criticize for the sake of criticizing? Here it is:
The girl leaves for work early. J is going to an interview later. and puts on his pants. On the way to the interview, he gets a call and is told that it is postponed until tomorrow. For example, the wife of the person who is hiring is giving birth. J goes to work to see his girlfriend and sees her with his nightmare. He approaches them.
Seeing him in those pants.
Freya: (Clown pants, I hate them) How did the interview go?
J: They call...
Here Samuel butts in: To an interview in such pants? As a clown in the circus?
Laughter, resentment, etc.
Then the girl says that there are still a few hours of work.
J goes to the park and meets an old man.
J waits for Freya.
They walk home together, talking on the way.
Freya: (remembering J's upset face) I'm sorry, I shouldn't have laughed.
J: Don't worry, it's okay. (I'm starting to hate these pants).
J: I think I'll throw them away.
J then decides to change the subject
J: How was your day?
and so on.
At home, taking off his pants, he falls, she catches him.
There's a joke about pants, a fall and a catch.
I'm not calling for anything to be changed. This was written as an example. So that there would be no criticism for the sake of criticism

The female character looks awesome. I love redheads.
I hope there will be a good romantic route. Not inferior in volume to the others. And if the black guys have sisters, then Freya and J can have fun with them

Good luck with the development.
Google translator might have translated something incorrectly