RPGM - Completed - Exorcist Girl Charlotte [v1.02] [No Future]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is a simple JRPG with H-content. The H-content are traps and rape if you lose a fight.
    The actual game is very simple: You are a student who has been trained to be an exorcist. You are helped by 2 weapons that you inherited from your parents (also exorcists). You hear how your (male) classmates want to visit a factory that is supposedly controlled by a demon. To save them, you follow them.
    The demon is holding them and you captive in the factory. Unfortunately, the demon robs you of all your levels and you start again at level 1.
    To escape, you have to destroy 4 seals. You are hindered by a bunch of lesser demons and... well, your classmates all want to have sex with you at once. Sounds good, but in reality it is boring, as there are barely a handful of different opponents.
    Every fight is the same. The enemies will use skills that let you drop your weapon/s. They try to tie you up and then grope you. In doing so, they will destroy your clothes. There is no way to escape from being tied up. Instead, you must (usually) try to destroy these ties for 2 rounds. You win points with each fight.
    Your two weapons each have their own skill lists. Here you can then spend the points on new (passive skills). You also get material that you can synthesize into useful items. Well, and at the end of each chapter there is a boss fight...until you finally face the main demon.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Pep Shepherd

    RPGM Based Game: Exorcist Girl Charlotte [v1.02]
    ---{ Graphics (CG´s) }---
    ☐ One of the best ever made
    ☐ They are really good
    ☐ Nothing special
    ☑ Looks boring
    ☐ Damn thats trash
    (Animated? ☐ Yes / ☑ No / ☐ Not everything)

    ---{ Gameplay }---
    ☐ Very fun to play
    ☐ Some special features
    ☑ It's just RPGM gameplay
    ☐ Watch paint dry instead
    ☐ Just get a Full Save

    ---{ Audio }---
    ☐ Eargasm
    ☐ Good
    ☑ Nothing special
    ☐ Bad
    ☐ I'm now deaf

    ---{ Difficulty }---
    ☑ Too easy
    ☐ Easy
    ☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
    ☐ Significant brain usage
    ☐ Difficult
    ☐ Dark Souls
    (☐ Can be changed)

    ---{ Story }---
    ☐ It'll replace your life
    ☐ Lovely
    ☐ Good
    ☐ Average
    ☑ Boring
    ☐ Some lore
    ☐ No Story
    (☑ Wasn't good enough to read it all)

    ---{ Game Time }---
    ☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
    ☑ Short
    ☐ Average
    ☐ Long
    ☐ To infinity and beyond
    (☐ Got a Full save Mid Game)

    ---{ Bugs }---
    ☐ Never heard of
    ☑ Didnt see some
    ☐ Minor bugs
    ☐ Can get annoying
    ☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
    ☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

    ---{ H-Content }---
    ☐ Almost too much
    ☐ A lot
    ☐ 50/50
    ☑ Could be more
    ☐ Not enough
    ☐ Even children could play

    ---{ Do i keep the game? }---
    ☐ Yes
    ☑ No

    Last words: The Game is a pretty average RPGM game without any speacial features. The school is the whole map and there are not many types of enemies. There is not much H-Content and if you see something it repeats it self with some cum changes.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    edit: I played No Future's other games (Super Splendor and Noble Rose) and realized I simply have low standards for gameplay. These games are boring but are carried through art. After completion, I gave this game a 4*. I'll keep that as the official rating but it really should be 3/5 because there is a complete lack of improvement from their previous games to this one outside of art quality.

    Overall: Holy shit the art for this game is great. The gameplay is basic RPGM and the battle fuck is limited but the quality of the art alone is a good reason to play this through, or at least open a full save and look around. 6/5 for art but gameplay is 2.5/5 as its just RPGM gameplay with low replayability and very little H outside of losing intentionally.

    Damn these scenes are good. The actual content of the scenes are not ground breaking, but just look very nice. Standard array of mostly people, some slimes and some tentacle and a tiny bit of monster and some toy stuff. The scenes do go on for too long though, which is rather annoying. Still some of the best art I have scene in an RPGM game. The post-game (free roam) does give you free access to all fights and scenes which is greatly appreciated. I would honestly give this a 5/5 just because great art + I like the character but thats a bit too biased given the rest of the game.

