
Nov 9, 2020
I tried the kinect way but it's just a mess. You need a big and very well illuminated room and the tracking is quite bad. It often all over the place (it's kinect's fault though that's not the intended use for it)
I mean technically full body tracking /is/ what Kinect is meant for, so... Technically intended but not for VR XD
In the farmd discord server someone said that the 360 kinect is on the whole better for the VR fullbody tracking than the xbone kinect, according to the dev of K2VR I think.

Edit: sauce -
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Azriel Satan

Jul 27, 2017
It would be nice if it were possible to adjust the position slightly in sex scenes (Talking about full-body tracking), I was forced to use OVR Advanced Settings' space drag to free myself from inside the crate on the lying scene, it would also be nice so that when in doggy style or other scenes I'm not forced to be on my actual floor.

A few secondary things are that max smooth turning speed is painfully slow, an option to disable dimming when clipping inside of objects, or having it be a slider to determine how dark it is would be nice since it is so easy to clip inside the drake during scenes.
It would be nice if there was a way to make the drake transparent/partially-transparent inside the mirror and the option to have to mirror act more like a screen for a separately placed camera (It is great at giving a third-person perspective already, but having what it can show be stuck to reflections and the limited ability to control its placement limits its potential greatness).

I hope I'm not being too picky, (I know I'm just some asshole on a hentai piracy forum) but what you have so far is really great, not a lot of games with full body tracking and even fewer VR Porn games (actual games, not just 360 videos), what you have put together so far is probably near the top for both of those.
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Active Member
Dec 16, 2019
(Unlike earlier in the thread, I have an actual VR headset now, though the last time I played was a couple alphas ago, so any comments I have might be out of date.)

Me, I just wish the VR in the game:
A: didn't require roomscale stuff, I don't have nearly enough room in my IRL room to be able to lie down or sit down anywhere. I wouldn't mind if the game just snapped the camera into a new position, rather than requiring me to lay down IRL and mimic the in-game pose.
B: didn't force me to play as the girl in first person. I'm WAY too straight to be railed by a big dragon in VR, instant turnoff.
Also the last time I played, the game wouldn't let me drop things half the time, they'd just be stuck in my hands and I'd have to buttonmash to drop anything.
Anywho, my suggestion for solving B would be to include an observer/commander mode, like telling the furry and the dragon what to do, or manually pushing the furry's head down on the big dragon peen so she'd deepthroat it, rather than pitifully licking the tip, or pushing on her shoulders to keep her on the dragon's peen while he's cumming bucketloads.
...Or just point at them and tell them to go at it, IDK.
The alternative option is to have a mode where we, the VR player, are controlling the dragon, not the furry.
I aint a real dev, though, so I don't know how much effort any of this would take.

Also, thread update when?

EDIT: one more complaint: kinda scummy to have the latest public version be the one that disables the non-VR mode. If I wasn't already a dirty pirate and/or didn't already have a VR headset, ooh boy would that make me grumpy. Stonewalling the 97.2% (according to Steam surveys) of people who don't have any kind of VR is kinda rude.
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Jul 23, 2018
Here you go
Here is the Desktop version of the Game.
There's almost no new content from the latest VR build.
The new updates are mostly just adapting existing content to VR.
IDK why it's not on the main page.
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Game Developer
Feb 28, 2021
It would be nice if it were possible to adjust the position slightly in sex scenes (Talking about full-body tracking), I was forced to use OVR Advanced Settings' space drag to free myself from inside the crate on the lying scene, it would also be nice so that when in doggy style or other scenes I'm not forced to be on my actual floor.

A few secondary things are that max smooth turning speed is painfully slow, an option to disable dimming when clipping inside of objects, or having it be a slider to determine how dark it is would be nice since it is so easy to clip inside the drake during scenes.
It would be nice if there was a way to make the drake transparent/partially-transparent inside the mirror and the option to have to mirror act more like a screen for a separately placed camera (It is great at giving a third-person perspective already, but having what it can show be stuck to reflections and the limited ability to control its placement limits its potential greatness).

I hope I'm not being too picky, (I know I'm just some asshole on a hentai piracy forum) but what you have so far is really great, not a lot of games with full body tracking and even fewer VR Porn games (actual games, not just 360 videos), what you have put together so far is probably near the top for both of those.
I'm planning to make some adjustments to how the sitting height / calibration is handled, since a number of people have had issues with clipping while on the box or being too far out of position. I do also have plans for v1.0 here to add non-roomscale VR support, so you'll be able to play the game sitting or standing upright without needing to lie down or get on your knees at all.

