hi, yesterday i downloaded and played family life 1.3 for first time and it was way too hard. Thx god i found your awesome mod and completed this game pretty fast. But i would love if u could make only qsp file mod or one with pictures instead of videos coz 6gb of videos is way too heavy for many players. thx again keep up good work
(sry for my english)
I can understand players being frustrated who have slow internet connections. My Internet download speed is 150 Mbps which isn't the fastest speed out there and I can download all 6 GB in 15 minutes or less.
Unfortunately, I don't have time or the desire to make more than one version of the mod. This mod is 100% optional. No one has to use it if they don't want to.
Realistically, my mod is only going to get larger. With all the content I have in mind it will most likely reach 25 GB. If someone comes along and wants to edit all my videos and covert them to animated GIFs or shorten them drastically I'm not opposed to that as long as they give me credit for my work. They would have to maintain it and keep it updated on a separate mod page. I only have the time and energy for one version.
Thank you for your praise and for your support!