    Battle Fuck:
    The battle fuck system is basic, if you lose your weapons, you get captured. The actions enemies take during battle are rather limited, but there are different animations (generous to call it that) for each enemy type. Not particularly in depth and sort of just serves as an annoyance when progressing. Nothing to do here besides see it once and move on.

    Game Review:
    The gameplay is very standard RPGM. You get a sword and a gun which have different skills and can be knocked out of your hand which triggers the restraint/battlefuck. The sword/gun system is nice little novelty which serves for the game's length (around 5 hours for my first+virgin run).
    Exploration with trap encounters are the main thing that will happen. There are not random encounters, but a main part of the game is that there are hidden trap encounters that start you off restrained in battle. These traps make a virgin run a bit difficult, but a small amount of planning or just enabling the setting to see traps mitigates this. There are also alot of roaming enemies, more than usual in this type of game.
    The map is small and the game also gives you a map so exploration is not difficult which is nice given the amount of RPGMs that have a bigass map with nothing in it. All the bosses can easily be defeated with Holy Shield + atk debuff makes you take no damage .

    Story Review:
    lol its an hgame. There is an attempt at a story but only in 10 second flash backs, which feels weird compared to how long the H scenes are dragged out. The flashbacks just show the MC's backstory but its so basic you don't feel anything. Only thing to know is that there is very little/no corruption, which is nice to see after playing like 10 games with corruption but thats personal.
    Likes: Riito
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A pretty good game! If you dont worry about a first run and just play the game, youll enjoy it. It can be a bit frustrating if you lose your characters virginity, as many traps appear random and are just as easily triggered.

    Lewd scenarios push on permanent debuffs, which so far make the game challenging, not impossible. There are mechanics in place for a virgin run, albeit a fun but difficult route. The voicework is good, battlefuck scenarios are kinda tame, and the game overs/trap scenes are very sexy... even if a few last a bit too long.

    Solid game. If you're struggling, use the gun.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The graphics are gorgeous, among the best rpgm i have played. Close to high quality VN. Unfortunately i played the edited-MTL version, which is okay for a translation.
    Gameplay is fine, it is mostly about finding objets in room and backtracking when a new key is found/boss is beaten.

    Traps can be annoying in the last chapter, especially on a lewd route, where you can be orgasm looped for a few turns.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I dont know why this game has a 4+ stars rating, besides the standart rpgm gameplay, this game makes you walk around the map without knowing what you need to do or where you should go, But that's not the worst part, you will walk on a map filled with enemies who walk fast and always know where you are and when you enter a new room, all of them will come towards you.
    The combat is easy, but you can't leave the battle, you need to fight them and even if you get strong very fast, it takes so much of your time.

    The art is pretty nice, the clothing destruction and the battle fuck elements are good, not the greatest but still good.

    I really don't recomend playing this game if you have something better to play, it's a waste of time.

    Sorry for my bad english, im not a native speaker.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    An overall nice battle fuck and clothes ripping game, two of my favorite things. You can easily play a virgin run, if you are careful and build up your weapons carefully, as well as ensure you stay fully clothed. Fairly short and once you build up your magic (DP) and keep your erotic level (EP) low, you are pretty well set to one or two shot most enemies.

    Overall synopsis is: lusty demon in an abandoned factory and boys from the class go to check it out, the exorcist follows hearing about the demon. Everyone gets locked in, boys are lust bombed and sent to attack the exorcist. Avoid classmates, monsters, and break magic circles to get out.

    Erotic attacks mostly happen when clothes are ripped once, or when the traps are sprung (these give detriments when completed), otherwise a straightforward RPG game.

    • Clothes ripping, a longstanding favorite of mine
    • Easy game play (even the grind to level up the weapons is not that much)
    • Sexy scenes with traps and the monsters/classmates
    • Cum covering
    • Safety zone to refresh and build stuff
    • Ability to turn on the traps (if you want to see and avoid, or get caught)
    • Could use a better map, often find that rooms I have explored don't show that status - but its negligible
    • A quest system might be nice addition otherwise you wander from map to map looking for doors to open - but does providing for leveling and materials
    • More sex scenes
    Overall a fun little game to waste a couple hours, with a cute protagonist and a not too grindy (I've seen way worse) game to level up weapons and MC. Once you beat the game you have a recollection room that allows you to refight things, see scenes, and adjust your levels and abilities if you want to rehash for scenes you didn't get before.
    Clothes ripping + easy + sexy + monster/character sex = 4
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for 1.02

    This game was a little disappointing to me.