I can bump up the smooth turning max speed. I don't use it personally, it was just a recent request for a player, so I didn't know how fast would be comfortable.

Also, there is already an option to disable the screen darkening effect when you collide with objects, in the VR settings. This doesn't affect the darkening when you go outside of the "valid" zone when in a sex position though.

A placeable camera/screen have also been requested and are on the list for v1.0, so you'll be able to position that anywhere in space instead of needing to rely on the mirror for watching yourself.

(Unlike earlier in the thread, I have an actual VR headset now, though the last time I played was a couple alphas ago, so any comments I have might be out of date.)

Me, I just wish the VR in the game:
A: didn't require roomscale stuff, I don't have nearly enough room in my IRL room to be able to lie down or sit down anywhere. I wouldn't mind if the game just snapped the camera into a new position, rather than requiring me to lay down IRL and mimic the in-game pose.
B: didn't force me to play as the girl in first person. I'm WAY too straight to be railed by a big dragon in VR, instant turnoff.
Also the last time I played, the game wouldn't let me drop things half the time, they'd just be stuck in my hands and I'd have to buttonmash to drop anything.
Anywho, my suggestion for solving B would be to include an observer/commander mode, like telling the furry and the dragon what to do, or manually pushing the furry's head down on the big dragon peen so she'd deepthroat it, rather than pitifully licking the tip, or pushing on her shoulders to keep her on the dragon's peen while he's cumming bucketloads.
...Or just point at them and tell them to go at it, IDK.
The alternative option is to have a mode where we, the VR player, are controlling the dragon, not the furry.
I aint a real dev, though, so I don't know how much effort any of this would take.

Also, thread update when?

EDIT: one more complaint: kinda scummy to have the latest public version be the one that disables the non-VR mode. If I wasn't already a dirty pirate and/or didn't already have a VR headset, ooh boy would that make me grumpy. Stonewalling the 97.2% (according to Steam surveys) of people who don't have any kind of VR is kinda rude.
I'm not sure what you mean by "forced to play as the girl". There is character customization, you can pick whatever body type / parts you want.

VR spectator mode has been requested, but more likely will be resolved in the future by having multiple partners present and being able to direct them to do things.

Being able to play as the drake has also been requested, though it's not likely to happen for a while.

As for the VR-only build, I've addressed why in this thread already a few pages back. It was not meant to be a deliberate slight against people without VR headsets, and it isn't a sign of abandoning the desktop version of the game or the people who play it. It was an unfortunate side effect of the significant changes to the player rig that needed to happen in order to transition to the full-body VR avatars - maintaining two drastically different rigs for desktop and VR would just not be viable, and restoring desktop mode before the public build would have pushed the release date back about a month. I'm working on desktop mode support right now, and it will be fully functional and upgraded with free-roaming features in the next build.
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Active Member
Dec 16, 2019
I'm not sure what you mean by "forced to play as the girl". There is character customization, you can pick whatever body type / parts you want.
Sorry, meant "forced to play as the anthro", the bottom, the person being fucked, regardless of gender or body.
I'm just complaining that I don't want to play a VR game where *I* am the one being screwed, and that's the only way to play the game in VR right now (or really the only way for anyone to play the game right now, that is.)

The other stuff I mentioned is just (honestly like 80% me just whining about a game I don't play much) there to underline that in the current public version of the game, the only way for an individual to enjoy the game is:
1. To be the <2.8% of people who own a working, usable, compatible VR headset.
2. To own a VR-capable PC in a GPU draught that seems to be getting worse by the day.
3. To have a VR playspace in your house that has enough floor space to move around in and sit down, lay down, or kneel anywhere when the need be, all while still being private enough not to be seen / bug anyone. (NGL, I've got a 3'x 6' space if I move my computer chair out of my room, ha.)
4. To enjoy sucking on, playing with, or being fucked by a giant dragon peen.
So for anyone who wants to play the game, they have to have 1, 2, 3 AND 4 (though admittedly #3 can be finagled) in order to actually enjoy what's laid out publicly for them to play.
A bandaid fix for now might be to add a link to the v0.5 build at the top of your public v0.6 post, saying "hey, if you don't have VR, sorry, but here's an older desktop-compatible version [LINK], and desktop support should return in vX.Y, some time probably around [MONTH] or so."


