VN - Ren'Py - Family Matters [Ep. 1-12] [Perv2k16]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the setting and the look of the game and therefore see a lot of potential that the developer will create a great experience. Glad the dev is continuing with the game from the look of things because it be quite a shame to give up on it because the chemistry is great between characters. The Atmosphere, Assets and Aesthetics are on point and engaging. Really look forward to seeing/playing more.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    As many of others have said, it is pretty to look at, but not a lot else.

    Positives -
    • Nice renders and models
    Negatives -
    • Poor writing with lots of nonsensical dialogue
    • LOTS of gramatical/spelling errors, but no worse than some others
    • No choices (there are selection points, but you literally have 1 option so why even make me click it?)

    The models and renders are nice, but the "story" and dialogue just make it hard to sit through.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The game has great graphic and well-written interesting story. There are quite a few interesting choices but the story seems to be quite linear (the other option is often getting killed and game over).
    However, some things are quite annoying. No-one address each other as 'Housemate' (or 'Landlady' or 'Tenant'). This is obviously used to cover incest and if you are normal and hate incest then you need to bear such artificial dialogues. This really spoils the fun and that's why I'm giving the poor note instead of good. I'm quite shocked how much incest is popular now. What is wrong with the people?!
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Renders are good, story is decent, characters have good relatively deep personalities, but the mini-games are terrible and the amount of faux choices and single choice breaks are asinine. Seriously, if you are only going to have a single option to choose why do you even do this? It's asinine.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    after receiving a warning about a negative review that was getting a lot of support from the community, i noticed that none of my reviews strictly adheres to the site rules of reviews as outlined by the trial moderator who messaged me regarding the warning.

    i asked for instruction as to how to remove all my reviews, in order to comply with the rules and firstly received a speedy response telling me that a warning is only to highlight that i must change the rule breaking review.
    except that the review in question had been removed in its entirety and was no longer available to change, making complicity impossible.

    as no further requested instruction was given as to how i may conform with the site rules and remove all rule breaking reviews of negative and positive support, i kindly ask a viewing staff member to remove this

    i apologise to all developers who may be effected by my loss of support

    also worth noting that no positive review non-complicit to site rules for the same game have been removed which is rather curious
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    While its premise is very exciting, the game's story feels rushed and the mechanics can be frustrating.

    The premise of the game is interesting, playing with a ton of contrasts between the MC's job/life and the people surrounding it, with some interesting choices to make. However, the dialogue feels rushed at times, sometimes offering you huge chunks without capital letters, a ton of '....' thrown in there. It feels rushed, in that sense, unpolished, which takes away from the immersion.

    The game offers you a bunch of clicking on objects, which could be an interesting mechanic, if not for the fact that it just throws you in without explanation and doesn't give you any direction along the way. It's skippable, most of the time, but that doesn't take away from the feeling that time was wasted.

    The models, while certainly not unfamiliar in style, are good-looking and offer something nice to look at.

    It's not bad, by any means, but it could've been great.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I am very happy that this game is being continued.
    The game has perfect balance between world building and amount of echhi. The story progression is also very good, only problem is the update which is too slow.
    Both Mc's G.F. and sister are rendered perfectly.
    Those who only enjoy Harem game in which mc gets all the girls without having any personality aspect and always having upper hand ,will certainly be dissatisfied with this game as it is realistic.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    [VN] [Ren'Py] [Abandoned] Family Matters [Episode 1-8] [Perv2k16]

    Played this EGame a long time ago but forgot to give my review... The idea of the story was quite nice at the beginning but it somehow started to fade away after chapter 3-4 (the writing and dialog were very chaotic and at times bad, i think the dev started to lose interest in this game very fast), not to mention the "choices" in this EGame make little to difference... so a lot of unavoidable events i disliked (this EGame suffers from what i like to call a "kinetic novel syndrome"). Characters are done very nice tbh (specially visually) but all of them lack a bit more "realistic" personality, most were not very believable and some not even bearable. Also the clickfest and mini-games were going from annoying to unnecessary to down right tedious... Jesus Christ why would a dev even waste time on this aspect is beyond me.

