Ren'Py - Family Trouble [v0.9.15] [Goth Girl Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    So, what can I say about this game ? When I first jumped into 'Family Trouble', it honestly felt like I was back in my childhood, playing The Sims for hours on end. But what really caught my attention was the storytelling. The way the main character stays true to their personality makes everything feel so much more real. The game has a fantastic mix of scenes that cater to all kinds of tastes—there’s definitely something for everyone! Overall, I really believe in this project and have no doubt that the visuals will improve to match the quality of the story in the future.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a close relative of the developer, and I'm not sure if this is allowed by the f95 rules. If not, feel free to remove my post.

    First, I want to clarify that I’m also a patron on SubscribeStar.

    The game currently has several issues, like ground textures that sometimes look really bad, images with inconsistent aspect ratios (likely due to problems with the Second Life camera), music that doesn't loop correctly, clipping, no 4K renders, and a few other problems.

    However, I’m willing to support the project and overlook these flaws because I know they are temporary. I’ve been following the development from the beginning, back when she didn’t have any editors, and the game was written in English that was difficult to understand.

    The game has improved significantly since version 0.4, which is when I started backing the project about 7 months ago.

    She mentioned on Patreon recently that the 1.0 version will be a remaster where all of these issues will be addressed. Right now, she’s focused on creating new content.

    If you compare the old renders or writing with the content at the end of Chapter 1, you’ll see how much the game has developed.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty bad

    So you start from most optimal path prologue
    With bunch of non-choices
    Than you go into free play that is so bad game recommend cheating thru it by selecting characters
    Some of them require like 14 day skips

    Game have very cringy vibe around itself
    You play as gangbanger without gang...
    Naturally ladies are not ugly but uncanny
    One of them is how author think trans girls looks like...basically thicc girl with cock

    Sex scenes are often done to check boxes
    1 peg, 1 femdom, 1 anal.....its tag aimed sex scenes with none of the preps or alterations to scenes themselves outside of cum in x or y

    I think game is a bit dishonest and disgusting in that regard
    Animations are pretty good, basic but i have very low standards after some choices

    Honestly this game is quite awful im not sure if this will get better in the future, currently you might regret even trying it
    There is no changes to any girl dress or hairstyle to make and your character get comical scars but also keep looking the same
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game, lots of choices and possibilities. It's fun to not play as an underdog for a change, and i really like the diversity.
    I can't wait to see what this develops into!

    I like the feeling of open world, and the story is very comical.

    Cheers to the dev!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting game not sure why there seems to be people with issues other then then being IGN Staff? yes that one that had trouble getting out of that game.
    Those that are used to novels and story based game should find it fine for a work that is still being worked on. I am sure they will take constructive feedback if honest issues are raised.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    A bit confused by this one.

    I would say the game is pretty good after finally getting around to it, but also the main character is so creeper and unlikable it's jarring at times.

    I don't love playing the "generic loser" but this is just playing as a full blown a-hole that is rude to everyone with no reason to be most of the time, and racist to boot (First thing he says to an Asian character is a comment about "Aren't you Asians supposed to be good at math" lol wtf is that?

    I don't mind the renders and animations as much as some not 10/10 but not 1/10 either.

    Story is average, and really that's all it needs to be.

    The main character, I have to point this out, is so unlikable and just like some "alpha male" fantasy simulator at times that it genuinely is eye rolling. Even for a hentai/porn game the main character is creepy about needing to internal monologue about every woman in the most creeper way. being excessively rude to every female character, the way he treats non-Caucasian woman is super cringe.

    It's a 4+ game that is dragged down pretty hard by a horrible main character that feels more like the random jerk guy you cheer against in every other hentai/porn game.
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Sneak Monkey

    I am baffled by the high star rating and I will be objective, not just chuck my opinion around because I got offended or whatever.

    The renders are pretty terrible, changing aspect ratios, body parts that just don't look remotely right and a host of other issues. There's an anus at one point, which doesn't really look anything like one, not quite sure what it looks like to be honest but not an anus, and far too much time and attention is paid to it for it to not look like one, it's just painful.

