Fallout 4


Aug 17, 2016
i personally prefer Fallout 3 because it gives me a feeling of being personally involved and maybe cause family's involved...
and you have to agree fallout 3 has better main story then new Vegas

New Vegas for me was weird,no matter how many times i tried i could never really connect to main player.maybe i m kind of a guy who needs a backstory.that's a deal breaker for me.


Aug 17, 2016
OH Boy....

1.read my comment again,mp in fallout 3 had backstory and that's what i like,mp in new vegas didn't have it,so for me mp always felt out of place.

2.the plot you posted is all messed up,play the game again or atleast read the plot from some official site..Game was more about Self sacrifice for greater good.

3.Fallout 3's story is absolute dogshit and makes no logical sense-Everyone is entitled to their own opinions..So good for you


Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
I've got both Fallout 3 and New Vegas. The both have their good and bad points. More good than bad in either one, though. Here's my perspective..
With Fallout 3, I've got a good father who raised me after mother passed away. As a young adult, I'm suddenly thrust into a role that I'm certainly not suited for after facing a crisis that shatters my world and my perceptions. In the process of searching for my father, I discover there's much I don't know but for some reason I'm this final cog in this machine to get the water purifier working. The only good thing is that I got access to a dog companion as well as some other interesting companions on my way to figure out what the heck it is I'm supposed to do.
With New Vegas, I'm a former courier who lost his memory after being attacked while on a job. I'm obsessed with trying to figure who and what I was as well as finding this man who apparently caused all of my problems. As I'm running all over the Mojave in search of the man and myself, I keep running into several warring factions that are trying to gain control of the economy of New Vegas. So now I've gotta figure out where my loyalties lie, my priorities, and what to do about my "problem". I can also gain several companions along the way.
So both deal with the same issue of a post-apocalyptic world in different ways. The similarities are the time frame, vaults, available companions, weapons and armor, and the Pip-Boy. The differences are that one's situated in the Mojave Desert and the other is over on the East Coast. Then one has a mysterious courier dealing with warring factions and the other has you facing the fallout of a father's quest for water purification. It's like there's an apple and an orange. They're both fruit but they taste different. Everyone's got their favorites.


Aug 17, 2016
Nuff said nothing can beat nuking megaton,and watching from balcony..sipping some tea:D

it really caught me by surprise when that happene'd,i knew it was going to happen but that view..:eek::eek:

Alexander Krisnov

The Dead Commisar
Sep 14, 2016
With Nuka World coming out on the 30th I've been spending the last few days trying to finish as many of my planned settlements as possible before I uninstall all mods due to some of them being outdated or imcompatible. Anyone else doing any interesting or have found any good mods?
I get my mods from Brodual or MXR... or do my own reasearch on NM, there are some goods mods but considering it has been nearly one year dont except the level of mods on skyrim....i have seen some quest mods but the player voice is giving some trouble, now if only somebody would make the interaction system like skyrim without player voice


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2018
I couldn't get into bethesda games since morrowind. That one was a fantastic game.
I spent more time modding oblivion and skyrim than playing.
The writing and story just awful.


Dec 6, 2018
Lol bumping such an old thread.

Anyone remember when fallout 4 came out and /b/ had the games twist/ending in the sites banner


Active Member
Jun 25, 2017
I couldn't get into bethesda games since morrowind. That one was a fantastic game.
I spent more time modding oblivion and skyrim than playing.
The writing and story just awful.
I was the same way except I've put way to many hours into everything Elder Scrolls and Fallout related. Even played the original Fallout 1 and 2 on my dads toaster way back.

I HATE Fallout 4.
3 was ok but only after modding the fuck out of.
New Vegas was epic except it felt a bit more empty, but that was actually more realistic if the nuclear war was as bad as it was supposed to be.
Fallout 2 was the most fun I've had out of any of them. Well as long as I got the many patches.
Fallout 1 was to short. It can be beat in 9 minutes if I remember right. Still enjoyed it.

