Ren'Py - Fashion Business [Ep.4 v7.01 Extra] [DecentMonkey]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Visuals: 3.5, same body shape for all characters with no much variants

    Character design: 2, All girls almost look the same body wise, not much variations.

    Sounds: 2, generic porn sound

    Story: 2, Makes no sense it is all about female characters getting humiliated over and over and over. This game is perfect for niche audiances who get off girls being mad lmao. And I am saying this for people playing this game for +6 years.

    Gameplay: 1, There to waste time and drag content. Gameplay should make players anticipate the upcoming story progression but in this case you will be so happy to find out the cheating options

    Performance: 3, bugs here and there but the community can help. There are few members here that will reply immediately to you.

    Animations: 2, Almost the same over and over it gets tiring also the end/start of motions are not that fluid.

    Amount of content: 3, this content is nothing if you know that its been developed for +6 years. And the content is in the same places, same characters with no much variations.

    Conclusion: 2/5

    It is clear to me that the developer has skills but their choices baffle me. This game is appealing for one type of audience who like:
    • petite bodies only with no variation.
    • humiliation and only this
    • female ch not being happy with sex like the whole game is blue balling revenge arc.
    • to get off on bad vibes
    • variation to be minimum in everything

    I made this review as detailed as I can. Play it and see for yourself.

    This metaphor came to my mind while writing this. Slow cooked steak on low heat will get you a perfect piece of meat. But "this" steak is getting cooked on room temperature which will result in an inedible "thing"
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Admittingly a bit of a slow burner in the first act but then it quickly ramps up and has continuous waves throughout. Love the multiple pathways and options to take the character through. Mains characters renders are some of the best I've come around, camera angles, lighting and animations are of high quality. After playing this a lot of other games seem dated in comparison .
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    + Beautiful graphics (and animation).
    + Lots of exciting and very detailed events (most based on humiliation and blackmail).
    + There is a storyline and good text.
    + In the latest versions there is almost no grind.
    + The game is growing.

    Fashion Business may not be the best game in the world, but it is objectively good. That's why I don't understand people who underrate the game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Plot: Welcome to the Blackmail, humiliation, corruption paradise. Monica is a beautiful powerful businesswoman who hates everyone and everything including sex, she even hates orgasms. A secret organization governed by the most powerful men in the world "recruits" powerful women through abduction and financial destruction to transform them into 100% submissive to sexually serve animals in the mysterious Farm 218. For some reason, the recruiter helps Monica to not immediately go to the farm to be turned into an object and kicks her in the streets with no money, only with her powerful manipulative mind. Through sexual corruption and manipulation, she starts slowly climbing to her stolen throne, but the price is self-degradation and extreme humiliation.
    Characters: Each character has a unique and strong personality, something rare to find in adult games.
    Art: Brilliant. The female bodies are not exaggerated like almost all adult games, no extra huge tits and asses, but extremely realistic bodies and faces.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    what can i say, this game had an insanely strong and promising start, but its inevitable downfall began with the bowing down to censorship, instead of migrating to a place that allows creators to deliver their original beautiful creations without too much over the top moderation, that ultimately damages the final product.

    1. the story line starts off strong, with it being the strongest in the first two episodes, with so many different branching story lines, that are optional, but truly add to the entire games overall narrative of a spoilt bitch MC that ends up losing it all. you can choose to embrace the bitchiness or neglect it, that freedom is upto you. wanna be a prostitute? sure go ahead. stripper? go ahead, a exhibitionist? go ahead. it has most of the great things.

    2. the animations. the first two eps have decent enough animations, but by episode 3, they improve drastically. from different angles, to more smooth transitions. it gives the player more control, which is always the best way to go.

    3. the sex. now sex can be frequent or infrequent, it all depends on you and how you play. it ranges a few kinks, most of the more taboo natured like watersports ive noticed is locked behind further paywalls. but it offers a solid enough foundation. i however wished it allowed anal only playthroughs, as for my bitchy mc, she saw everyone beneath her, so it would make sense for her to give up her anal or oral vaginity before her vaginal.

    4. the character models. theyre so refined here, with a diverse cast of different looking characters that dont look too alike eachother. sure their bodies could be abit more different to standout from eachother, being weight differences and all. and sure theres a couple. but for the most part, you can tell the developers have chosen to refine the existing renpy models over using the lack lustre default ones. BUTT HOLES LOOK LIKE BUTT HOLES, AND NOT RED RAW MONKEY ANUSES lmao. so thats great

    5. the rpg freedoms. you can explore this game how you wish. wanna be a major bitch? sure go ahead an birate everything and everyone. wanna be sweet and niave? we've got that too. this game allows you to venture how you wish, and with your choices defining how you behave and act. and i loved that about this.


