Ren'Py - Abandoned - Fairy Tale Academy [v0.4] [MasQuerade]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Controls: Point and click.
    Interface: Ren’py dialogue, with a unique location movement menu. Personally, I found the movement a little frustrating, but I understand what Masq was going for. There is also the combat, which has the typical controls. The lack of a gallery is concerning. Some scenes can be replayed, but the ones from the main questline cannot.
    Plot: Decent. The main idea is very close to a certain series about a magic school and a protagonist who’s better than everyone else. The plot essentially is, protagonist meets challenge, protagonist grows new power to beat challenge, protagonist has sex. It’s good enough to read, but I wouldn’t judge if you skipped it.
    Characters: The characters all kind of fall into a cliche. It’s not a bad thing, but don’t expect much depth.
    Typos: Can’t remember any.
    Models: They’re good, but some diversity besides hair color would be nice.
    Animations: Very rare, but kind of worth the wait.
    Background: As good as they need to be.
    Music: Generic background noise.
    Effects: Well used.
    Voices: Silent.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice girls! I love the art style, it makes even hotter each interaction, this game gave me a nice time and a great story to follow. I am really excited to play this game further! I hope to see another update soon.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    A sandbox VN where you eventually get god like powers and a harem.

    Two of the girls look great, medea and aurora
    There's a decent soundtrack
    Some rpg mechanics like items and stats
    Interesting story

    Very low content for a game this long in development
    Very few characters have art associated with them
    Most girls look ugly and obese including the only one you can date atm
    UI is a mess, there's not even a screen to check your stats

    Game has potential, but a lot of the art needs work and the navigations and progression as well. A lot of the things the game tells you you've unlocked like the shop and dating medea are not even in the game yet. I'd like to see how this game turned out if the devs put some love into it, but considering the small amount of content in all these years I'll become a grampa before I can this game finished which is a shame.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    LMAO I didnt even fap, the story is too good.

    Joke appart, the art looks really great for now, it is still early but this is a good start for a visual novel, not a game. But again... the story could be a really good basis for a non porn thing...
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2596230

    Love what I've seen so far! Not too much content right now, but nice premise, great art, and not too difficult in terms of figuring out the systems. It would have been nice if there was some more tutorial-like help text to explain some things (e.g. 'This is the end of the content for now! Thanks for playing!'), but that is a minor grievance. Looking forward to this game's next iteration!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Normally I´d say 4 Stars but the Art and the potential are just way too good, I hope the Dev makes something out of this game because it might be able to become a big one.
    I wish youvery good luck for your further developement.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's just an early first version, barely more than a demo, so this review is curved for that, curved like the titties on that redhead teen (that I want to see more of while entering in every hole), but let's look at it's pros. Fair amount of art for a first version. The art is amazing. Dev with at least a passable track record (a little concerned this means more than one major project but, let's see). A game that, at least initially, seems to be reasonably within that devs skill level to deliver.

    I'll go 5 for now, a 3 bumped to 4 as an optimistic first review, plus a 5th bonus star because of that insane art. (With a note that again, reviewing a demo, this could drop if later versions don't deliver or, if multiple projects just muddle each other)

    ... seriously, if I don't get a spell to make that redhead my love slave while her big titties lactate to drink while I fuck her in one hole and magically summon tentacles to fill the other two, then what's the point of magic at all I tell you?!? Might as well just be a muggle if magic can't do that.

    Edit: I did hate the menu though. I see what the dev was going for but, it was more pain in the ass than cute.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent amount of content. It's just ruined by not having an inventory, or the ability to learn the dark magic that you spend 500 gold for. I understand this is just an intro, but the fundamentals should still be a priority. Then there's the training in the classroom. It does pretty much nothing to build the character. Hopefully things get fixed for the next update.