Others - Completed - Exposure Office Simulator [Final] [Uzura Studio]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    BIG EDIT: I finished the game, only the first stage requires 1000points, all other only require 200 more points from the previous day, which make them quite trivial instead of grindy. Sometimes just reading the day introduction is enough the start the next day without even playing.

    Original review:

    The art is good, the concept interesting, the gameplay boring.

    There are 7 days, each day has a level of nudity, and to reach the next day, you need to reach a certain score.

    You increase your score in 2 ways:
    You touch her on either her left or right breasts, or her crotch. Touch 1 gives 1 point, touch 2 gives points, etc...
    Or you increase her happiness, which increase her point over time.

    Here is the catch, you can lose in two ways: ran out of time or got her too embarrassed.

    She gets embarrassed when you touch her. And times moves on continuously, either you touch her or not. So you can't finish a day in one go, you'll always either have her too embarrassed or run out of time.

    What is the penalty for losing? Nothing.

    What score do you need to finish the first day?

    What is the max amount of passive points you make in the first day?

    Yes, you can make more points by touching her, but it will make her embarrassed.

    Is the touching part of the game interesting?
    Nope. You just move your cursor over the area you want to touch and watch the cursor change shape, wow! gameplay of the century!

    But watch out! sometimes she doesn't like to be touched in a certain area, so you need to touch another one! Better be careful!

    She only reacts by moaning and shivering, and that's it.

    It's extremely boring, and not very interactive.

    You can also spend your points to buy accessories, but they are almost exclusively BDSM accessories, and I'm personally not into that, not that they change the gameplay in depth anyway.

    If we could at least interact with her, undress her ourselves, have more areas to touch and better reactions, why not?

    But none of that is in the "game".