I'm really sorry to only award 2 points, but unfortunately this played a decisive role in me losing my enjoyment of the game.
One point deducted because the narrator is trapped in an endless loop of repetitive text and images, which highlights the weakness of the style and presentation and the actual gameplay involved.
What I mean by that is ...
Imagine ... You embark on an adventure that takes 2-3 hours of reading time.
Afterwards you have to tell your boss in the game what happened on the adventure.
Instead of making a cut and time jump here, you have to chew through the entire adventure again.
You are now required to spend another 2-3 hours of reading time working through all the images, texts and content that happened on the adventure. You will be sitting in a room with 8 other characters. Every minute you spend from here on is extremely tiring.
It doesn't get you one step further. You already know everything that is discussed in this meeting.
As soon as everything has been chewed over, your boss suddenly comes up with content about 4 certain “bosses” that are now your main objective.
And Again, you're sitting there and you're having to pull in information in this meeting room about the life/CV of each of these 4 guys.
An eternity later ...
Finally, the story continues ... your mission ... a meeting with one of these gangster bosses.
And here's the best part (not really) ... Guess what you're doing at this meeting?
Exactly ... the gangster boss tells you the same story about the other bosses as your boss did for hours in the meeting. Basically nothing new, the same pictures and meaningless information.
Oh Boy, the way a story is told here, the same loop of already known content over and over again, is simply an extreme waste of time, doesn't advance the story for hours and costs a lot of nerves and morale to continue reading.
Plus, my personal opinion and of course everyone can view this differently:
One point deducted for the stereotypical American view of women with silicone watermelons for breasts. Simply unattractive to look at, unnatural, unesthetic. “Equipping” all women with them doesn't even give me the opportunity to like at least one.
One point deduction for the completely useless love/corruption point system which is not sophisticated enough and basically just leads to you being trapped in a kinetic novel because you are constantly missing points to make a choice.
What I mean by that is ...
Imagine ... You embark on an adventure that takes 2-3 hours of reading time.
Afterwards you have to tell your boss in the game what happened on the adventure.
Instead of making a cut and time jump here, you have to chew through the entire adventure again.
You are now required to spend another 2-3 hours of reading time working through all the images, texts and content that happened on the adventure. You will be sitting in a room with 8 other characters. Every minute you spend from here on is extremely tiring.
It doesn't get you one step further. You already know everything that is discussed in this meeting.
As soon as everything has been chewed over, your boss suddenly comes up with content about 4 certain “bosses” that are now your main objective.
And Again, you're sitting there and you're having to pull in information in this meeting room about the life/CV of each of these 4 guys.
An eternity later ...
Finally, the story continues ... your mission ... a meeting with one of these gangster bosses.
And here's the best part (not really) ... Guess what you're doing at this meeting?
Exactly ... the gangster boss tells you the same story about the other bosses as your boss did for hours in the meeting. Basically nothing new, the same pictures and meaningless information.
Oh Boy, the way a story is told here, the same loop of already known content over and over again, is simply an extreme waste of time, doesn't advance the story for hours and costs a lot of nerves and morale to continue reading.
Plus, my personal opinion and of course everyone can view this differently: