RPGM - Completed - Exile of Summon Princess Puri Stella [Odontotyranus]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is excellent

    It has multiple endings, and I like how there is a
    It has a lot of outfits and is great

    I am entertained and satisfied with the gameplay

    The art style is really cute.

    There is NG+. NG+ is really good to have in games.

    Overall I enjoyed the game.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Main character is retarded. Wants revenge but can't even kill a rapist or other dumb shit. No follow up at regards to treatment. Started off pretty decent but the more I played the more I cringe at the MCs stupidity and pseudo power of friendship journey home that runs entirely against what her supposed mission is.
    Allies can't be altered in any way. Can't fully see ally strengths or weaknesses as it continues off to the right out of the screen. If summon goes down no way to dismiss it seems like. Paltry minor follow ups (if any) with companions or usage of certain points. God awful options for "evil" more like dick moves mostly with exceptions aside. Until you go "evil" path option at a point and HAVE to prostitute/sell companions, have them almost snuffed from torture and etc... it, is, fucking, stupid!
    UNavoidable bit where mc has to turn into a unhuman monstrosity using the cursed outfit to not deal with thieves or fuck all for revenge against them and their rudeness. Later on mc degenerates with it again and scene is not avoidable...
    MC becomes accepting of sexual stuff seemingly out of nowhere. Totally accepting of being raped for... just because... it is so damn stupid!
    Only some good equipment rest is useless cause the MC always needs to be up
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Note: My “review” is general overview of a game and with heavy weight on how much I enjoyed it rather than “critical/objective” rating. In another words my “review” is PERSONAL ENJOYMENT + a bit of “critical” rating/comments.

    +2 routes
    +adorable artstyle (feels like quality Anime) plus some comedy/emoji type of funny mini story scenes and facial expressions
    +plenty of scenes
    +few outfits that actually are required in gameplay
    +NG+ stuff carries over, making really fast to get 2nd route
    +Combat isn't obnoxious
    +Somewhat fun and interesting story, plus some great comedy

    -minimalistic scenes, not much of changes in CG
    -loses it's edge by the end, meaning that fun gets old
    -not that much of a special game

    Kinda interesting story. Really pleasing Art, feels as some sort of quality Anime. Minimalistic scenes, very picture based and even those are limited. But nevertheless 2 endings, plenty of outfits and scenes. Comedy aspect was also great. It's a very straightforward H-rpg game where you trigger events, grind a bit and move on. I had fun.

  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Hey, just wanted to chip in on an opinion so that this doesn't get overlooked because the isn't a star rating.

    It's been a while since i finished this, but from what I can remember, this is one for those that likes a lot of costume variations. Not all the costumes have a equal amount of scenes but they all definitely serve a purpose, but iirc, some quests are a little finicky due to exactly that. Art is great as you may have seen from the screens so give it a go!