    The gameplay is alright in theory. there are upgrades, some strategy. it's fairly fast. the map is mostly clear and well designed.

    The main issue i had is that the enemies never stop and you just have to keep oneshotting them. the only enemies you can't one shot are bosses and suprise fights. the suprises are really annoying, you can't avoid them and all they do is take you weapons for 2 rounds, so it just wastes a bunch of time. iirc you can make the suprise traps visible, which i guess is an improvement as i hate them, but isn't exactly good game design.

    The art is great, but the scenes are kinda boring. there are 4? scenes and and 4? others that are longer but repeat the same art. the art is mostly 1 still image with changing expressions and text.

    beyond these 8 scenes you have to lose to see anything, which is pretty annoying.

    you get some clothing options but they are just for stats, you don't actually see them.

    overall, it's a competently made game, but has some bad design choices imo. You can complete it in a few hours, but tbh i don't think it was worth the time.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this one! The batte fuck mechanics and art are nice, the characters are good and as far as fap material goes it's got a lot! You can beat this in a day or so! It doesn't have the highest replay value after completion imo but if you like the art enough perhaps you'll feel differently than I did in that regard.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    For a HRPG it's very interesting. First time combat is difficult enough that you can get lose scenes without losing on purpose. It seems quite polished and art is great. I didn't even notice it's MTL, though I've skipped through most event dialogues, since they are always same.
    I missed variety and corruption , as this is not a big game and very linear. Hard to give it lower than 4 due to overall quality, but not more than 4 due to being very small and very linear.
    Likes: mc247
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game all around. Great art. Great scenes. Not bad gameplay, but the combat did get a little stale. One of the most enjoyable h-games I've played in a while. The translation was great too. Didn't notice any issues.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v1.02

    Looks nice and has more effort put in than your average RPG Maker game, but fails to make the mechanics be meaningful.

    The art looks good enough. I'm really not a fan of the clothing destruction only having 3 phases: perfect condition, a bit torn, and torn enough to expose genitals. The map layout is okay though it would be nice if you could interact with more objects than just the chests and doors. That limitation makes the game feel a bit shallow.

    The focus is on the combat since the story is linear. I found the combat pretty lackluster though and too easy. As long as you have at least one weapon, you're immune to getting restrained (and thus, sex) which is boring. Some enemies will grope you in combat which raises your lust meter but they die so quickly that it doesn't matter. Taking a rest in the bed removes all lust.

    Sometimes enemies attack your clothes but the clothing destruction is very simplified and boring as mentioned in the Presentation section. There's no reason to fix your clothes either unless you want to avoid the sex, but that only happens if you're restrained and haven't escaped. Taking a rest completely restores your clothes so it lacks any sense of urgency to fix them.

    The only mechanic that stands out in my opinion, are the traps. You can make the traps visible but i have no idea why you'd do that when that's one of this game's few benefits. Triggering a trap immediately restrains you which is nice. Unfortunately it's pretty easy to escape using the special skill.

    Sex Content
    Pretty meh from what i saw. Lot's of repetition and no real consequences. If you're restrained and exposed, you get fucked. It's missing variation and randomness. It's all too rigid in how things work and lacks any feeling of a struggle or resistance.

    3/5 because it has more effort than the typical RPG Maker, but it fails to make that effort count.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The rating is technically 3.5/5 but there's no way to do a half star obviously. I finished the game in a few days, so I can basically say that it was a decent game. There are some spoilers in the review, but I don't think it's that important given the lack of story content.