    1. the deleted character and story line. so ep 1 and 2 remains to be the true versions of their vision. having a great story line of a fallen entitled mc, that gets manipulated by the residents son, and by doing so she has the choice to decline or fall victim to the son and his friends. and i loved that dynamic. it was my favourite of the story lines, and my favourite of the characters. as it felt refreshing to see that douche bag male character that we tend to play as the mc, but instead we're at the opposite ends of that perversions. now its been stripped, and for me my main interest and intruige of where that story and its choices will take me, has been taken away. what was otherwise gonna potentially be one of my rare 5 star reviews, is now average. and joins the long list of games that do exactly what this does, and at times better.

    2. it updates systems for the sake of it, even if its for the worst. e.g. in ep 3, being able to just click "flash ass or flash tits" has been removed? why? why not do the logical thing and just expand further on the existing system? as what replaced it was essentially taking full sandbox freedom out of the players hands, and having it be decided for you. it was a step back in many aspect. id of loved ep 3 and onwards to of had that existing freedom ep 1 and 2 had, but of made it more lewder with the ongoing embrace of corruption.

    3. the story started to become boring and tedious in ep 3, with the removal of the better branches of narrative. it became way too grindy, and now more generic.

    4. the grind. lord have mercy. it has ALOT of grind before you get the more fun interactions. ALOT OF GRIND. so prepare

    5. the navigation. i get immersion, but jesus. them first two episodes are rough. its a chore to just walk through one enviroment, let alone the entire map. however this has been rectified in newer episodes.

    This game is a good game, but it couldve been great, god tier even. however, it fell short to its censorship, and unnecessary "upgrades" to certain systems with intentions to add, but ultimately stripped the player of more choice. it has a solid foundation, and an interesting story, but i feel by episode 3 it started to fall flat with the censorship and just the story telling. if you want a good game, the first two episodes are the best in terms of story, but ep3 onwards are the best in terms of animations. this game couldve been god tierd, but ultimately censorship has stripped the game of its most unique and fun storyline. its alright, but its nothing to scream home about.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The game opens on a high note and leaves you with high expectations.

    Those expectations come crashing down pretty quickly as you realise neither the story nor the characters are really going anywhere. Every scene plays out the same way, characters remain the same. The only thing that really changes is the renders. Renders that are extremely hard to get to because of the convoluted and grindy progression system.

    It leaves you with a feeling of a grindfest and pointlessness. if you want to see some beautifully rendered porn. I'd recommend just getting the gallery unlocker. The story and the associated grinding are absolutely not worth it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    this is my first review so I hope I do it right.Surely this is a controversial game which either you love or hate.I love this game althought it gave me some hard time in the middle of episode 2 until the second Steve visit . After that point I believe the game porgress in a fast enough pace and the quality of progression and renders makes easy to forgive any faults you may encountered in the earlier stages. The models of some girls ( Monica , Melanie , Claire , Linda , Stephanie ) to name some of them are among the best I've seen in games. Easily one of my top-five games in the site. Sorry for my poor English as I am not a native spreaker
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is rough. Not rough like needing more polish and work done to it, but just rooough. Not fun to play at all. Way too grindy. It's not sandboxy despite being set up like one. It's micromanaging a point and click game. "Game", sorry. The moment this game gets even remotely in the vicinity of interesting (waaaaay too far into the game, btw) it goes right back to boring random clicking with little sense of what to do or where to go.

    I'm having more fun writing this review, which is fucking saaad.

    Character models are okay. that's about the only plus. Story is dumb, the writing is bad, there is no gameplay but what "gameplay" there is is such a slog that you realize you just wasted hours of your weekend clicking incessantly through this shit sandwich trying to get to the first sex scene with the main character. Hours in, still nothing.

    Avoid at all costs. Don't play this shit. Do literally anything else with your time and life.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a fabulous game. Granted, I felt the first episode was probably the best, though the 3rd is also up there (haven't played 4). The characters are varied, and beautiful. Sometimes you feel powerless just like the MC might. The one annoying thing (the first time I saw was is in Ch. 3) is the locked Patreon content. In some cases, it prevents choices, which breaks the immersion. The other thing that is weird (i feel that it should be spread in time) is the MC's desperation for money and offering services on the street when she already makes much more money as a stripper and/or has enough cash on hand to meet her needs. Initially when she is struggling for any cash, the street job makes more sense the way it is presented. Nonetheless, excellent game that I enjoy. As you progress in the game, the sex becomes more and more explicit. What I liked in Ch. 3 was that once again, I could choose to be a bitch or a nice person in some interactions.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    DISCLAIMER: this is, obviously, a personal opinion. But I wil share the facts that makes me regret of playing this game.

    Oh God. I need to rant. I'm pissed off. But pissed off with myself, for the hours I decided to spend in this game hoping it would get somehow better.