    - Story 2/5
    - Gameplay & Choices 1/5
    - Characters 3.5/5
    - Visuals & Art 4/5
    - Sex & Erotic scenes 3/5

    Overall rating 2.7/5 (-1.0 for unavoidable stuff i don't like) 1.7/5 [2 star, Below Average EGame]

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  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Renders look good, but I just couldn't deal with the writing and grammar, double .. in every sentence, a few paragraphs in one piece of displayed text, it was just too annoying to read for me personally.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The game makes choices in relationships for you so if you like choices this one is not for you.

    Thers kissing, a couple of hugs and handjobs, and other scenes with no consecuence like dreams, or scenes where Mc doesnt take part.

    The good thing about this game is the Mc, it has background and it has motivations. Why would he assault his "family" in her sleep with any previous indication?

    I guess thats one symton of why the games is abandoned, as well as having 3 females and 2 sharing hairstyle. A terrible dissapointment
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good story. Very good game. The scenes are also very good.Very good concept. The character are also very beautiful. Hope you soon release next update. Please provide next update soon.Long time see the best game.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Very nice, hot VN. excellent artwork. sexy characters. well paced. the criminal story development works well to put in some action/thriller elements, without complicating the game mechanism. I love the sex & story blend kept simple, keeps the whole thing interesting and moving along nicely. The supporting characters are introduced in a very simple and easy to digest way, and very sexy as well.

    I like that it shows certain girls like it hard, and certain girls like it soft. The story teller shows the kinky female psych quite well.

    cons: a bit clicky and slightly over-worded ... but not very much so.

    Hope it come back soon. there is still lots to tell for each of the female characters.

    Well done!! This dev is improving a lot from work to work.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Okay, let me get this straight: I've dropped this "VN" not too far into the story, and here's why.

    The writing looks terrible. Dev's obsession with periods and inconsistent spacing makes the text look disgusting, and it almost literally hurts my eyes. I hit the red X when I saw "))" in the character's speech. This is all simply too strong for me, but I guess it should be alright for people who don't read this crap.
    Also I do dislike edgy main characters. Maybe MC gets his development in the future, sure, but once again, how can I know when I can't read that, right?
    In that short while I've got to experience the game's mechanics, like helping a woman collect the scattered stuff from her bag. And it shouldn't require that many clicks on each as it does now, because making an action require more clicks doesn't make the game more fun. At least for me.
    However, the visuals are good, so again, if you don't look at the text at all, the game might be fun. Can't say for sure, since I prefer the "novel" part in the "VN".
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    We are at episode 8 and so far I have seen 3 handjobs and 2 blowjobs scenes. I'm all for build up but at some point something has to happen! One of the character is a whore so why can't he fuck her at least?

    The game is extremely linear. Only 2 or 3 choices actually matter. I would prefer more meaningful choices but that can excused if the story is good. What annoys me are the non-choice, the dev put a single clickable choice to make you feel it's a game but it's just irritating. The flow of the game is stopped just so you can click 'Continue' without any other choices. What's the point?

    And when is the mother appearing? I changed the name 'Landlady' to 'Mother' at the start of the game but I still haven't seen her.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the renders on this game; the girls look wise like all of them (Julie and Vicky are the best in this category for me), background music is always welcome.
    I enjoy the mafia story, not sure what is next.

    However hate Julia and Scarlett's attitude, they are two f*ing whores, they must try to get into every single girl's pants. I hope they split and Scarlett can go away.
    I much prefer Vicky, the actual hooker, to both on them. (she is my fav)

    I get the cliffhangers at the final of the episode, but what happens is no pay off of it on the next episode.
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    6,86,48,070.6 (4*)
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Male dom fans rejoice!

    Story: Overall plot is pretty good. Not the most intricate of plots, but there is some mystery and sense of danger. There is a you against the world type of thing going on. Something like Borne series.