    • Great artwork
    • Easy to understand gameplay
    • Map is easy to read. Feels like playing Parasite Eve or Luigi’s Mansion with the color coded keys in that regard.
    • Don’t need to invest much to be able to get to the end of the game.
    • The gallery is unlocked after you beat the game. Because the game goes by fast, it won’t be hard to get all the scenes first try.
    • Enemies get harder with each chapter, so you have to pay attention to their health bar.
    • If you have the trap icon on, you can see where the ambushes will be. The classmates get smarter with each chapter unlike the average enemy, so you gotta keep your guard up.
    • Making ammo is unlimited so as long as you have money
    • Possible to beat the game as a virgin. This effectively shuts off the red traps though that lead to extra hentai scenes.
    • Battlefuck makes the battle more difficult for those who find it too easy. (Holy Shield will make sure you won’t get hit by the h skills for 5 turns and increases defense. There’s no limit to how many times you can use it).
    • When you beat the game, the gallery is unlocked. You’re stuck in limbo though as there’s nothing to do after the game ends. You can reset the traps, change the bad status state and decide if you want to make things easier or harder for Charlotte.
    • The only good story content comes from Charlotte’s past.
    • Game is ridiculously easy. You won’t max out Charlotte’s stats by the time you reach the end of the game.
    • The game tries to balance between the sword and the gun but the gun is so broken that you’ll want to invest in the gun to deal with the bosses.
    • The AI is rather stupid especially the final boss. The whole point of being restrained is for the enemy to gain extra hits in while you’re trying to break free. If you’re just standing there and wasting a turn while you break away in 2 turns, then you’re not trying as a final boss. What’s worse is that there is mythril ammo made to kill the final boss with relative ease, so she’s wasting her time laughing while she’s taking over 10k damage.
    • Game doesn’t explain how the classmates are still alive after getting cut down or shot at. Even with anime logic, it’s odd how the game doesn’t even hide how Charlotte isn’t going easy on them with her overblown attacks.
    • The classmates are incredibly unsympathetic. They’re not being held against their will, and the game makes it clear that they are attacking Charlotte of their own free will. I think what annoys me is that Charlotte isn’t even established as being a super popular/sexy girl like you would expect in other hentai games, so the guys just go after Charlotte simply because she’s the main girl in a nun outfit.
    • In general, I don’t see the point of having the names of the classmates being shown when you can’t tell them apart in battle or in personality. I always thought there would be that one guy in the group that actually was hesitant, but that’s not the case.
    • The slimes are there for the sake of being there. They only have 2 hentai scenes and h attacks are limited to two. Compared to the human enemies and the tentacles, I have to wonder why the game made me get the flame bullets.
    • Most of the good writing is locked behind Charlotte’s backstory. As long as you rest in bed every chapter, you can see her past. This is more compelling than the main game.
    • The virgin route doesn’t change anything but one line of dialogue at the end making the effort to go through the whole thing pointless. The same applies to the bad status effects that have no effect on her character no matter how slutty she becomes.
    • The ending sucks. We don’t know why Marikis is obsessed with Charlotte or a hint that she was this powerful demon to begin with. She made it clear she was interested in Charlotte but then when she does have her in the bad ending just breaks her toy. I thought the game was going to tie her to one of the high ranking demons that killed her parents seeing as how she seemed to recognize the weapons Charlotte had. This goes nowhere of course.
    • Adding to the ending. The classmates face karma houdini. They betrayed Charlotte and possibly raped her, but they get to go about their day with no memories of the event meaning no character development, no apology and definitely didn’t change that they were shitty people to begin with. We don’t know how they even forgot to begin with. Not explained in the ending.
    • No anal :(

    Overall, its a good game with some quickies, but not something that would be played again.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very fun game. The crafting system and combat are simple but interesting enough to be enjoyable for a nsfw game. The art is incredible and for the first time in a long time I played a game where I found myself purposefully losing fights to see all of the scenes. It's a very good game, try it!
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Fairly orthodox RPG as far as RPGmaker games go. It'll only take a couple hours to complete, after which the gallery will be unlocked. Most of these scenes involve restraint and domination, and with some very clean art and a surprisingly decent MTL there's quite some promise here.

    The main game mechanic here is the skill tree. After each battle, you gain energy crystals in addition to EXP and materials (basically money). Energy crystals are basically skill points that you then use to Reinforce your two weapons, the sword and gun, which assuming you're not grinding will determine your playstyle. Broadly speaking, the sword tree is much more balanced while the gun tree is all about offense.