    The writing is awful, sadly. It makes no sense and needs a proof reader desperately. It's comical so has at least that going for it but it's comical in the way that 'Enter the Ninja' is comical. So yeah, no story to speak of or any kind of believable or even cleverly written dialogue.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I have made a few runs on this game and it's overall great, story its fun if you don't take it too seriously and there is variety of scenes and girls to interact with, the game is still in Development but those working on it are really open to the critics and listen to their community
    And me being trans its good to find a game that has trans characters in it
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This is horribly written, can barely understand shit. The renders feel lazy, not much effort was put into them thats for sure.
    Then this suffers from trying to do too much and trying to appeal to everyone which leads it to be a huge mess that is mostly a waste of time
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Review of 0.9.8

    Stopped after about 20 mins. Couldn't get past how terrible the written part is. Shame, because the concept could be fun, and some of the models look good, but the bare minimum this needs is a native English speaker proofreading and doing some basic style editing.

    Genuinely not trying to offend anyone, but it's always a shame when you look forward to exploring a fun world, and then just get cockblocked by a lack of understanding how characters talk.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Very fun game!
    Some scenes are hilarious to play, especially your GigaChad MC! XD
    The person behind the game is an absolute gem of a person as well!!
    Buy it, its worth a fun playthrough!!
    *pets the author*
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Have made a few runs on this game and it's overall nice, the story is fun if you don't take it too seriously and there is variety of scenes and girls to interact with, the game is still in developpement but those working on it are really open to the critics and listen to their community :)
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Review made based in the v0.9.7.
    When I saw this game with 4.3 of 5 rating, I expected something of great quality.
    I am giving two stars for the iniciative of making a visual novel with Second Life as a base and the casting of characters (quantity and diversity).

    The dialogue is terrible, either in content as in the writing itself. It's like a twelve-year old fantasy of how to interact with girls.
    The songs doesn't loop alright (like the intro song) where it stops and restarts abruptly.
    There is too much dialogue per render ratio, like in the beggining at the cafeteria (almost feels like a text-based game).
    The story is all over the place. Really. It makes no sense at all.

    Well... Trying to be constructive, I would recommend asap the hiring of a writer and maybe a second pair of eyes, that can advise and help the already existing game looks more natural.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn, I love the game. It's a weird game, from its use of second life to the story that escalates from a porn sitcom to magic and fighting shits, but the dev has everything done and mixed everything so well. It is really nice to see a game with something new that was done well
  15. 5.00 star(s)



    I have to say that this game is full of funny shit. A lot of hot babes, Traps and such and the funny sound effect and BGM makes it worth it to play.

    The story is in very early stages. The stats needs to be kept an eye on but overall if you like some hot scenes and an alright story for now, go for it.

    I sure as hell like this game.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of v0.9.4

    It’s pretty good. I wasn’t expecting to like it as much as I did.

    MC: Pretty cool. I like him. He’s no pushover and you can choose to have him be an asshole or a pretty alright dude.

    Model/Renders: I really like how the models look and they’re all different which is also nice. I will be real though the quality isn’t that great graphics wise but it is passable. It’s good enough for me.

    Story: The beginning was sort of average, maybe even a bit below average but it really started to pick up as it progressed. I do like the dialogue between the characters during sex though, the best part dialogue wise for the game. It also has some nice comedic moments. The story is pretty average at the moment overall.

    Options: The dev definitely knows what to make optional which is a big plus from me. Good stuff.

    Sex Content: Shits hot, there’s a lot, and it doesn’t take long to get to it. Usually I don’t like really fast progression to sex but I think the dev did it pretty well. If you like to get to the sex quickly give it a shot. Rough sex galore.

