a day!
probably set up an office to handle that shit with lawyers and bill collectors and shit!
gambling, loan sharking, virtual fraud, gun runs, slave trade, swindling, smuggling,
truck hijacking, art falsification, exotic animals smuggling, illegal immigration!
all businesses we could set up one for our gang members to handle
so they can create their own gang and become part of our cartel!
and now is the time i think i should learn programming and do it myself...