    In addition to the skill tree is the crafting system. As said earlier, you gain material after battle and also through exploration. For all intents and purposes, material is basically your money. At your base, there is a crafting table where you spend your materials to create healing items and bullets for your gun. Certain bullets are only available after you unlock them through progressing through the game, after which you can craft as many bullets as you want for that type, assuming you have enough material.

    Beyond the JRPG mechanics, this game gives H content through in-battle restraints and defeat scenes. Most enemies will try and restrain your character in battle. This occurs when they successfully disarm both of your weapons. You can pick up a disarmed weapon, but it will take your whole turn and give the enemy more opportunity to attack. When both weapons are disarmed, you are automatically restrained.

    Quite frequently, you'll get ambushed by enemies which automatically puts you in the restrained state. You can toggle the visibility of ambush points on/off but since they're almost always in spots where you want to get treasure, you're mostly forced into those encounters anyway. At this point, there are a variety of techniques to break out. Each turn you spend restrained, the enemy will attack, grope, and strip you. If all your clothing has been stripped and you're still restrained, then you're fucked, literally. Losing virginity has very minor effects on the gameplay.

    This is where my main criticism of the game comes. There's no real challenge in maintaining your virginity, nor are there any benefits like a secret end or any of the kinds of perks you'd typically expect. Nor does the game necessarily reward you for playing like a deviant. At most, losing virginity unlocks new traps that assault you for new H scenes. The worst part is that the in-game dialogue doesn't acknowledge your status. Rather, events happen with the assumption that you've lost your virginity at some point. It's very jarring when NPCs tell you, "We'll keep on fucking you!" while you've stopped all their advances the entire time.

    Overall, it's a decent enough game. The game systems are solid but have already been explored and implemented in other, better games. Restraint and defeat H scenes are very outdated, as they only slow gameplay to a crawl which is made worse when they're only way to get H scenes. Finding a good HRPG can be very rough, since there's quite a lot of garbage out there. This game is just decent, there are certainly better games out there if you just keep on looking.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a no doubt 5 star game. Even without H content, it's also a decent RPG game.

    Tried a pure run to test the whole battle system, it's quite unique. I do played RPG with similar leveling system but this one is still really good, the status are all useful, no attribute is wasted. Pure run spends me around 4h, it can definitely be faster if I know that rest to recover health and dp at begining.

    The art is also quite good. I really enjoyed the traps and so on, more pleasure to turn the trap visible off to get surprised for non-pure run.

    H content is also quite different for each enemy, all has different cg instead of using the same one for everything.

    MTL won't be a problem here. It's all decent English. there are only 2 places that I notice a bit strange. you won't even notice if skip dialogue time to time.
    Likes: Greg_
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is great, after playing through it, you unlock the full gallery, which is nice since this is a lose to see scenes game. If you are not a fan of that, just rush through the game as a virgin and then enjoy the glorious art in the gallery.

    Translation is wonderful, don't let those 3 letters scare you away. The works of this translator, Mataku are all quality works, better to call it fan translations in my opinion. So just give it a try, you'll see .

    Also if you like this game, check out this circle's other game too, Psychic Guardian Super Splendor.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I REALLY liked this one, but the ending really bothered wich i will kinda spoil now but it doesn't matter that much so you can still read even if you haven't played the game:
    in the end all classmates forget everything that happened wich IS A REALLY BAD i hate this kind of ending in these type of games, and there is also no ending variations so virgin run doesn't change anything.
    Likes: Greg_
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    i wasnt done expecting mmuch when i played this game and only played it so i could leave a review. i liked a lot. i never play these kinds of games but i might start now.
    The art gets me wet.
    the facial expressions are creepy.
    Likes: Greg_
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    El Presidente

    It's a classical RPGMaker game but with a good combat. Like in games similar enemies can apprehend you if they can disarm your weapons: a sword and a gun. The gameplay is very versatile and you can use the sword that cost only mana with a free attack, a gun that use bullets that you can craft and magic that will use a lot of mana but give bonus in combo with your weapons.
    The game can be beaten as a virgin and end a run give you access to the gallery. That's good because this is another "lose to have sex" game, the erotic stuff are in the combat fase where you can get raped by enemy and in the defeat cutscene. Most of them are too long and doesn't give you a lot of images. In end it's a little fun game that could be ended in 2-3 hours