    I look forward to see how the game goes.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I tend not to do game reviews, but I have felt this game has recently received some unfair criticism...and I want to chime in and express my satisfaction with this project

    STORY/GAMEPLAY: So when I first played this game, I had joined GG's discord, and was told by the CM that if I was a JoJo's fan (my name is Robert EO Speedwagon) I would love the "Hamon-like" element to this game. I completely forgot he mentioned this, and for the first hour or so, I thought this was going to be a pretty cut and base "guy builds harem in a normal world" story. Then, the game took a sudden turn and introduced the paranormal/fantasy storyline and I was FLOORED. This was such a nice plotline to separate this game from the hundreds of other cut-and-dry plotlines. The combat system even was one of the better ones I have played of the hundreds of AVN's I have downloaded from this place.

    TL;DR - The game takes a very pleasant shift about an hour into gameplay, and introduces a very fun and interactive fantasy/combat plotline

    VISUALS: When I first played the game, I had no idea what to make of the visuals, as it did not look like traditional Ren'Py renders. Again, after joining the community, I learned that the team LITERALLY films the game in Second-Life, which I was not familiar with (I was aware of SL, but that was it). So, while the graphics and visuals in this game do not meet the same quality standards as Ren'Py or DAZ models, I found a certain special charm to this project knowing that these are live-produced and filmed scenes. Sure, you wont be getting the sexy and beautiful 4K or HQ renders you see in other projects, but I absolutely enjoy and appreciate the change of style that this game offers

    TL;DR - This game is filmed in Second-Life. Do not expect HQ/4K renders like other games, but there is an absolute charm to this style

    END NOTE: I have been part of many communities and discords for various devs and games from this website. Goth Girl and her team have been hands down the most welcoming and interactive VN team I have encountered. GG actually has the IRL women who model and act out the various girls AVAILABLE TO RP CHAT. This project is absolutely unlike any other one I've seen. GG really aims to find a way to implement her vision along with the feedback and interests of the players to keep pushing out content that is desirable for ALL.

    TL;DR - Goth Girl and her team are by FAR the best and most interactive project team I've encountered in over 2 years of playing VN's.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Story: The story itself is simple enough, it's not a novel, nor new to the Genre of Erotic VN. Sex, humor, and a touch of Supernatural in the later updates. It won't be for everyone, but the grammar is improving, as the developer are not native English speaker.

    Gameplay: Fairly typical for a VN, using Karma/Perversion, it's somewhat meant to replay the game to unlock the content. So that might not be for everyone who just want to play once and have everything.

    visual: The style won't be for everyone, but for once, it doesn't use Daz, The meshes are from another platform that is akin to visual chats. They aren't high poly meshes, and have their flaws, what makes them apart is all those character have been made by various people using their game characters. So you get a few different styles here and there and a personal touch.

    Animations: The Animations are janky, and that's pretty much a limitation of the platform used, you'll get clipping, and so on, odd twisted body parts. But the developers are putting effort to minimize those issues. There again, it's subjective, some people might find them hot, others not so much.

    End note:
    With the game being in early development, it can be difficult to give a truly objective review. In my opinion, I'm enjoying it, it's a lite VN with a bunch of kinks, and mix bag of characters. If you're looking for something with sex, crude humor, and that doesn't take itself seriously. Go for it.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Have been playing and supporting this game for over a month.

    While initial thoughts can been seen as bland, the developer has been making strides to improve all aspects of the game as problems arise.

    While it is a VN the look and feel of the game is quite excellent.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been playing this game since it started. If you are just here for a quick fap this game might not be for you. If you have no sense of humor then this game is probably not for you either, but if you cannot stop laughing. The humor is fantastic. The renders and animations are improving really fast. There is an update almost every week or so. When this game started it had some Trouble (pun intended) and not just the Family kind. But the game just keeps getting better and better. It is possible to have trouble navigating some of the new parts of this game but it is easy to figure out (this is part of the fun). This not a mindless VN but an actual game. If you are having any kind trouble the dev will be happy to help (here or discord) from what I have seen. This dev is very transparent compared to most. There is no other developer out there more dedicated to improving a game than this one.