    I played all Ep 1 and almost Ep 2 entirely. I give it 2 stars just because female models (and Monica on top) are amazing, and the idea of the story is interesting. But that's what makes me so angry. It had everything to be a masterpiece game, but decided to ruin it with a lot of grinding, meaningless dialogues, repetitive scenes, poor sense of humor and horrible male models.

    Now I will give some details on the pros and cons I found:

    -The main
    story is very intriguing. Somehow unbelievable and can only happen in a world where many things "doesn't work" like they use to, but the story keeps you interested on what's going on behind Monica's fall.

    -Graphical aspect of female renders is great, if not one of the best out there. Facial expresions are really impressive, and the aesthetic of the girls is very good. But this two pros get overshadowed by the many cons.


    - The grinding in this game reaches stupid levels. It has no sense. You have to go and come here and there changing clothes, eating, sleeping, waiting days. It feels like playing a cheap version of The Sims. There is no porpose for the plot in this grinding. You just have to waste a lot of time doing repetitive things that doesn't add to anything. Just to compare, games like Treasure of Nadia have also a lot of grinding, but finding objects and doing different things related to the plot.

    - The same goes with dialogues. I got tired of reading "I will drag them to dust" after a blackmail scene, or "I would never do (insert any humillating action)... On the other hand, I need the money". The dialogues with Victoria are fucking stupid. They underestimate the intelligence of the player. "Are you a good friend?" "Yes" "Tell me, I want to hear you. Yes what?" "I'm a good friend". Melanie and Monica have to repeat everything Victoria says.

    -Even when the game intend to be funny, the humor is very basic and not fun at all. It lacks of creativity. "Ohh, well, another guy who just crossed the sexual boundaries they previously agreed on with Monica. How funny.". Other games like Being a Dik have a sense of humor that actually makes you laugh, even if they are just moments.

    -Every single sexual encounter occurs in the context of blackmailing/ prostitution. I'm not a prude. I understand that the game is not vanilla and that blackmailing is a main theme in the plot. But making this the ONLY source of sexual encounters makes the game more and more repetitive. All the sexual encounters have the same structure: Monica is blackmailed. Then she agreed on making some sexual things to the guy. The guy push forward the boundaries, Monica protest, but at the end accept the situation.

    -All the male characters are by far more ugly than the average person. The only "standard looking" characters may be Alex and the profesor. I understand that it's intended to humillate Monica the most, and I'm not here for the male characters (I'm 100 % hetero). But let's be honest. We are here for the lewd theme. The plot is a build up toward these scenes. I expect them to be something aesthetic. I would not complain if 2 or 3 guys in the game were bad looking, but being almost every male character the hunchback of Notre Dame is a big turn off for me.

    That's all I can say. It's a shame that the story and the amazing graphics are wassted that way.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Juicy Blueberry

    Originally was playing it to watch Monica being bitch and get what she deserved. Now as I spend more time on the game, I see other bitchy women. Now I am playing it to see Monica get her place back and humiliate other bitches. Really hate Victoria and want to send her to Marcus' Ranch!
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Well i gave this a good try and it started out great even though i normaly never play female protagonist games, this sounded decent and like it could be a fun story, but it gets worse and worse as you come along.
    Even the cheat mode dosent effect the game, quest say collect 5k, but it dosent care if you got 5k your forced to strip naked to earn 5k no matter how much money you got.

    I couldent really get into the story, it was fun being the bitch or nice when you felt like it, but you dont even get the satifaction of using any of your power, i was looking forward to fire Fred and the 2 girl sluts at Steves office, but you arent allow to even do that.

    Then you get trown in jail which feels a bit stupid, they claim you have no rights to a lawyer even though everyone has that right even non citizen, but lets ignore that fact, then you get trown in jail by male cops, the rip off you clothes, they starve you and invite rapist into your cell not sure if she got raped or not, then they stip her naked as well for all the other prisoners to see and the cops ofc, all normal human rights are just trown out the window.

    If the game was about getting back up and get revenge on everyone and find ways to not have to do shit with people you hate then game could be alot of fun, but getting forced to lets say suck Freds dick wasent my cup of tea, and i expect it will only become worse.

    Game also just get to boring, constantly just having to collect money doing shit you dont want to do, and never get any revenge on anyone treating you like siht, if your into being submissive this might be a great game but its most defently not my type of game.

    Dident really find most of the girls all that hot, but the worst part is the men are all just really ugly or fat or old, i guess it fits the game in some way but playing the MC being forced to do anything with them wouldent give me any joy what so ever, so game really isent in my taste.

    Animations are good somewhat short but good and rare.

    Music is Meh.

    Sandbox aspect is really annoying, just talking to someone feels like work since you click on someone click talk then they say a few things and then you have to yet and click on the person click talk to continue the conversation it happens over and over instend of just finishing the talk after first click, it dosent really make sense....
    The dressing itsent that but it still adds to the annoyance since you come home change to underware to sleep wake up change to home clothes to go take a bath then go change again to outdoor clothes and this is every single day.