    Renders/Models: Oh yea. This is really great stuff. Not the most incredible scene compositions, but its very solidly above average. Lighting is good. Renders are crisp. Models are sexy as hell. These models are not all that unique though. We've seen all of them in other games. Still, they are gorgeous to look at.

    Characters: I like the MC. He is pretty badass in a do what I gotta do and take care of business type of way. Not the roid raging asshole kind of badass. Sis is pretty cute and getting infatuated with the MC. The prostitute companion has some depth to her. Other side chicks not so much yet. Not the most memorable cast you will see, but not bad.

    Writing: Overall, its quite good. There is a bit of Engrish here, but its not as bad as others. It's quite good in fact. It's enough to get all the meaning across and manages to not sound stilted most of the time. Maybe slightly lacking in versatility to really bring out a character's uniqueness, but it makes a good attempt. The pacing is alright I think. It's pretty unfortunate that there is no penetrative sex yet, because I mean... the first girl introduced is a literal prostitute. Could have shown some sex at the beginning and throughout for this character. But overall, I don't feel like the pacing of the story as it is now is too bad. There are still a lot of erotic scenes throughout. And the main plotline develops at a reasonable rate. Now the problem seems to be the time between updates and the regularity of it. With that in mind, maybe a slowly unraveling plot and slow burn build up might seem like a problem and I will concede that point.

    Sex Scenes: Yes, there is no actual sex at this point as far as I know. The things that are already here are very very hot though. There is lots of teasing and build up. There are blowjobs that leaves the girl's mascara running. There is a spanking scene that turns the ass red. There are some decent dream sequences. All of this is accompanied by very sexy male dom dialogue. If lovey dovey sex is boring and you want to call some girls sluts while you face fuck them with your magnum dong, the scenes in this game will work for you. Things can only get spicier from here.

    Gameplay: Just your run of the mill VN.

    Guess thats about it. It's a very soild VN that could be 5* with some proofreading and consistent updates.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Art is awesome and the story is good so far. Renders at this level are hard to come by and the character design is good as well. One thing I do have to touch on is the fact that the faces for the characters look very similar.
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    onurb Cads

    I will second Amedore's Review:
    According the patreon of the dev, "realism and life-like situations is a feature of the game. I will try to stick with it as much as possible." Great premise, true? :D

    Well then, the game starts, and the main feminine character so far, the angel-like teenager sister results to be a lesbian with uterine rage that tries to fuck the girlfriend of her own brother in a dressing room of a shop after knowing her for mere minutes. And then, appears the girlfriend of the sister... that is even a bigger whore!!! :LOL::sick:(n)

    It is a waste to have such great art accompanied by all the nonsensical writing.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Finally sat down and played this one. (ep7) So far I like it, the woman are attractive and the overall story is good. The renders are very good as is the lighting. They are not Philly Games quality but on par or above what is expected these days.
    I do have a couple of critiques.
    1) If the only option is to answer the phone, why make it an option? Too many unnecessary clicks to give it the illusion of gameplay. Unless additional choices will be offered in future updates its a waste of time.
    2) Another Robo- Horse cock MC
    3) Woman are hot but all too easy to attain undying affection from. Unless this leads to consequences later on, hopefully.
    4) While the Engrish is not as bad as other games, a proofreader would elevate the overall story.

    Overall a good story, hot women, and a bit of suspense thrown in. It just needs abit more care in the choices available and basic English grammar to push it into the four to five star category.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Models 10/10. Only a few games on this site have amazing models like this game. Really well made. Of course they are models, so not a reflection of rl ;)

    Story 10/10. Story so far has been thrilling. So much can still happen, which makes you want more updates. You play a bad ass, who doesnt want that.

    Content 7/10. Content is top nodge, though very slow. Not much when updates are released, when compared to other creators/games.

    Not a native English speaker and you can see that in the text. I dont really mind it, cause of the pro's above. But it can be annoying if you are a grammar ****. Though I have seen worse translations ;)

    I just hope the creator keeps updating this game. Cause it was abandoned once.