Go backwards this time around
Skyrim is ok'ish, but only really shined when modded to the point of a sneeze causing it to crash.
Oblivion was fun but I felt the "crisis" was,,,,,, not well thought out. Some of the best follower mods I've ever used came from Oblivion.
Morowind was epic, but it was also the first elder scrolls game I played. Didn't mod it very much as modding was still relatively new at the time I was playing it. Used mainly face mods because the characters were fugly.
Daggerfall wasn't any fun for me.
Arena was just blah. By the time I got to these games my dislike may of been because of how they were presented. Those linear looking dungeon crawlers from the 80s/90s just never did anything for me to start with.

I could write a 10,000 word essay on why I hate Bethesda as a whole despite my feelings for some of their products. Now that Microsoft has their hands in the pie maybe they'll change for the better.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2018
I was the same way except I've put way to many hours into everything Elder Scrolls and Fallout related. Even played the original Fallout 1 and 2 on my dads toaster way back.

I HATE Fallout 4.
3 was ok but only after modding the fuck out of.
New Vegas was epic except it felt a bit more empty, but that was actually more realistic if the nuclear war was as bad as it was supposed to be.
Fallout 2 was the most fun I've had out of any of them. Well as long as I got the many patches.
Fallout 1 was to short. It can be beat in 9 minutes if I remember right. Still enjoyed it.

Go backwards this time around
Skyrim is ok'ish, but only really shined when modded to the point of a sneeze causing it to crash.
Oblivion was fun but I felt the "crisis" was,,,,,, not well thought out. Some of the best follower mods I've ever used came from Oblivion.
Morowind was epic, but it was also the first elder scrolls game I played. Didn't mod it very much as modding was still relatively new at the time I was playing it. Used mainly face mods because the characters were fugly.
Daggerfall wasn't any fun for me.
Arena was just blah. By the time I got to these games my dislike may of been because of how they were presented. Those linear looking dungeon crawlers from the 80s/90s just never did anything for me to start with.

I could write a 10,000 word essay on why I hate Bethesda as a whole despite my feelings for some of their products. Now that Microsoft has their hands in the pie maybe they'll change for the better.
Bethesda is dead in my opinion. They were innovators once but probably lost all the "talents" with time. Not sure how Microsoft will change it if there's no creativity behind it. Feels like what's left is just "work slaves" at least when it comes to the TES series. Minimum effort, maximum profit, just like all usual big companies.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
Bethesda is dead in my opinion. They were innovators once but probably lost all the "talents" with time. Not sure how Microsoft will change it if there's no creativity behind it. Feels like what's left is just "work slaves" at least when it comes to the TES series. Minimum effort, maximum profit, just like all usual big companies.
I feel they were always better at making big good-looking maps with a lot of stuff in them than writing stories or dialogue, or making good character models, or balancing gameplay, or testing games before release. But the problems got worse after Morrowind, there's a reason why "Oblivion NPC" is a meme.
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
I feel they were always better at making big good-looking maps with a lot of stuff in them than writing stories or dialogue, or making good character models, or balancing gameplay, or testing games before release. But the problems got worse after Morrowind, there's a reason why "Oblivion NPC" is a meme.
Morrowind was kind of a turning point though, it's where their games became synonymous with modding. And as much as I love to rag on them, IMO the moddability goes hand-in-hand with the poor gameplay and bugginess. Granted MW was the first of their games I played, despite looking at Daggerfall every damn time I went into Best Buy (box art was just too cheesy and the screenshots made it look like a dungeon crawler).

Doesn't excuse the Oblivion NPCs though. Or the poor storytelling, especially because the ES lore is pretty decent IMO.
Apr 18, 2021
I feel they were always better at making big good-looking maps with a lot of stuff in them than writing stories or dialogue, or making good character models, or balancing gameplay, or testing games before release. But the problems got worse after Morrowind, there's a reason why "Oblivion NPC" is a meme.
Yes you're right on with this. IMO the only good thing about Skyrim and FO4 were the ability to mod the hell out of them. It blows my mind that people actually enjoyed playing those games vanilla on console. I got about 1000 hours into Skyrim before deciding to beat the main storyline and was astounded by just how BAD it was.