    From act 2 you cant even scroll back anymore, you got no auto saves, you got no quick saves, it becomes a pure pain in the ass to play.
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    Playing this game is like going to the job.
    It is literal grindfest to open one another picture or one another scene.
    Unintuitive and terrible game interface.
    And then you have stats system.... which kills the last bit of hope, and is only viable with cheating or with repetition for many hours.
    Just to get from bed and walk outside you have to make 5-6 clicks.
    And the scenes are simply not worth it.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I had never played a female protagonist "humiliation" type game, so I was curious. And... before the "fall" of Monica, I thought this game was freaking amazing! However, I couldn't bear to continue playing after that! There were lots of gross scenes and it was really depressing. For me, Monica's selfishness and naïveté was cute and it made me feel like she was my daughter. So it was unbearable for me to see her suffer! It's such a shame because this game has the hottest models in the world of VN... Melanie, Victoria... and I wanted Monica to stay on top of those mean bitches and the gross gentlemen...

    Honestly, I'd love the version in which Monica stays the "Rich Bitch" from start to the end! If someone could make one, it's gonna be a big hit, don't you think?
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    sasuke 12345

    Not worth a 1000 clicks to go to bed, MC face is still unattractive. Not realistic at all, Additionally, the storyline, or lack thereof, was a major letdown. I anticipated at least a semblance of a plot to accompany the adult content, but the narrative was weak and uninteresting. It felt like the developers focused solely on the explicit aspects of the game, neglecting the importance of a compelling story that could enhance the overall gaming experience.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Blood-Red Circus

    Great game.
    The main advantages: excellent 3D graphics, the presence of a plot, characters with their own characters, a huge amount of work done, a lot of events. There are disadvantages, but this is the case when you simply don’t even want to mention them.
    Good luck and all the best.)
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Truly one of my most regrettable waste of time. Game constantly crashes whenever you try and move from one location to the next. The story is abysmal with how slow and ridiculous the pace is set and overall the gameplay shows you exactly how intelligent the dev thinks his players are. Treats you like an absolute monkey who has no choice but to keep sinking time trying to get the next new scene after going through the same no sex routine over and over again.
    TLDR: Skip this completely and you will never regret it.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Essentially torture porn with the porn being occasional between pointless busy work. So basically just torture.

    Watch a beautiful, bitchy, driven and intelligent woman's life unravel in the most nonsensical way ever. See how she lets everyone take advantage of her now apparent sheer stupidity, in what seems to be a conspiracy to bring her down, seemingly by everyone she's ever known.

    Maybe a re-write of sections of EP1 could solve some of my issues with the story but in all honesty, it's just not fun to see Monica being tortured. It feels like I'm watching a special needs person being taken advantage of at every step. Shame as she really is stunning.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    First of all, really love the models and renders. Animations are simple loops but pretty nice. Melanie is one of the hottest girls in any game i have seen. Was literally pushing my self to play more, just to see more of her.

    That aside, everything else about this game pisses me off. Story is intriguing but poorly executed. Choices imho dont meant anything in this game. But the worst thing is the GAMEplay. It is just tedious and honestly very annoying to play
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Ok , I'll be honest , I'm just at episode 1 , and not even finished with it . But some stuff are way too weird and annoying to not comment upon already . If by the end my opinions changes , I'll just amend them

    The game is padded with silly actions that are just aggravating and clearly there to add grind and waste time . Who the hell changes clothes , so they could go take a shower , and to change back into the same (supposedly dirty then) clothes ? Before of course changeing again for either PJs or work clothes ?

    Why to i have to click again on a character each new sentence , when I'm clearly already in a conversation with them (Steve in his office comes to mind) ?

    And some of the "bitchy" vs "Decent" choices are weird ... i know that it's an adult game , so stuff will always be skewed to lead to such content . But some choices are just between being horrible or a complete doormat .
    It is much better imo when the "evil/bitchy" choices are actually picked by a player by choice and taste , rather than just wanting to avoid a ridiculously submissive and passive pick .
    If you just decided that the main should always be a bitch , don't bother with a gauge and those choices , just focus instead on providing other kind of choices ... such as whom to torment , sleep with and ditch .
    As an example i expected to decide on a kinky route with Julia the maid , out of the bat , even if it would not obviously immediately lead to sex (or even at all ) , instead I'm forced to play a prank on a carpet to punish her , for something i know ain't her fault .

    Otherwise the concept is interesting , so is the main character . But the main gameplay is just annoying from the start . The clothing store sequence was awful ... You're basically forced to seek for any pixel that light up , in the hope that you can trigger the next scene to finally be able to change the dresses and get out .