Still wish there was an option to knock up your slaves as long as they're not actively whoring... a well, a perv can dream.
This has been addressed several times in the past but probably long before you found the game.
Slaves are mentally broken and don't make good mothers and can't care for a baby properly so you don't have the option to get slaves pregnant. The baby has to be raised and cared for by someone.
Slaves are there for one purpose - to earn you money. They can't do that if they're having babies. In addition, you would
lose money since you'd have to hire a nanny to care for the slave's children. Slaves are
trained sex workers and that's all they were meant to accomplish in the Evil 2 world.
An additional problem is who the father is going to be. Slaves have to be on birth control to avoid pregnancies since they're getting their brains fucked out all day long. You'd have to take them off of birth control for a while with only
you having sex with them to ensure that
you are the father. That's a lot of time where the slave isn't working and costing you money (one month off of birth control with a three month pregnancy).
Where are you going to house all these slave children? Slaves belong to you. Say you get 30 slaves pregnant per year and end up with 60 slave children. That would require a huge boarding house with tons of mouths to feed and clothe! Way too expensive and is the opposite of what slaves are for.
Probably the #1 reason why slave breeding isn't a part of the game is the following. Slaves have no social status. They are viewed as property. It isn't socially acceptable to have babies with slaves. If anyone found out that you were intentionally having babies with slaves it would ruin your reputation. No one would take you seriously anymore, including criminals. Other criminals would be constantly trying to steal your whores and slaves away from you due to viewing you as a weak fool. It would quickly lead to a Game Over!
"Well, what if I don't care about any of that! The slave is my property and I can do whatever I want!" Partially true but you can't control other people. You'd quickly become the talk of the town and a laughing stock. Criminals would see this as weakness and take advantage of you, lots of them, all the time. You'd end up losing everything you worked for. You couldn't keep this a secret for long. You'd be debased to that of a common slave.
I understand that players want complete freedom but it just doesn't make sense in the Evil 2 game world. We could allow it but then
we'd be the ones going against the game world. We do our best to protect it, despite some backlash from players.
Impregnate non-sex workers all you'd like! You can find dozens of girls throughout the game that you can impregnate and have babies with. You can even do this with your drug dealing and drug courier whores.