Bethesda is dead in my opinion. They were innovators once but probably lost all the "talents" with time. Not sure how Microsoft will change it if there's no creativity behind it. Feels like what's left is just "work slaves" at least when it comes to the TES series. Minimum effort, maximum profit, just like all usual big companies.
I agree. It almost seemed like in FO4 they started trying to do better NPCs but then gave up with F76 and completely shit the bed. In regards to TES, ask most people who their favorite characters from the story are (lol) usually they draw a blank or say some meme character like the Adoring Fan. With the exception of Dawnguard, Bethesda excels at making vast, interesting worlds with horrible character design and soulless NPCs who could easily be omitted from the shallow as a puddle story. It's odd that their franchises have no "face", no popular characters, instead people cosplay as the anonymous PC self insert or enjoy memes at the expense of how bad character design is.
I'm not really excited for Starfield which looks to be even MORE soulless (space yay). The huge delay on TES6 feels more like Beth realizing their engine was on life support with stuff coming out like Unreal5 and even Redengine before scrambling to do some major tech revisions (hopefully).


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2018
Morrowind was kind of a turning point though, it's where their games became synonymous with modding. And as much as I love to rag on them, IMO the moddability goes hand-in-hand with the poor gameplay and bugginess. Granted MW was the first of their games I played, despite looking at Daggerfall every damn time I went into Best Buy (box art was just too cheesy and the screenshots made it look like a dungeon crawler).

Doesn't excuse the Oblivion NPCs though. Or the poor storytelling, especially because the ES lore is pretty decent IMO.
I can't really tell how good Morrowind writing was since I was still a kid once it came out, but I think it was decent. Lots of story and dialogues. And I kind of enjoyed reading texts to figure out quests. I still remember reading through the notes on how to open Azura caves (coordinates, how to find and it needed dawn?).
Voice acting ruined the series. Less text, it's simple, harder to improvise probably... because voice acting cost a lot.
Porn games made by 1-3 people with burger-flipping budgets have better characters and stories... It's just embarrassing. I never understood why they can't hire anybody who excels at writing. Anybody doing it as a hobby would make a better job... I remember watching my bro play F4. The whole quest...
"I need water, I'm dying", " Thank you for water, you saved me". And voice acting... Soooo bad.
Even with better graphics I could never get into oblivion and skyrim. Morrowind was magic. The world itself is so unique and strange. Can't say that for any other TES game further.

If I had to summarise my play on skyrim as an example.
50+ hours modding, 1-hour playing. I'm not joking.
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
Voice acting ruined the series. Less text, it's simple, harder to improvise probably... because voice acting cost a lot.
IMO it wasn't voice acting in and of itself but the way it was implemented. I remember at the time there was a lot of criticism that they made a commitment to 100% voice acting for the optics, any other concerns be damned.

And while I'm certainly not an expert, IMO the same (prioritizing optics) can be said of the fact they hired a celebrity to voice the emperor, whereas voiced many (if not most) of the male Redguards.
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Apr 18, 2021
IMO it wasn't voice acting in and of itself but the way it was implemented. I remember at the time there was a lot of criticism that they made a commitment to 100% voice acting for the optics, any other concerns be damned.

And while I'm certainly not an expert, IMO the same (prioritizing optics) can be said of the fact they hired a celebrity to voice the emperor, whereas voiced many (if not most) of the male Redguards.
Yeah. They had multiple voice actors saying the same exact lines, like they couldn't be bothered to tweak the text a little bit for a new actor. Everyone ended up sounding like robots repeating the same quotes verbatim.
Instead of encouraging actors like Michael Mack to try "different" voices for different characters, they had him use the same exact tonality and phrasing across all his characters, again making them sound like lifeless robots. Never mind the fact that most good voice actors can easily portray a dozen different people without revealing them to be the same actor.
It's poor writing, directing and implementation.