Ren'Py - Abandoned - Fairy Fixer [v0.1.4] [JuiceShooters]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The best Winx Club that i ever see in my life, even the original games are lame if compare to that! Love it! Well.. Since the review need more then 200 words, (i just don't get why?) its kinda sad to know that the dev just abbandoned it... I mean... It as not a "free time game" he doing? We can wait, there is no need to rush a good game like that...
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The nostalgia holy crap. I didn't think the crush I had as a kid could be realized in a form of an adult game years after I initially watched the series lol Very well-executed too. Really looking forward to further updates and hopefully the updates give us more of Stella!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game, and good story. All characters are very well written so far. Every single girl is insanely hot also. Cant wait for more updates. I will be keeping an eye out for this one. the rest is just gonna be filler for this reviewmsdlfmlsmdlvmlmcxlvmlsdrflglmdfvclmsdlmfkbdnksdnknbkzxcnkvbnkdsfngbindcknvbzxdc
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Version 0.1.2 public 3.5 of 5 stars
    Art faithful to source material
    Animations, although a bit choppy

    Art isn't going to be for everyone
    The mini games are very grindy while not being terribly interesting
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome art and animations, can't wait future updates!
    (but no pressure, this thing take time)

    Without being a huge fan of the Winx saga, the lore seems to be respected, and the art is realy well reproduced
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like this game, I been keeping up to date on the progress over the years and its been coming along steadily but still missing a lot of major content.

    -Good art accurate to the original
    -Sandbox world
    -Variety of characters
    -Decent amount of content
    -Has footjob

    -Almost no content for Flora and she is the one I wanted to see scenes of the most!
    -Needs more footjobs with all the other characters
    -Animations need more frames, they're a bit choppy
    -Lacking lewd content with bloom
    -Mini games arn't skippable apart from one or two
    -Gameplay loop can be a bit grindy
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    John Rommel

    TL;DR; Really good, definitely worth a try. Very enjoyable in its current state, but with some flaws that keep it away from 5 stars in my opinion.
    First of all mentioning that I am not familiar with the original series, but I don't think this gets in the way of enjoying the game.

    The good:
    - Nice grammar
    - Nice amount of content
    - Very nice art
    - Characters are distinct and consistent with their personalities (not sure how faithful it is to the original because I'm not familiar with it)
    - Has a gallery implemented
    - In-game guide that keeps track of current quests so you don't lose track of what you need to do.
    - I honestly think the minigames are relatively fun for what's out there
    - Fun story!

    The less good:
    Let me say first, that the following points are mostly nitpicking, pointing out what I think could be improved as feedback to the dev(s?) The game is still a very enjoyable experience regardless!
    - Slightly grindy. Nothing too bad, but having to fight mobs for levels and money so you can progress at some point or work at the beginning replaying a mini game many times for affection and money could be reduced a bit in my opinion
    - Some unsatisfying game design: at some points in the game, it wants you to e.g. keep retrying the date until you get the answers right, or keep spying at a character in the shower until she does not catch you. Having to sleep and repeat the next day is not fun. On the other hand, you can also choose to rollback (since it's renpy) but at that point, what's the point? It's either grindy or unsatisfying to do.
    - Some of the sex shows only the penis, instead of full body. This may be personal, but I always find those scenes a bit lackluster since they are more difficult to get into
    - While there is an in-game guide, and I think this is awesome, sometimes it's a bit unclear what is it that you need to do, which results in you clicking every location at day/night to try and get to the next piece of content. This is also not very satisfying. Adding a "This character may want to talk to you (evenings in the city)" or something similar in the guide could be helpful.

    All in all, excellent job! I will stay tuned for more updates. Cheers!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's great!

    I don't have any familiarity with the source material, but the way these skinny wizards are drawn and animated is very appealing.

    I could nitpick about some of the game design: how the coffee shop and combat minigames wear out their welcome, too many scenes are triggered by doing a "Look Around" in previously empty areas, etc. But I generally prefer sandbox VNs where I can get a little frustrated in between the pornography so it's honestly fine.

    There's a good amount of content already but I'm excited for more! Flora's side quest cuts out way too soon!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a surprising gem.

    The art is phenomenal, and the story is doing well for world building, as well as starting plot arcs that I hope we can see through.

    The characters are fun, and there is some character development, which is not common amongst this game's peers.

    The animation is pretty good, but again, that art is wonderful. The artist found a niche and struck gold.

    My only criticism is that it can be a little grindy at times, and it's easy to get lost during some of the tasks.

    I hope to see more with the coming updates, and I look forward to more of the story!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    So far so good.
    The game has a lot of work yet but it has just as much if not more potential.
    Keep it up and probably fix the UI for ease of use.
    Other than that I believe it's a committed developer with weekly update logs on the games process, we'll see what time tells us in the end :)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent for its potential. but it can be average or good in the future. we dont know. for now.

    improve yourself your more game developing side. be creative and empathetic. expand your game's universe.

    advicing for customer:
    you can be patreon for them. they have no drama etc. they are just working.

  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Hey dude, player here. This is an exhilarating Winx H game that I stumbled on months ago in 2020. And now, this is my almost religion. Thanks JS! And do not forget that we appreciate your hard work.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun game with a lot of potential, I gave it 4 stars simply because some of the guidance in the game was lacking, but I am sure those issues will be addressed in future updates. This review was for version 0.0.4