current ver. at review time is v.0.2.7x. i'm only reviewing the arcade mode at the moment.
a half-decent fnaf-like that has okay animations and very poor difficulty scaling.
you spend half the night doing tasks while holding the girls at bay, then the other half doing a slide puzzle and hiding in a vent. it seems like the game really wants you to actually engage with the girls as they eventually escape their rooms but the map is way too small for that. it's a deathwish to wander into the main area after even a single one of them escapes, and if you haven't finished your tasks by then the best choice is to alt+f4 and try again.
if it weren't for how fast the girls' meters run out, or how small the map is, or how tedious it is to manage 4 separate timers at one time, the gameplay loop would be a lot more interesting. all of these together basically make the game unplayable once you use your padoru 3 times and she fucking padoru-splodes.
the animations are... fine. some clipping and awkward spraying fluid fx and stock sound effects make them a little awkward but there's enough variety and quality to at least make the game fun enough to replay until you unlock them all. some better hints/direction on how to unlock specific animations would be nice, though i guess that is kind of asking the game to hold your hand a bit... can't say i find myself revisiting the gallery for them though, and i'm too busy tryharding to enjoy the animations when they actually show up in-game.
i think the game might benefit from finding some way to work in sex as an actual mechanic- maybe instead of an instant game-over getting caught would give you a time and pay penalty, but reset the girl to her room and continue the night. this would also reduce my willingness to just give up as soon as a single girl's timer runs out.
one other thing to mention for balance- the difficulty. the only real change is that you can remotely wind chica on easy and the timers run faster at higher difficulty. the $500 penalty for easy mode is nothing considering you spooge into a jar and get $1500. the $500 bonus for hard is also pointless, considering there is no way you can finish even half your tasks before literally all the girls get out all at once and subsequently make the night impossible to finish- that $500 will vanish under a pile of pay deductions for getting raped by fuckbear and her band of furry gooners.
early on the game is just a matter of slow grinding on easy until you can actually afford decent gear, then continuing on easy anyway since it's actually possible while regularly selling jars of... "lotion". at that point the only incentive to even keep playing is for completionist's sake.
overall i think the game could benefit from a lot of way way way overdue balance and mechanic tweaking- costume-centered feature creep is pushing out any other interesting development and i think the dev is either speading themselves too thin trying to co-dev the story AND arcade modes or just falling into apathy over actually deving the game and instead just pushing out skins for the girls to placate patrons. either way i hope they find their groove and get more significant development going- i actually really liked the story mode update and think the arcade mode could benefit from some of its features making their way back (especially a bigger map, please god a bigger map)
a half-decent fnaf-like that has okay animations and very poor difficulty scaling.
you spend half the night doing tasks while holding the girls at bay, then the other half doing a slide puzzle and hiding in a vent. it seems like the game really wants you to actually engage with the girls as they eventually escape their rooms but the map is way too small for that. it's a deathwish to wander into the main area after even a single one of them escapes, and if you haven't finished your tasks by then the best choice is to alt+f4 and try again.
if it weren't for how fast the girls' meters run out, or how small the map is, or how tedious it is to manage 4 separate timers at one time, the gameplay loop would be a lot more interesting. all of these together basically make the game unplayable once you use your padoru 3 times and she fucking padoru-splodes.
the animations are... fine. some clipping and awkward spraying fluid fx and stock sound effects make them a little awkward but there's enough variety and quality to at least make the game fun enough to replay until you unlock them all. some better hints/direction on how to unlock specific animations would be nice, though i guess that is kind of asking the game to hold your hand a bit... can't say i find myself revisiting the gallery for them though, and i'm too busy tryharding to enjoy the animations when they actually show up in-game.
i think the game might benefit from finding some way to work in sex as an actual mechanic- maybe instead of an instant game-over getting caught would give you a time and pay penalty, but reset the girl to her room and continue the night. this would also reduce my willingness to just give up as soon as a single girl's timer runs out.
one other thing to mention for balance- the difficulty. the only real change is that you can remotely wind chica on easy and the timers run faster at higher difficulty. the $500 penalty for easy mode is nothing considering you spooge into a jar and get $1500. the $500 bonus for hard is also pointless, considering there is no way you can finish even half your tasks before literally all the girls get out all at once and subsequently make the night impossible to finish- that $500 will vanish under a pile of pay deductions for getting raped by fuckbear and her band of furry gooners.
early on the game is just a matter of slow grinding on easy until you can actually afford decent gear, then continuing on easy anyway since it's actually possible while regularly selling jars of... "lotion". at that point the only incentive to even keep playing is for completionist's sake.
overall i think the game could benefit from a lot of way way way overdue balance and mechanic tweaking- costume-centered feature creep is pushing out any other interesting development and i think the dev is either speading themselves too thin trying to co-dev the story AND arcade modes or just falling into apathy over actually deving the game and instead just pushing out skins for the girls to placate patrons. either way i hope they find their groove and get more significant development going- i actually really liked the story mode update and think the arcade mode could benefit from some of its features making their way back (especially a bigger map, please god a bigger map)