Game Developer
Feb 28, 2021
Sorry, meant "forced to play as the anthro", the bottom, the person being fucked, regardless of gender or body.
I'm just complaining that I don't want to play a VR game where *I* am the one being screwed, and that's the only way to play the game in VR right now (or really the only way for anyone to play the game right now, that is.)

The other stuff I mentioned is just (honestly like 80% me just whining about a game I don't play much) there to underline that in the current public version of the game, the only way for an individual to enjoy the game is:
1. To be the <2.8% of people who own a working, usable, compatible VR headset.
2. To own a VR-capable PC in a GPU draught that seems to be getting worse by the day.
3. To have a VR playspace in your house that has enough floor space to move around in and sit down, lay down, or kneel anywhere when the need be, all while still being private enough not to be seen / bug anyone. (NGL, I've got a 3'x 6' space if I move my computer chair out of my room, ha.)
4. To enjoy sucking on, playing with, or being fucked by a giant dragon peen.
So for anyone who wants to play the game, they have to have 1, 2, 3 AND 4 (though admittedly #3 can be finagled) in order to actually enjoy what's laid out publicly for them to play.
A bandaid fix for now might be to add a link to the v0.5 build at the top of your public v0.6 post, saying "hey, if you don't have VR, sorry, but here's an older desktop-compatible version [LINK], and desktop support should return in vX.Y, some time probably around [MONTH] or so."
It's not the only way to play. Give yourself a dick, tell dragon to bend over, fuck ass.

And yea, right now it's a game for people who like big dragon dick. There are more options coming later, but I had to start somewhere. Sorry I didn't immediately go for broad mainstream appeal with my furry feral game?

I've already addressed why it's VR-only, and made it abundantly clear that it's a temporary issue. The versions of the game that don't support desktop mode have a very clear message on startup telling users that desktop mode is only supported up to v0.5.

Look I don't own this thread, and I don't plan to. Every site I post on that I actually do care about (read: not pirate boards), users can scroll back a bit in my gallery and find the v0.5 version. Even in this thread, my Patreon is linked in the first post - scroll down a bit to the v0.5 public post and there's a download link. It's all of about two extra clicks away.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2019
Sorry I didn't immediately go for broad mainstream appeal with my furry feral game?
It's not about mainstream appeal in general, it's about sidelining the mainstream appeal you already had, even if it's only temporary, for an unknown length of time. (No ETA, either.)
I mean, I play the legit 0.5 version personally, since I only fit 2 of the 4 things (#1 and #2) in those criteria I posted above; that version's already 3 months out of date, and there's no draw for me to become a subscriber, since I'm not going to pay $10 to get access to a game I wont (and partially can't) play.

inb4 "boo hoo ur not paying so stop complaining"
Just dropping some observations, worthless as they are, considering the game is already in the top 500 of all lewd games on Patreon.


Nov 9, 2020
I think the unfortunate truth is that such games don't exist where you are a feral that gets to fuck an anthro or similar sort of gameplay. It's understandable for people to be upset considering this game comes close (but is the other way around) and there's hardly any games in existence for our corner of the woods (the furry VR corner especially).
Just don't get mad at Softscale for doing the project the way they originally intended (especially considering how early in dev it is), get mad at everyone else for not having the same fetish and not making the game we might like to exist. (Actually better yet, don't get mad at anyone and instead encourage people to make such games. Shaming people doesn't make people wanna make games that include your fetish.)
They said they may eventually add it in, it's just not the focus for now since the other way around was what they intended for this game. And I'll stress, it is still in early development.
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Nov 9, 2020
I mean, I play the legit 0.5 version personally, since I only fit 2 of the 4 things (#1 and #2) in those criteria I posted above; that version's already 3 months out of date, and there's no draw for me to become a subscriber, since I'm not going to pay $10 to get access to a game I wont (and partially can't) play.
Replying to this specifically, they are actually extremely active with the development of this game, so I wouldn't quite knock it this harsh. They're probably much more active than any other furry game I've seen in fact, maybe even including Heat (though they're also pretty active). I even gave it a month but realized like you it's not necessarily my cup of tea considering I don't like being a bottom and that's 90% of the game other than sticking your dick in the derg. But I will say it is very active and I'd say anyone should support them if the fantasy is your thing, cuz they do pretty good work still. Still in its infancy granted.


May 23, 2019
Can anybody help us out or is it too annoying to do... I can't imagine what people need to do to get it cracked or ribbed.


Nov 7, 2018
If anatomically correct female canines/vulpines are added I would be interested also strap-ons for the female if not already implemented.
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