VN - Unity - Completed - Fantastic Orc [Final] [KUROKI Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Fantastic Orc [Final]

    The game has very little content, in 5 minutes you can easily pass it, the story is uninteresting, so it makes the game on that side is quite mediocre.

    On the other hand, the H section, the game has good quality uncensored animations, and with some variety in the number of girls, but has very few H scenes, both in general, and for each girl.

    The game could improve by adding more play time, perhaps not focusing so much on story, but more on gameplay and adding more H-scenes.

    I give this game a 6 out of 10.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Cg are m'okey. I like puzzle games but ffs, this game is a mix between a puzzle game and a visual novel. There's so much useless speech, even in the H-scenes, you just spam clic or enter to go further but have to turn off voices to avoid a headache as the girls are anime cliché that just screams over and over...

    Could not be so frustrating if even in the gallery you hadn't to go through speech and screams again to get the scenes ! No "next" or "previous" like in any other game.